Theodore's World: GOP Freshmen Members of Congress Focus Group

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January 05, 2011

GOP Freshmen Members of Congress Focus Group

The second guy who speaks really nails it, he says:

"Frank I've been an Air Force pilot for about 8 years, it's a job I love, I've been overseas a number of times. What I learned in all that is that we've got an amazing country that's worth defending. We've got a lot of brave men and women defending her on the outside, now we need some brave men and women defending her on the inside"


Wild Thing's comment........

They are all good and some stand out more then others. This video is well worth wathcing to hear what they all have to say.

Posted by Wild Thing at January 5, 2011 04:50 AM


I was disappointed Allen West wasn't among the group last night. This group sounds like they know what needs to be done but unfortunately, they're not even a handful when it comes to the total House.

Posted by: BobF at January 5, 2011 08:05 AM

I watched it and was blown away. When asked about being a Republican or Conservative first, they all went for Conservative. If the repubic-thugs don't get their collective asses in gear, they're gonna have a major problem for the next 2 years. Ya hear that McConnell & Boehner? As for McCain, Snowe, Brown, Graham and that other NE douche nozzle, take a lose.

Posted by: Eddie (Enemy of the State) at January 5, 2011 08:05 AM

I like the lady that said they are not there to make a career out of politics. If they can maintain that thought they will be less likely to begin compromising. Again, I remember the great turnover of 1994 and how by 2006 they had done most of a 180 and were a mere shadow of the conservative wave they rode in on.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at January 5, 2011 09:47 AM

Bob, he might have had another speaking appointment, he has really been doing a lot of them.

Thank you everyone so much.

Tom, that was good too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at January 5, 2011 11:38 PM