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November 11, 2010
Veterans Day ~ A Very Special Thank You To ALL Who Serve, or Have Served, Our Beloverd USA!

The Best on Earth
A Veteran's Day Tribute
If someone has done military service,
They earn the title "veteran," and more;
They earn our deep respect and admiration;
That they are special no one can ignore.
They sacrificed the comforts we enjoy;
The list is long of all the things they gave.
Our veterans are extraordinary people;
They’re loyal, dedicated, true and brave.
When terror and invasion were real threats,
They showed us they could handle any storm.
We owe our freedoms and our very lives
To our veterans, who served in uniform.
Our veterans should be celebrities;
They’re exceptional; no other group compares.
We’re grateful for the many things they’ve done;
They’re always in our hearts and in our prayers.
We owe our veterans support and friendship;
Let no one ever question what they’re worth.
These men and women served us and our country,
Our veterans--the very best on earth.
Veterans Day Discounts.....Please CLICK HERE for list.
Wild Thing's comment........
I have posted this before, and it is so good I wanted to post it again.
We would never of had our FREEDOM if it were not for each one of you that have served our country, and all our Veterans and our troops today. Thank you with all my heart!
Thanks is such a small word. I have a long history of family members serving or served in the military. And not one second of any day goes by without me being completely grateful and honored that they chose to fight for our freedom. God Bless America!!
If it were not for those who serve this great nation none of us would have life as we know it.
Our debt can never be repaid. I feel so inadequate in my humble honor of these men and women and all of you here that have served our country, all who have sacrificed SO MUCH for my safety and freedom! They are worthy of so much more than I have to give.
Prayers lifted for our fallen heroes.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 11, 2010 07:55 AM
God Love you W/T you are the best! Thank You for reminding us of what this day really means!
Posted by: MrHappy at November 11, 2010 09:17 AM
Thank you for another great Veteran's Day post WT. And thanks to all my fellow vets for serving the nation we love.
Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at November 11, 2010 10:17 AM
To all you vets out there, Thank You!
Posted by: Jim at November 11, 2010 11:02 AM
Not only a thanks to all the Vets but also to those who faithfully supported them; especially during the times when it wasn't the popular thing to do.
Posted by: BobF at November 11, 2010 12:28 PM
As I fly our Flag 24x7x365 I'm puting a new made
in America Flag...Today is Veterans Day. Do you know where your president is?
Posted by: gator at November 11, 2010 12:28 PM
W/T, you have no idea how much your appreciation means to me and my fellow veterans.
Posted by: Rick at November 11, 2010 01:11 PM
Happy Veteran Day to all and especially to Chrissie. No one is more of a patriot than she. We love you girl!
Posted by: Eddie (Enemy of the State) at November 11, 2010 04:41 PM
We love you WT, thank you for your service.
Posted by: Jack at November 11, 2010 05:45 PM
Ditto's Jack.
Posted by: Mark at November 11, 2010 07:12 PM
If only it could have been different. That's a great video.
Posted by: Mark at November 11, 2010 09:10 PM
When you have 7 minutes,
pause, listen and reflect upon these words of President Ronald Reagan, together with a great compilation of pictures of him.
From exactly 22 years ago, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, November 11, 1988,
here's a reminder of what we Americans used to have in the White House:
The stars and stripes forever.
Posted by: Carlos at November 11, 2010 10:27 PM
Love you all and thank you!!!
Carlos, thank you for the video in your comment.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 12, 2010 03:44 AM