Theodore's World: Obama's Security Dog Named 'Khan' Has Ticked Off Muslims In India

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November 08, 2010

Obama's Security Dog Named 'Khan' Has Ticked Off Muslims In India

India Abroad weekly

Muslims in Mumbai are up in arms against a United States military sniffer dog allegedly with name tag of ‘Khan’ that has landed in the city as part of President Barack Obama security arrangements.

On Tuesday, the German Shepherd arrived in the Mumbai airport from a Hercules C130 transport plane. The German Shepherd allegedly had a tag around its neck which read ‘MWD Khan.’ MWD stands for Military Working Dog. Khan is alleged to be the name of the dog.

Angry Muslims in the city and the state are threatening to protest this ‘insult’ to the community.

The issue became a rage when a tabloid had reported the incident and quoted veteran actor Raza Murad objecting to the dog being named ‘Khan.’

Maharashtra Samajwadi Party leader MLA Abu Asim Azmi also threatened to undertake a protest. He said that the US deliberately wants to incite the Muslims through such acts and the party would stage a protest on the issue.

Prominent Muslim religious heads have expressed anger and dismay on the information of a US dog being named 'Khan.' Maulana Syed Athar Ali said that it is a known fact that Muslims detest pigs and dogs

"To name a dog a Muslim name by US security agencies is to deliberately incite the Muslim community. We would be meeting soon and devise a strategy to protest and seek apology from the US," said Maulana Athar Ali.

Wild Thing's comment........

‘Muslims Up In Arms’. WHAT a surprise!

I wonder what Muslims think of “Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan”?

Heh heh just know I have to say it...........


Okay I got all out of my system

OK so change its name to Muhammed..No that might put the dog in danger but some madman Islamic.

I would value the life of that dog over the lives of every dirtbag POS fan of baby raping Muhammad in Mumbai.

Posted by Wild Thing at November 8, 2010 05:55 AM


"Prominent Muslim religious heads have expressed anger and dismay on the information of a US dog being named 'Khan.' Maulana Syed Athar Ali said that it is a known fact that Muslims detest pigs and dogs."

So? I detest thin-skinned Muzzies who find (look for) insult in everything just as an excuse to cause violence...can I just protest and make them go away? "You looked at me side-ways...I KEEEEL YOU!!" Now we'll have some jerk Mullah call for a fatwah or jihad on dogs, pigs, Jews, Christians, other muzzies who are not muzzie enough for his liking, women, people who smell like pigs or dogs, etc... Geez. Do these people ever stop? I detest the murder of Christians in Iraq. I detest the honor-killing of young women. I detest the rape of women because they refuse to submit sexually to thier husbands. I detest the beating and murder of women in the streets of Iran because they were dressed other than that allowed by sharia. I detest the murder of Jewish children just because the muzzies see them as less than human...I could go on. They have NOTHING to complain about until they change their murderous ways. Ahem...soap box now vacated.

Posted by: petesuj at November 8, 2010 08:27 AM

Does anythin not offend these A-holes. You'd think they'd get a life, a hobby would be good. Like beating their wives...oh wait they already do that...Hmmm...Somebody I was talking to online said, she thought the only solution was to Nuke the middle east and start over, fresh. The more I think about it the better it sounds.

Posted by: Mark at November 8, 2010 09:02 AM

Ah yes! Another incident in the perpetual anger of muslims/moslems. May piss be upon them and allah. There are a lot of these slimy bastards in America. That angers me. Some day soon we will begin to have troubles with them as France and Britain do now. It will probably be up to armed American citizens to handle that problem. I am almost looking forward to that day.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at November 8, 2010 09:31 AM

Pete, well said. I join you in protesting them. It would be great if there really was a major protest around the world against these muzzies. Let them see how much THEY are not wanted instead of the way it has been the other way around.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 8, 2010 01:08 PM

Mark, I agree, I have never seen any group no matter how radical with so many compalints. They work as hard at their hate as they do looking for things to get ticked off about.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 8, 2010 01:12 PM

Tom, I agree, we are only at the tipping point right now but that can escalate in no time since we are caving in so much to the muslims.

Posted by: Wild Thing at November 8, 2010 01:14 PM

How about they rename the dog Mohammed. I get so sick of these pukes going nuts about minutae. The sooner we get around to playing Cowboys and Muzzies , the better.

Posted by: Billy Ray in Cowtown at November 8, 2010 08:58 PM