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November 27, 2010
Obama Hurt Playing Basketball Only Has To Get 12 Stitches
Barack Obama needed 12 stitches in his lip after taking an errant elbow during a pickup basketball game Friday with a group of family and friends visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday, the White House said.
Press secretary Robert Gibbs said in a statement that Obama was inadvertently struck by an elbow. The elbow’s owner wasn’t identified.
Obama received the stitches under local anesthesia in the doctor’s office on the ground floor White House after he returned home.
The president had traveled to nearby Fort McNair to indulge in one of his favorite athletic pursuits, basketball. It was a five-on-five contest involving family and friends and including Reggie Love, Obama’s personal assistant who played at Duke University.
Obama emerged from the building after about 90 minutes of play, wearing short-sleeve T-shirt and gym pants, and was seen dabbing at his mouth with what appeared to be a wad of gauze.
Player Who Injured Obama Identified
The White House has identified the person whose elbow injured President Barack Obama during a pickup game of basketball on Friday.
His name is Rey Decerega and he works for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.
The White House also released a statement from Decerega, who says he enjoys playing basketball with Obama and is sure the president will be back out on the court again soon.
As the official White House Christmas tree arrived Friday by horse drawn carriage, Barack Obama was seen from a window nursing his lip. The White House says Obama needed 12 stitches after being injured in a basketball game. (Nov. 26)

Wild Thing's comment.......
I do soooo hope this means he will not be sucking up air time on TV for awhile. I am so sick of seeing and hearing him. Can you hear me now Obama????
Unless oh what if, no that would not happen would it? How do you put stitches in a teleprompter?
Amazing no blood from a cut lip that needs 12 stitches caused by an elbow. I don't see any blood in the photos..
Posted by Wild Thing at November 27, 2010 02:50 AM
I read on Drudge the extra stitches were so there would be as little a scar as possible. This seems to be a little Over KIll for a bump from an elbow, Assssssssssssssssssswipe.
Posted by: Mark at November 27, 2010 07:30 AM
Good I hope it hurt, butthead.
Posted by: MrHappy at November 27, 2010 11:55 AM
I doubt it (a much bigger jolt needed), but just maybe it knocked some sense into him.
Posted by: Carlos at November 27, 2010 02:10 PM
Mark, ditto that, thanks for that from Drudge too.
Mr.Happy, heh heh I hope so too.
Carlos, I would hope that as well, it might take a bigger jolt to do that.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 28, 2010 02:54 AM