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November 26, 2010
Giving Thanks In Afghanistan ~ Thank You Troops!

U.S. Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, visits with Glendon E. Bentley and other members of the Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America Honor Guard at the World Congress and Exposition on Disabilities in Dallas, Nov. 19, 2010. DOD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeley
Capt. Woowon Chung dishes out stuffing and mashed potatoes at FOB Tarnek in the Dand district of Kandahar on Thursday for troops with 1st Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division out of Fort Drum, New York. Some of the officers rocked their Stetsons as they served the meal to the enlisted soldiers
U.S. troops in Afghanistan got a little taste of Thanksgiving festivities on Thursday as some leaders dished out the holiday feast for the deployed troops. Like Capt. Woowon Chung, who dishes out stuffing and mashed potatoes at FOB Tarnek in the Dand district of Kandahar on Thursday for troops with 1st Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division out of Fort Drum, New York. Some of the officers rocked their Stetsons as they served the meal to the enlisted soldiers. Meanwhile, with calls of "cup or cone" before soldiers were even through the line getting their Thanksgiving meal, 1st Sgt. Philip Harrison eagerly scooped cookies-and-cream ice cream for the soldiers of 1/71 Cav. The troops walked away with their plates piled high with yams, turkey and mashed potatoes and ice cream dripping down their hands.
Wild Thing's comment.....
No Obama today, let's pretend he does not exist for the day. Poof! OH how I wish. haha
Have a wonderful Friday everyone.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 26, 2010 05:47 AM
Yippee!! A day without obama is a pain free day.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at November 26, 2010 10:07 AM
Yeah, I guess the little twerp got an 'Owie' playing basketball, 12 stitches lets hear it...Asssssssssssssssswipe.
Posted by: Mark at November 26, 2010 07:35 PM
Man (Pres. Reagan) vs Illegal Man-Boy (Mr. Obama) After Injury!!!
Man, Pres. Reagan Wins!
Posted by: Anon at November 26, 2010 10:47 PM
Tom, heh heh is sure feels good. I agree a pain free day.
Mark, your right, that was sweet justice even on a small scale.
Anon, thanks for the link. Reagan was the best.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 26, 2010 11:07 PM