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October 06, 2010
MTV News Planning Obama Town Hall ~ Hello MTV We Are Sick Of His 24/7 Air Time

MTV News Planning Obama Town Hall
MTV Networks is planning to host a live town hall with President Obama October 14, an executive familiar with the program confirms to TVNewser.
The town hall, which was first reported this morning by Politico’s Playbook, will be held Thursday October 14 at 4 PM, and will run on MTV, BET, CMT, MTV Tr3s and other MTV Networks. The executive also said the event would be streamed live online via the network’s websites.
Politico reports that MTV’s Sway Calloway, CMT’s Kate Cook and BET’s April Woodard will host the town hall, which will have an audience comprised of young people.
Wild Thing's comment.......
I dare them to do it with no teleprompters. I double dare them.
LOL Desperation is truly setting in. If the Dems are trying to rely on the youth vote in getting to the polls during mid-term elections, they are truly reaching.
Does anyone even watch MTV anymore? I can’t even tell you what channel it’s on.
Remember back when Bill Clinton did an MTV question and answer and he was asked....Boxers or briefs?
Posted by Wild Thing at October 6, 2010 02:47 AM
Hey obama what did you like better crack or cocaine? or ...Has Moochelle always been a slob or did she work it her whole life? Inquiring minds want to know.
Posted by: Mark at October 6, 2010 08:30 AM
Mark, OMG hahhahahah good one!! Brillant Mark.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2010 07:53 PM