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October 10, 2010
Like The Economy, Self-loathing, Open Borders? Vote for a Democrat
Like The Economy, Self-loathing, Open Borders? Vote for a Democrat
by Colonel Bob Pappas, USMC, Retired
It is a tragic day when a country’s leader, whether legitimate or not, finds satisfaction in playing a major part in bringing that country to its economic knees. And so, Barrack Hussein Obama finds great satisfaction. As much as he tries to lay blame at “Bush’s” feet for the nation’s economic distress, which worked for a while, it is increasingly clear that he, and his socialist/communist operatives and lemmings, is the architect.
The media in general with notable exceptions assume that Obama has tried to help the economy, a demonstrably false assumption. Obama has repeatedly stated as the economy declines, “We are on track.” Even as he campaigns for his socialist cohorts for reelection he shouts, “We have to stay the course.” What many assume, which is absolutely naïve to do, is that “staying the course” is intended to help the economy, an absolutely false assumption. Staying the course from Obama’s perspective is to bring the economy to complete collapse then impose wide ranging government control, because “we cannot let the economy fail.” That is where Obama wants the economy to go, and it is obvious from everything he does.
While employment was going off the cliff Obama proclaimed, “The economy is on track,” he knew what he was saying. When he stated that the trillion dollar stimulus would keep unemployment from going over eight percent, he knew that was a fallacious claim. When he said that he was a unifier he was right, he has unified communists, socialists, Muslims, and non-taxpayers. But he delights in spitting in the face of the majority of Americans who want a relatively free market economy with minimum but necessary government intrusion.
If one likes the way Obamacare was enacted against the will of the vast majority of Americans, the, with one hundred percent certainty, predictable degradation in health care, the ongoing draconian increase in insurance rates, exemption from “Obamacare” for members of Congress, unions, and other special interests; taxpayer bailouts of the financial and automotive industries, the housing crash, Stimulus I, II, III and possibly IV, impending onerous tax hikes that will constitute the largest increase in taxes in the nation’s history, the greatest increase in national debt in record time in the nation’s history, destruction of the “American Dream;” greater political and racial polarization, higher unemployment, loss of national stature, devaluation of the U.S. dollar, becoming the world’s leading international relations basket case, abandonment of traditional allies, bootlicking of Islamic nations, increased border violence, taking State’s to court, less hope and more depression to mention just a smattering of
his “hope and change” objectives, one probably should vote for Obama and his political cronies in Congress.
Just ask oneself, “Am I better off today than I was when Democrats in 2006 and then Obama 2008 were elected?” “Who set up the housing crash?” “Who put the economy near the cliff?” Those who know the facts not the spin, know it was Democrats and Liberal Republicans in the Congress and to be fair, a President who was too weakened by constant attacks in the media and by the new majority in the Congress to do anything about it.
But, if Americans want to re-open the nation for business, create jobs, lower taxes, reduce the scope and reach of the Federal and State Governments, and get the nation out of the doldrums, then vote ever single careerist out of office and that might even include some personal friends. It’s time for Americans to take back their government from political careerists, lobbyists, big government, fat and lazy bureaucrats, and restore to Americans real hope and a bright future.
Unlike government unions, most Americans do not want the stale benign existence of being taken care of by the state; most Americans’ forbearers did not come here for that. But with the effective “open borders” attitude of this Administration notwithstanding its advertised deportation achievements, which are questionable at best and fraudulent (like California legislators 340% overstatement of pollution) at worst, this Administration is working to change not only the economy to the socialist model, but American culture from one of personal independence to one of complete dependence under the mantra of “spreading the wealth around.”
Aside. As for taxing the rich, whoever they are and most know some of them, some earned it, but most took it from good faith investors, a big difference. 100 million or even 5 million dollar bonuses are not earned. Stock manipulation to increase its value is not earned, fraudulent statements or puffery in representation of investment opportunities is not earning, short term capital gains are not earned, playing the market is not earning; and, please don’t feed me “buyer beware.” Most investment peddlers are infinitely more sophisticated than the ordinary investor and is adept at taking their money and anyone with any experience or sense knows it. The nation needs to get back to the concept of earning and that alone would crop the obscene greed that dominates the top end of the wealth spectrum and simultaneously protect legitimate investors.
This election is an historic time in the nation’s lifecycle. Americans are confronted with the choice of going over the waterfall with this Administration and its lackey’s in the Congress or taking the nation back. And by the way, any Republican politician who believes that it will be business as usual after the election had best wake up because the Republican Party, like the Democrats are doing, will go the way of the Dodo bird.
Semper Fidelis
Wild Thing's comment.......
I agree this will be a historic election and the next one in 2012 as well. This one will start the whole thing if it turns out well and I hope and pray it does. America cannot take this constant abuse and destruction from Obama, his administration and his many Czars.
Excellent write up from the Col.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at October 10, 2010 02:45 AM
Another good rant by Col. Pappas. His description of obama's and the Democrats fast track to socialism is right on target. I also like his aside referencing the greed of many on Wall Street.
Yes, we need to begin a massive overturn of Congress this November.
Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at October 10, 2010 09:24 AM
I always enjoy his comments. I only wish there was some way I could forward them. Any suggestions. I am a Computer semi-literate.
Posted by: Sean at October 10, 2010 11:22 AM
Sean, it is my fault usually I put the link to the story and I forgot this time..
Just copy this link and put it in an email. It is the link to the article.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 10, 2010 03:28 PM
Thank You, WT
Posted by: Sean at October 11, 2010 01:26 AM
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 14, 2010 12:36 PM