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October 06, 2010
Democrat Dick Blumenthal Stumped On How To Create A Job
Democrat Richard Blumenthal absolutely lost and stumped by Republican Linda McMahon with the simple question of, “How do you create a job?” McMahon and Blumenthal squared off in a debate for the U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut.
Blumenthal rambled and flailed for over a minute in trying to answer the question. Linda McMahon took 20 seconds, and nailed it!
She also has a great ad about his lies about being in Vietnam.
Wild Thing's comment..........
He blabbed his way through the question while attempting to squeeze in all of his liberal buzz words..."stronger government intervention, government can help, taxing policies"... She blew him away on this one.
This is exactly the way Obama thinks also.
Posted by Wild Thing at October 6, 2010 02:45 AM
Yeah she did a great job. I guess she was CEO of the WWE for quite some time. Regardless of what people think of the WWE they are a successful business enterprize. She also has a good head on her shoulders. And she creamed Blumenthal in this debate.
The down side is she is down in the polls but those are polls, and who knows who answers them and if they are honest.
I'm not counting her out yet.
Posted by: Mark at October 6, 2010 08:13 AM
All of us either work in the public sector (federal, state, or local government), or we work in the private sector (everywhere else).
This is a classic example of how public sector types like Richard Blumenthal and far too many Democrats haven’t a clue of this.
Squat on their cushy public sector jobs, the real world life of the private sector and risk taking is completely alien to them.
Want to know what divides us politically, what is the disparity between us as Americans today ?
It is exactly this.
The public sector (currently growing unsustainably) derives all of its subsistence from tax revenue; taxes imposed and extracted from a struggling and currently diminishing private sector that struggles to survive making its regular payroll and paying its recurring expenses including federal, state, and local government taxes just trying to stay in business.
We have today in the White House an administration (including every member of the President's cabinet) made up of elite public sector types that have no background or experience in the private sector, people who have never run a business or signed the front side of a payroll check, people who have no clue of what it takes to make a payroll or what risk taking is, much less what it takes to make and sustain a single job.
In their ideal world, there would be no private sector and everybody would work for the public sector and live in misery. Think of modern day Cuba after 50 years without a legal private sector.
Yes, Wild Thing, as you write, this is exactly the way our President thinks also with strong government intervention, or life by government ration.
Blumenthal reminds me of our President speaking earlier this year at Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan's commencement recently.
The President, speaking to the graduating class of young college students, repeatedly said, "Government is us," as he continues to blur the distinction between the public sector and the private sector.
These are not the words of a leader inspiring our young people to achieve, to be exceptional and to distinguish themselves.
These are the words of a collectivist, socialist, unproductive ideology.
The government is not us. The public sector is not us.
The private sector is us.
All of our prosperity comes from the private sector. It is the private sector that creates. It is the private sector that pays for everything.
This is fundamental economics. The private sector provides for everything, including the public sector.
We will not get out of this severe recession (which in many parts of the country outside Washington is a depression) until we finally grow the private sector.
This is what our young people should be taught, lest our future be that of a life by government ration and that of the turmoil and riots in Athens where a whole generation of Greeks with a huge false sense of entitlement has been taught that "government is us".
Talk to any of the Greek Americans in Tarpon Springs, Florida and they will tell you they saw this coming to Greece thirty years ago with their government workers making two and three times what the private sector workers make, 14 months pay for 12 months work when they're not on strike, full retirement at age 55, and worst of all: unmarried daughters inheriting their father's government pension.
That cuts both ways. Not only is this unsustainable, not only do the central planners destroy the work ethic, but you have government destroying your very social values by paying your young women not to get married.
It is a despicable creed of sloth and deceit by elitist central planners. It is socialism. It is hell on earth.
Sorry, to write so much, Wild Thing, but I'm on a roll when I hear these creeps that seek to undermine our country.
The stars and stripes forever !
Posted by: Carlos at October 6, 2010 08:23 AM
It's obvious that Blumenthal didn't have an idea of how to create a job. The man is an outright liar and his "stolen valor" concerning Vietnam is evident of the type of integrity he possesses.
Another thing about WWE. Their wrestlers continually visit our troops throughout the world. The McMahon's honor our military, not disgrace it with lies.
Posted by: BobF at October 6, 2010 09:49 AM
Excellent write up Carlos.
Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at October 6, 2010 10:03 AM
Mark, thanks for that, I was not sure if she worked with WWE or not. I like WWE, I don't watch it a lot but I love how our troops love it so much and how the WWE every year go to see our troops where they are deployed.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2010 07:55 PM
Carlos, fantastic, thank you so much for all you wrote.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2010 07:57 PM
Bob, I agree and thanks for that about the WWE too.
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2010 08:00 PM