Theodore's World: CNN's Donna Brazile: Communist China Has A Successful Economic System--U.S. Capitalism Is "Feeble"

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October 14, 2010

CNN's Donna Brazile: Communist China Has A Successful Economic System--U.S. Capitalism Is "Feeble"

CNN's Donna Brazile: Communist China Has A Successful Economic System--U.S. Capitalism Is "Feeble"

Brazile is a former Gore campaign manager and Democrat pundit. She also served as Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Wild Thing's comment.........

She was the person that the Democrats brought in when Gore was running for President to try and coach him how to be more macho. LOL I will never ever forget that.

Another liberal commie loon. Carrying Obama’s water.

Yes, Donna Communist China is very successful because they use slave labor, don't care about pollution and use currency manipulation to balance trade in there favor.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 14, 2010 01:55 AM


I'd favor of an American economic stimulus program that gives these left fielders, members, and all supporters of this administration one way tickets to communist countries where they can exalt and preach their collectivist theories to each other, live in misery among their own, all within their own collective sloth and deceit.

Posted by: Carlos at October 14, 2010 08:23 AM

That woman's a bigger idiot than Algore. Yeah, China's system's really working well the average pay for a worker is about 1 dollar a day. Can't beat those prices.

Posted by: Mark at October 14, 2010 12:46 PM

If the communists system is so great whats stopping them from leaving ?

Posted by: Mark at October 14, 2010 02:45 PM

Chinese are making money and we're not? Um, that's because they decided marxism doesn't work economically and our left/liberals haven't.

Posted by: Anonymous at October 16, 2010 01:35 AM