Theodore's World: Awesome Sen. Jim DeMint Hits Pelosi, Obama for Ignoring the U.S. Constitution

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August 06, 2010

Awesome Sen. Jim DeMint Hits Pelosi, Obama for Ignoring the U.S. Constitution

Kagan was confirmed later by a 63-37 vote.

Sen. Jim DeMint during a Senate Floor speech against the nomination of Elena Kagan, where he he hammered Nancy Pelosi for her willful disregard of the her oath of office to the U.S. Constitution. DeMint cited Pelosi’s answer when asked where the U.S. Constitution gives her the right to mandate that people purchase Health Insurance. She responded, “You’ve got to be kidding.”

DeMint said Pelosi does not see the Constitution as the document that limits what Government can do to the people. Instead, she and Obama have created a “Yes We Can Congress” that does what it pleases, without any regard to what the Constitution says.

The U.S. Senate has confirmed Elena Kagan to become an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Kagan was confirmed in a vote this afternoon by a 63-37 margin. Only one Democrat voted against Kagan – Ben Nelson, while five Republicans joined the Democrats in confirming Kagan. She will be sworn in on Saturday.

Kagan will undoubtedly be one of the most radically leftist justices to ever sit on the High Court.

Wild Thing's comment.........

Jim DeMint is such a good man. I can think of about a dozen or so that have really stood out these last several years and if we did not have them I hate to think of how it might even be worse for our side, for America's side. To think of having more rino's then we do already I can't even imagine how horrible that would be. Like not even having anyone to stand up for our country.

Posted by Wild Thing at August 6, 2010 06:45 AM


I read the U.S. Constitution's first 52-words ...
called THE PREAMBLE - OFTEN and still get chills down my spine. Our spineless politikooks in power don't even know what I'm talking about!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at August 6, 2010 10:12 PM