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June 11, 2010
Hawaii Elections Clerk: Obama Not Born Here

Hawaii elections clerk: Obama not born here
Official who oversaw ballots in 2008 race says hospital birth certificate non-existent
A college instructor who worked as a senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008 is making the stunning claim Barack Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Obama does not even exist in the Aloha State.
Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for Honolulu, now teaches English at Western Kentucky University.
"There is no birth certificate," said Tim Adams, a graduate assistant who teaches English at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. "It's like an open secret. There isn't one. Everyone in the government there knows this."
Adams, who says he's a Hillary Clinton supporter who ended up voting for John McCain when Clinton lost the Democratic nomination to Obama, told WND, "I managed the absentee-ballot office. It was my job to verify the voters' identity."
He says during the 2008 campaign when the issue of Obama's constitutional eligibility first arose, the elections office was inundated with requests to verify the birthplace of the U.S. senator from Illinois.
"I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver's license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone's identity," Adams explained. "I could look up what bank your home mortgage was in. I was informed by my boss that we did not have a birth record [for Obama]."
At the time, there were conflicting reports that Obama had been born at the Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, as well as the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children across town. So Adams says his office checked with both facilities.
"They told us, 'We don't have a birth certificate for him,'" he said. "They told my supervisor, either by phone or by e-mail, neither one has a document that a doctor signed off on saying they were present at this man's birth."
To date, no Hawaiian hospital has provided documented confirmation that Obama was born at its facility.
WND confirmed with Hawaiian officials that Adams was indeed working in their election offices during the last presidential election.
"His title was senior elections clerk in 2008," said Glen Takahashi, elections administrator for the city and county of Honolulu.
Takahashi also confirmed Adams' time frame at the office from spring until the month of August.
"We hire temporary workers, because we're seasonal," he said.
However, when WND asked Takahashi if the elections office could check on birth records, he said, "We don't have access to that kind of records. [There's] no access to birth records."
Adams responded, "They may say, 'We don't have access to that.' The regular workers don't, the ones processing ballots; but the people in administration do. I was the one overseeing the work of the people doing the balloting."
Adams stressed, "In my professional opinion, [Obama] definitely was not born in Hawaii. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that he was not born in Hawaii because there is no legal record of him being born there. If someone called and asked about it, I could not tell them that person was born in the state."
Please continue HERE for the rest of the article.
Wild Thing's comment........
I am glad they keeping the heat on about this.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at June 11, 2010 08:40 AM
Next to official government documents, the best source of information on where a person was born or came from is family. On the instance of family concerning Obama we have two scenarios.
1. His family in Africa insists he was born in Kenya.
2. His family in Kansas isn't saying anything. Not a word if he was born in the US or not.
Based on the silence of his American family, I tend to believe his African family.
Posted by: BobF at June 11, 2010 09:51 AM
BobF., thank you so much for that. I agree Bob.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 11, 2010 07:17 PM