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June 03, 2010
Dad's Rootbeer Was One Of The Sponsors for Indy 500 and Has Also Been To Vietnam
Two G.I.s drinking Dad's Root Beer on hilltop near A Shah Valley Vietnam June 1968

Dad’s is one of America’s most popular soft drinks. The beverage was developed in Chicago in February of 1937, and its unique and delicious flavor has earned it a loyal following. Chicago Distilled Water & Beverage Company filed the first Dad’s trademark registration on September 24,1938. The Dad’s Root Beer Company, Chicago, filed a trademark registration February 14, 1939.
"We are very excited to have Dad's Root Beer as the primary for the No. 24 car. This is a perfect example of how our relationship has grown and how valuable our partnership has become. We look forward to an exciting month," commented Robbie Buhl, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing co-owner.
Wild Thing's comment.........
This is wonderful that Dad's rootbeer included our troops in Vietnam with their drink at Dad's Rootbbeer History page at their website.
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at June 3, 2010 07:48 AM
Oh yeah, those were the days.
When I was a kid my Mom would send me to the store with a buck and I'd come home with 5# of potatoes, 2 loaves of bread, 3 quarts of milk and a dozen eggs. But you can't do that anymore, today there are too many security cameras.
Does anyone remember Dad's in the 1 gallon jug, glass jug with the handle on top.
Posted by: Mark at June 3, 2010 09:15 AM
We grew up on Dad's Root Beer. It was a staple in our home. Nothing like it on ice. And Mother would make root beer floats with vanilla ice cream for us all summer long. ...Although I must add my absolute favorite memory is sitting at the soda fountain at WT Grants in downtown Buffalo and having a coke - a paper funnel stuck inside a metal stem holder. It was wonderful. I savored every drop :: probably started my habit there LOL
Posted by: jan at June 3, 2010 11:23 AM
Mark, haha thanks for sharing.
Yes I sure do remember it in the 1 gal. jug.
Jan, I LOVE root beer floats. yummy. Thanks for sharing Jan.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 3, 2010 11:33 PM