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March 03, 2010
Jim Bunning's Finest Hour
Jim Bunning's Finest Hour
Throughout his Hall of Fame baseball career, Jim Bunning was famous for the brush back pitch: a fastball inside to a batter crowding the plate. Now Mr. Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky who is retiring after this year, is throwing a political brush back in the Senate on behalf of fiscal responsibility.
And all hell has broken loose. Mr. Bunning has dared to put a hold on a $10 billion spending bill to extend jobless insurance and fund transportation projects. Mr. Bunning says he won't yield until the Senate finds a way to pay for the new spending with cuts somewhere else in the $3.5 trillion budget. For this perfectly reasonable stance, Mr. Bunning has become the Beltway and media villain of the hour. We'd call it his finest hour.
The Senate passed the extension of benefits tonight without the Pay-Go. Bunning and 18 Republicans opposed the bill.
Senate votes 78-19
The weak Republicans that voted with the democrats don’t want the GOP to be cast as the heartless taking away “temporary” unemployment benefits that have become enshrined permanently.
Bomb threats reported at Bunning’s Kentucky offices
Friday afternoon state police took a phone call from the FBI after a threat had been made at the William D. Gormam Educational Center in Hazard.
The center houses the offices of U.S. Senator Jim Bunning and Congressman Hal Rogers.
According to officials working the investigation, the threat was that an explosive device or devices had allegedly been placed at the educational center.
A threat had also been made at Senator Bunning’s Office in Louisville.
HERE is how the VOTE went last night:

Bunning posted his statement online after an agreement was reached today:
U.S. Senator Jim Bunning issued the following statement on the agreement reached today with Majority Leader Harry Reid to vote tonight on how to pay for extending Unemployment Insurance and other programs.
“I hope Senate Democrats tonight vote for their own pay-fors and show Americans that they are committed to fiscal discipline. I will be watching them closely and checking off the hypocrites one by one.”
Wild Thing's comment.......
Bunning demonstrated the conniving and corrupt nature of this administration .
Just two weeks ago democrats signed Pay-Go legislation. Two weeks later they broke that pledge.
Posted by Wild Thing at March 3, 2010 05:49 AM
Well thats the starting point. We have 19 Republicans who have grown a spine. All too typical McCain and Graham voted for this with the rest of the Rinos.
Amazing how the Rinos don't get it. They have kissed the Liberal ass for years and it never does them any good, sadly though, they never learn either for all their ass kissing it just furthers the lefts agenda. Then Reid calls them bipartians.
So that leaves 30 Republicans to get rid of.
Posted by: Mark at March 3, 2010 08:02 AM
I am really surprised that Sen Inhofe of Oklahoma voted Yay on this. Usually he is a standfast conservative. My sometime RINO Sen. Hutchinson of Texas slid by with not voting while she was home getting her ass handed to her by Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Posted by: TomR at March 3, 2010 12:13 PM
Yea, it would have been good for someone to back up Bunning's play. My God, when will Washington realize we're broke? Jim Bunning was a lone voice in the wilderness.
Posted by: Jim at March 3, 2010 07:10 PM
I am going to have to send a couple of hundred dollars to see if we can replace retirement of Bunning (R-KY) with Paul (R-KY)
Posted by: Avitar at March 4, 2010 01:38 AM
Thanks everyone.
Mark, your right, RINO's don't get it at all. And what gets me are when conservatives follow along once and awhile. ( rolling my eyes)
Tom I agree I was surprised too.
Jim, it really is crazy, this constant spending. Very scary.
Avitar, interesting,yes.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 4, 2010 02:21 AM