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March 05, 2010
Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak he and eleven other House Democrats Will Be Voting NO On Obamacare
Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak talking to George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America today, where he flatly said that he and eleven other House Democrats who voted for the House Health Care Bill will NOT vote for ObamaCare this time around if language is not changed that would allow use of Federal Funds for abortion. Stupak wants explicit language that would prohibit use of Federal Funds for Abortion.
The House bill only passed by three votes, so 12 Democrats changing their votes would really put passage in jeopardy.
Stupak is standing on principle, and he told a shocked Stephanopoulos that he is prepared to take responsibility for bringing Obama's effort down if the abortion language is not changed.
How would that be if Obama does not even get a chance to use Reconciliation in the Senate because he can't muster enough Democrats to approve it in the House?
Wild Thing's comment.......
They will tell them they will take it out and then put it back in before the Senate votes. Don’t be duped bluedogs if it is there it will stay in!
Posted by Wild Thing at March 5, 2010 05:45 AM
I just want to know ... do the democrats work for the people who elected them or the president. I keep hearing the president dictating to them on what he wants them to do to pass his plan ... where's "their" plan...I'm all for health care reform but I'm not at all interested in the Socialistic program that by plain view will only cripple the country more.
why isn't the president putting this much effort into creating JOBS
Posted by: Patriott at March 5, 2010 07:44 AM
You're right WT. obama will promise anything even if it is a lie. Let's hope that there are plenty of moderate Blue Dog Democrats to kill this bill in the House. They may be our only hope. Another thin blue line!
Posted by: TomR at March 5, 2010 02:25 PM
Tom, good one about it being the thin blue line. I hate liars and obama and the rest on the left are experts at it more then any Republican I think.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 5, 2010 07:36 PM