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February 25, 2010
Pelosi Renews Dispute With CIA Over Interrogation Techniques

Pelosi Renews Dispute With CIA Over Interrogation Techniques
FOX News
Prodded by the release of dozens of declassified CIA documents, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi renewed her long-running dispute with the Central Intelligence Agency about the use of harsh interrogation practices.
"I have never been briefed by the CIA or anyone else on the subject of those interrogations, to the extent that they were being used," the California Democrat told reporters Tuesday. "We were only briefed that there were lawyers in the Justice Department that thought they were legal, period."
The comments marked Pelosi's first foray into the controversy in nine months that pitted the top House Democrat against the nation's premier spy agency. Responding to a lawsuit filed by Amnesty International and two other human rights watchdog groups, the CIA released several dozen documents detailing how the CIA handled suspected terrorism suspects and briefed lawmakers about it.
The documents show Pelosi was briefed about "ongoing interrogations of Abu Zubaydah" on April 24, 2002, just weeks after the top Al Qaeda suspect was captured in Pakistan.
Only 10% Say Pelosi's Heavy Democrat Congress Doing A Good Job
The Pelosi-Reid Swamp reached a grim milestone today with the lowest approval rating ever recorded for a Congress in Rasmussen history.
Voter unhappiness with Congress has reached the highest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports as 71% now say the legislature is doing a poor job.
That’s up ten points from the previous high of 61% reached a month ago.
Only 10% of voters say Congress is doing a good or excellent job.
Nearly half of Democratic voters (48%) now give Congress a poor rating, up 17 points since January. The vast majority of Republicans and voters not affiliated with either party also give Congress poor ratings.
Seventy percent (70%) of voters say Congress has not passed any legislation that would significantly improve life for Americans, up 10 points over the past month and the highest level of dissatisfaction measured in regular tracking in over three years. Only 15% say Congress has passed such legislation.
Forty percent (40%) of voters nationwide now say it is at least somewhat likely Congress will seriously address the most important issues facing the nation. That’s down from 59% last March. Only 9% say it is Very Likely Congress will address these issues.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Nancy just can't stop messing with the truth. She is a total liar! Facts prove she lies and yet she won't stop.
Cruel interrogation would mean sending Nancy Pelosi to do the waterboarding. heh heh
Posted by Wild Thing at February 25, 2010 04:45 AM
I don't see any of the sycophants hanging their asses out to change the situation. There are but a few of us trying to stop the insanity while the rest are lined up for their share of the pot. They haven't hit bottom yet but the year is still young!!!
Posted by: Jack at February 25, 2010 09:29 AM
Jack, I agree so much. Thanks Jack.
Posted by: Wild Thing at February 25, 2010 06:11 PM