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November 19, 2009
Obama Told Russian Leader ~ " US Constitution Is Dead"

Barack Obama meets with Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Singapore, Sunday, Nov. 15, 2009. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
November 17, 2009
One of the saddest Kremlin reports we’ve ever read stated that during President Obama’s meeting with President Medvedev at the Asia-Pacific summit of APEC Nations in Singapore, the American leader when asked his thoughts on Prime Minister Putin’s warning that the United States should cease its march towards socialism replied, “It doesn’t matter since for all intent and purposes the US Constitution is dead”.
In his speech to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this past winter Putin had warned Obama of the dangers of socialism by saying, “In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute, in the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated.”
Putin further cautioned Obama against using military Keynesianism to lift its economy out of recession, saying, “In the longer run, militarization won’t solve the problem but will rather quell it temporarily. What it will do is squeeze huge financial and other resources from the economy instead of finding better and wiser uses for them.”
Unfortunately for the American people, Obama has not only failed to heed Putin’s warning, he has embarked upon an unprecedented mission since taking office of subverting the United States, and its people, by literally bowing down before the leaders of a Globalist elite intent upon the destruction of our present World so as to remake it in an image more befitting the ancient era of omnipotent Kings who ruled over their subjects with iron fists and tolerated no dissent whatsoever.
In Obama’s bowing down before the brutal Saudi Arabian King with the “beaming” Jewish French President Nicolas Sarkozy looking on [photo top left], to be followed this past week by his bowing down before the Japanese Emperor whose people consider him to be a “god”, the American people have been given the clearest example possible that the World they once knew is totally gone.
And to this “New World” these American people are entering they haven’t the slightest clue about the horrors they are about to face, a fact made more cruel because of their propaganda media organs all being a part of the greater plot to see these once great people, and their Nation, completely destroyed and sacrificed upon the alter for an elite class of rulers who include the CEO of the Goldman Sachs banking giant Goldman Sachs (who have engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression - and are about to do it again) who this past week in London said, and I quote exactly, that they are “doing God's work” by their making hundreds of billions in profits off the backs of the American people who are losing their jobs and homes by the tens-of-millions.
For those American people believing that Obama is going to protect them against monsters such as this they should think again too, because the fact that he, Obama, is President of the United States at all is due to his being placed in power over them by Goldman Sachs in the first place, who by all accounts “own Obama, lock, stock and barrel.”
So, if the American people are no longer being protected or told the truth by either their leaders or their propaganda news media, who is this battle being left to? Simple, those of us who have dared to stand up against this tyranny of lies and destruction and SHOUT as loud as we can of the dangers coming so that they can protect themselves.
But we can’t do this without you, and whether you realize it or not, you need us now more than you have ever needed us before.
Unfortunately for us, and those like us, this is an expensive battle and those we are opposed to are relentlessly ruthless is silencing us and keeping you from knowing the truth about what is happening now, what has happened in the past, and what is going to happen in the future.
Only you can decide what you are going to be told, to whom you are going to listen to….isn’t it time that you stopped listening to lies? If so, than ACT to protect those few of us left still willing and able to tell the truth before you no longer have any choices left.
Without your support we cannot survive into next week, let alone next month, please don’t let this happen because when you turn away from us you are turning your back on the truth.
If every one of you reading these words gave just $50.00 we would be able to survive for an entire year. But because so few of you do we have to continually ask for your support. And when you will finally wake up to the reality that you are a combatant in a real life and death war, and your enemy is your own government and press, you had better hope that we, and other like us, are still around otherwise you’ll be totally uninformed and unprotected. Just like the people in Ukraine, who without our reports, and others using our reports to further inform these people, would have no idea about what is happening to them.
And make no mistake about this, what is happening in the Ukraine IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU, the only question you have to answer is how much you trust your own government and press to warn you ahead of time?
Wild Thing's comment........
We have heard him attack our Constitution before in his 2001 interview. He does not only disagree with it, he hates it. This is so sick ! To have a President of our country feel like this about our Constitution. It IS our country and he hates both.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 19, 2009 03:40 AM
In addition to sick, it is dangerous to our country. If he really believes this then we have no other recourse than to fight to get our rights back. It is the only way.
Posted by: Mark at November 19, 2009 02:33 PM
What else would Barackshevik OBOWMAO say comrades?
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at November 19, 2009 07:50 PM
Now we may not accomplish this but we can send a clear message. Impeach Obama Campaign , it's worth the effort.
Posted by: Jack at November 19, 2009 11:12 PM
Now we may not accomplish this but we can send a clear message. Impeach Obama Campaign , it's worth the effort.
Posted by: Jack at November 19, 2009 11:13 PM
Yes it is dangerous Mark I agree.
Jack yesss I want him impeached.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 19, 2009 11:40 PM
Wild Thing and Readers:
52.something percent of American voters are too damned dumb to even listen to his campaign speeches or read his writings. I heard him state, in a speech, heard on TV that: "I am going to free us of the constraints of the constitution."
I, for one, have never ever felt restrained by the Constitution, but rather freed and protected by it. This slimy POS Mulatto-in-Chief has to go and soon!
Pray for him, using this prayer:
Psalm 109:8 "May his days be few and may another take his office."
"Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!"
Posted by: Frankly Opinionated at November 20, 2009 08:51 PM