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November 02, 2009
Halloween at the White House
President Obama Comes as Himself to White House Halloween Party

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs suited up as Darth Vader from the movie "Star Wars."
Wild Thing's comment......
And to think we have 3 more Halloween’s to go...now that’s a scary thought..
Posted by Wild Thing at November 2, 2009 06:55 AM
Gibbs does not make a good Darth Vader. Now, Dick Chaney on the other hand.
Posted by: BobF at November 2, 2009 07:50 AM
Bozo came as himself, however the mask came off months ago :O)
Posted by: jan at November 2, 2009 07:57 AM
Wonder what it was they were giving out? Looks like stuffed yellow duckies or chickies wrapped in DNC paper. We gave out candy, pencils and little toys.
At least Michelle dressed up, but as a leopard? You kind of wonder if they did it because it was a good photo op again.
I think Gibbs should have gone as Little Bo Peep! Now that would have been funny!!!
Posted by: Lynn at November 2, 2009 08:13 AM
The Obamas lined the kids up on the lawn and checked their bags of goodies...then redistributed the candy from those who had a bunch to those who had less. They also took all the good candy for themselves, taxed the parents 'cause candy isn't good for the children (to pay for their future dental work, of course), ran off the kid wearing the Joker costume and passed out the book "Fox news and other terrifying things." (Next year they'll just take all the candy from the kids and promise to fairly distribute it with other kids around the world.)
Posted by: petesuj at November 2, 2009 08:14 AM
Hi petesuj, Steven Crowder had a short clip on this.
Hi Lynn, Mamabana dressed up as a leopard but what kind of a scary mask was she wearing?
Posted by: Bob A at November 2, 2009 08:30 AM
According to some news outlets,Michelle was supposed to be Catwoman(?). I still say Michelle should have gone as herself and people would have thought she was trying to be Aunt Esther. Where were Michelle's famous biceps that everyone finds so appealing? I think Barack was trying to go as Steve Urkel....or was he just trying to be himself?
Posted by: Willy at November 2, 2009 08:51 AM
..and I forgot,Robert Gibbs went as a stupid white guy....
Posted by: Willy at November 2, 2009 08:53 AM
Golly, it sounds like Geraldo was more excited than the kids.
Posted by: TomR at November 2, 2009 11:53 AM
Is Barry going Jackson on us? Looks like he keeps getting whiter.
Posted by: Dave 18zulu at November 2, 2009 12:41 PM
Dave maybe he's a quart low, the half white is shining through.
Michelle looks as wicked as I pictured her where's she hiding the pitchfork. And where is Fredo ?
Joe 'Fredo' Biden. Biden is to the democrats as Fredo is to the Corleones. Ahh maybe it would make more sense if Barry changed his name to Mikey.
Posted by: Mark at November 2, 2009 01:56 PM
What, no Baracksheviks in DC CCCP?
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at November 2, 2009 07:45 PM
Tom, yes, Geraldo was soooo excited it was
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 2, 2009 11:57 PM
Lynn, hahahaha it does. I had not
thought of that.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 2, 2009 11:58 PM
Thank you everyone so much.
Posted by: Wild Thing at November 3, 2009 12:00 AM