« Military HATER Obama Visit Ft. Hood? NO Way! Instead He Pushs his Socialized Medicine with Pelosi | Main | The One Republican Vote For Socialized Medicine Was Rep. Anh (Joseph) Cao of Louisiana »
November 07, 2009
George W. Bush Only CIC For Troops ~ Obama MIA and Off to Camp David
Obama's Saturday Schedule
11:25AM THE PRESIDENT addresses the House Democratic Caucus - Cannon House Office Building
2:30PM THE PRESIDENT makes a statement to the press on Health Care - Rose Garden
2:45PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart The White House en route Camp David - South Lawn
Meanwhile a real President has visited the wounded at Fort Hood. The only way Obama would visit them is if he could get a photo-op out of it for political points. ~ Wild Thing
George W. Bush Visits Fort Hood, Wounded SoldiersFORT HOOD, Texas
Former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, visited wounded soldiers and their families near the site of the worst mass shooting on an Army post in the United States.
The Bushes made their private visit to Fort Hood's Darnall Army Medical Center on Friday night. Bush spokesman David Sherzer said in an e-mail that the couple thanked Fort Hood's military leaders and hospital staff for the "amazing care they are providing."
Wild Thing's comment.......
He did his job for the day. He went over to capitol hill and twisted some arms - Chicago style. Now he needs to rest. POS
Dead American Soldiers at the hands of Islamists just isn’t important enough to the King.
Just announced he’ll be performing Tuesday at the memorial service at Fort Hood. Maybe he’ll open his remarks by reciting the Muslim call to prayer in perfect Arabic.
God bless George W. Bush for being the only Commander in Chief our troops have right now. A REAL president and first lady!!! GWB truly loved and respected his troops. This (private) visit is no surprise.
Private to President Obama is the 'SECRETS' he keeps from the American people about his real plans covering them with double-talk, sleight-of-hand and reinventing the meaning of words to suit his purpose.
Obama has access to Air Force One, can be anywhere in the country in minutes, so he has absolutely NO EXCUSES.
Posted by Wild Thing at November 7, 2009 06:25 PM
Bush was hounded because it took him so long to visit he area deviated by Katrina.
Americans were killed when American Samoa was hit by a tsunami. Did Obama or Biden visit that American Territory that was devastated?
Americans were killed, more than initially were in Katrina, by recent flooding in the South. Did Obama or Biden visit the flooded areas?
American Soldiers and Civilians were killed by a radical Muslim at Fort Hood. As CINC, did Obama immediately head to Fort Hood? No, rather he gave a "oh, by the way" speech about it during his praise to supporters.
Obama has again won the Texas Fred "Douchebag of the Week" award.
Posted by: BobF at November 8, 2009 08:57 AM