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October 15, 2009
The Mystical Flight of the Arrow as Healer
Uncle Ted with young Makon Lynn. Strength in numbers.
The Mystical Flight of the Arrow as Healer
By Ted Nugent
The young archer's gaze was intense, animal like, wild eyed. Master athletes refer to this ultra focused intensity as 'in the zone'. You can feel it in the eyes and twitching nerve endings of a killer cat in the final stages of its sneak attack, just before the kill pounce. Locked in.
Makon was there, mind, body, heart, soul and full on spirit as he carefully pulled back the bowstring with all he had, his eyes squinting in the blazing Texas sun, brow furrowing, head slightly cocked, arrow pointing naturally toward the vitals of the 3D deer target ahead. As the arrow nock touched his lip, the bow silently flexed and sent the feathered shaft on its mystical way.

Thunk! Dead center into the golden triangle of the deer's forward chest, right where the pumpstation and lungs converge for a perfect bowhunter's kill shot. A broad smile overpowered the sunshine.
This daily ritual is not all that out of the ordinary at the more than three million bowhunting families target ranges across America, but on this particular day, this was not a normal, everyday arrow or bowhunter. Macon Lynn is just five years old, had never shot a bow before this day, and had just recently endured the ravaging agony of chemo therapy and radiation treatment for his inoperable brain cancer. This may very well have been the most important arrow in the history of archery, for young Macon was in desperate need of escape from the ravages of this life threatening disease, and he and his family figured an escape to Uncle Ted's SpiritWild Ranch bowhunting epicenter might very well be just what the Dr. ordered. He did.
Nearly wearing himself out, Makon shot arrow after arrow for most of the afternoon, and we couldn't get the bow out of his hands. Archers and bowhunters know why, for we are convinced that our next arrow will be a better arrow, and we never give up trying. We also know what Macon and all the terminally ill kids discover when in that mystical flight of the arrow trance; that there is nothing else beyond our arrow and its next flight. It is that powerfully mesmerizing. Intoxicating. Joyous. Cleansing. Healing.

Makon joined the Nugent family through the assistance of the wonderful 'Wish Upon A Star' charity. A few weeks later, Make A Wish Foundation made the arrangements for seven year old Brianna to visit us at SpiritWild Ranch and other special need kids have been helped by Hunt Of A Lifetime and our own Ted Nugent Kamp for Kids charities. When people really need help, Americans always give it all they got, and we are genuinely moved by the heartfelt love and generosity of so many great American families everytime. We salute them all.
Over the years, many Americans have been moved to show appreciation for the dedication and sacrifices of the heroes of the United States Military warriors. Those who pay attention, and care, painfully understand that freedom comes with a price, and that the American Dream is fertilized by the blood and guts of warriors who valiantly volunteered to put their lives on the line for the benefit of others. This is the greatest of human virtuousness, and we stand in awe of their service.
Having saluted way too many flag draped coffins and stood strong with too many grieving families, we created our Freedom's Angel's nonprofit charity a few years ago to help the wounded warriors who have given so much. Upon visiting the severely burned heroes at Brookes Army Medical Facility in San Antonio, Texas, we were reminded that most of the military heroes are avid outdoorsmen and women, but with their burned skin slowly healing, there was no way for them to be exposed to the blistering Texas sun and were therefore confined indoors.
Through the undying generosity of many, Freedom's Angels was able to construct a beautiful outdoor patio where the burn victims could be in their beloved out of doors, but shielded from the rays of the burning sun.
As a proud and official representative of the Coalition To Salute America's Heroes (saluteheroes.org) I have been honored and privileged to host many wounded warriors at our SpiritWild Ranch for hunting, fishing, offloading, shooting, archery and BBQ fun. I am convinced that this is the most powerful healing therapy in the world, and we are throttling ahead to do more for them.
Though the BBQ is great, the machinegun shooting spectacular, and all our outdoor fun remedial, there is no question that the most smiles occur on the 3D archery range. Some of the guys and gals are experienced archers and bowhunters, but many are newcomers. Each and everyone of them light up as arrows are fired downrange and archery form and control is discovered and cultivated.
With exuberant support across the board, we are now putting together the details of our next Freedom's Angels project and creating a state of the art archery range for the troops near the Brookes Medical facility so they can shoot more conveniently and develop their archery skills.
Daniel Vargas, our gung-ho BloodBrother at Saluteheroes.org is working on the details and I wish to thank everyone who so generously helps to make this a reality.
Never underestimate the healing powers of the mystical flight of the arrow. If you would like to say thank you to the US Military heroes, visit Saluteheroes.org and give what you can. Godbless the US warriors all!
Wild Thing's comment........
What a special wonderful little boy and story. Ted Nugent is a good guy.
Ted said awhile back...."We have the perfect president for a nation that doesn’t care.”
.... Thank you Jim for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at October 15, 2009 06:45 AM
That is so heartwarming on a cold day in the heartland. Ted is indeed one of the good guys, as is his wife Shamaine and his buddy Kurt Russell (my cousin Kristie worked on the Stargate movie and told me he is a darn nice guy in real life too). To have something to give sick kids something nice is really going above and beyond. I think Ted should run for senate or congress. He's already a deputy sheriff, why not?
Posted by: Lynn at October 15, 2009 08:25 AM
Ted Nugent is a freedom lover. I am glad when he decided to look for someplace outside of Michigan, that he picked Texas.
His work with kids and veterans is heartwarming. His support of the Second Amendment is upfront and unwavering.
Posted by: TomR at October 15, 2009 12:16 PM
Thanks Chrissie and Jim, I needed the morale boost, I'm a strong Ted Nugent supporter.
Posted by: Jack at October 15, 2009 02:47 PM
Ted is a true American Patriot and man. This nation needs more like him.
Posted by: BobF at October 15, 2009 07:10 PM
This was from his TV show 'Spirit Of The Wild' on the OUTDOOR CHANNEL. I watched it last week. Ted is awesome, and infectious. He hasn't had to buy meat at the market in many years....I'd LOVE to bowhunt with him...
Posted by: pontiff alex at October 16, 2009 12:42 PM
Is anyone aware of what this "freedom lover" and "super patriot" did when he had his chance to serve his country when called during the Vietnam War? Check it out.
A Proud Vietnam Combat Veteran of the 101st Airborne Division
Posted by: bub at October 16, 2009 07:20 PM