Theodore's World: Obama Whines About FOX News and FOX News Responds

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October 13, 2009

Obama Whines About FOX News and FOX News Responds

Fox News Fights Back Against Against White House Attack Campaign


Neil Cavuto Discusses Anita Dunn for Attacking FOX

"Let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is."..Anita Dunn

The White House communications director, Anita Dunn, said this weekend, ”We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent. As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”

Wow. Is there any wonder why Chris Wallace said, after being rebuffed during Obama’s news show extravaganzathon a few weeks ago, that Obama’s administration was ”the biggest bunch of crybabies I have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington”? I mean, COME ON. You cannot, with any credibility, say that, for example, MSNBC is “a legitimate news organization” and then claim otherwise about FNC. You just can’t.

Here’s the thing. Whenever the White House gets its panties in a twist over FNC, the FNC ratings skyrocket. So it’s not like FNC is freaking out over this or anything.

Levin talks about the the Obama administration's increasing attacks on FOX news and other industries in the private sector, actions which result in the chilling of free speech. It's no wonder Chavez and Castro are constantly praising him.


Wild Thing's comment........

"Let’s not pretend they’re a news network the way CNN is."

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...!!!!!! Actually that is true. FOX gives the news, CNN gives the Obama. Also FOX is successful unlike CNN that has been falling in ratings more then ever since they are "sleeping with Obama."

Ah what’s wrong Barry? One media outlet isn’t in your pocket and you’ve got your panties in a bunch? Too bad. Try being George W. Bush for 10 minutes - with every single media outlet, sometime including Fox News, relentlessly hammering you night and day. What a whimp. Attacking the press never works Barry, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the White House.

WH is livid because Fox and talk radio are actually informing people. That's why they continue to attack. They are trying so hard to get people to believe this. It's actually funny that they are such crybabies. They must be really worried about the news that FOX reports because alot of it makes obama look bad and they barely even scratch the surface. FOX should just go all out with the missing records and all the other stuff. The WH continues to bait them and criticize and the ratings continue to go up. FOX viewers are thoughtful and educated unlike the viewers of MSNBC, CNN etc. That's what worries them.

Obama has a lot to be afraid of: The Truth.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 13, 2009 06:49 AM


That's the thing WT, nobody was suppose to know that, Van Johnson was a communist, or that Sunstein is an animal rights, green communist, nobody was suppose to know that, Holdren was another communist, with a background in Eugenics, or that the Health Care advisor is queer...errr, gay more importantly, the SAFE SCHOOLs Czar was a Pedophile and Nambla admirere.
And we weren't suppose to know that Valerie Jarret was as big a communist as Marx or Engles.

Had it not been for Fox News we wouldn't have known this.

Posted by: Mark at October 13, 2009 09:48 AM

MISS DUNN is DONE! This is GRRREAT 'news' for FOX and all TEA Party patriots. This is going to back-fire on Obamanation so sit back and watch his poll numbers DROP even faster. Go get 'em Major Garrett, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, Molly Henneberg (THE BEST) and FOX NEWS D.C. bureau!
Can you imagine in 'W' had done this same deal with CNN from 2001-2008?

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at October 13, 2009 09:54 AM

Cavuto nailed Dunn big time.

Also, let's pretend Barrack Obama is the President of the whole United States and not of only those who buy into his policies of socialism. Let's pretend Barrack Obama believes his policies are best for American and is wanting to convince FOX viewers of this by going on FOX and explaining his views.

I've seen that FOX has more viewers at 3am than CNN does at 10pm.

Posted by: BobF at October 13, 2009 10:30 AM

The ratings show that interested and thoughtful people watch Fox. But that is just a fraction of the voters. Most of the unthoughtful voters watch the broadcast network news or get their information from community organizers or union bosses. We all saw the videos or heard the tapes of obama voters showing that they had no earthly idea of the issues in the election. This is what we conservatives are up against.

Bush was a disappointment to us conservatives in numerous ways. Yet, he was attacked unmercilously by the leftist media. That is because he was a Repub. The farther left a politician the more support he/she gets from the media. Example, Chris Matthews tingling up his leg over obama.

If Fox is the only news station that is independent and has conservative hosts, then it will naturally draw that audience.

Posted by: TomR at October 13, 2009 12:58 PM

And lets pretend that the enemy of the people is convicted of treason and is sentenced to swing from an old oak tree in Texas.

It'll be a great day for America. We can have a parade, drink whiskey and eat BBQ. It will become a national holiday and everyone will have the day off except the Post Office since they don't do shit anyway.

Posted by: cuchieddie(former Army Infantry) at October 13, 2009 03:11 PM

He's simply afraid of unscripted questioning. Period.

This is another reason why he'll be a one-term President. Remember how well Sarah Palin did in debate and on the road with little prep? Do you really think he'll risk the embarassment that will ensue if he has to debate someone like her? "It's above my paygrade..." anyone? He said "uh" 248 times in answering 27 questions in that "debate" with McCain where they didn't even actually debate. He can't take the heat. It hurts his little feelers.

Meanwhile the campaign ads are just writing themselves.

You know Ailes had that meet up with Axelrod, who apparently couldnt' back Roger down, so then the mudslinging commenced. They might get a mini-bounce from trying to equate "FOX" with "Repubs" in the Dem vs. Rep polls, but FOX will be the real winners here.

Posted by: Eden at October 13, 2009 06:37 PM

My god, BO is such a spoiled brat little tyrant. What's this, you won't worship me? To the gallows with you!

Posted by: mc at October 16, 2009 10:20 AM