Theodore's World: New "Keep America Safe" Ad on Liberal Media: "What are they so afraid of?"

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October 18, 2009

New "Keep America Safe" Ad on Liberal Media: "What are they so afraid of?"

Here is the new "Keep America Safe" Ad that asks about the liberal media, "What are they so afraid of?" It shows the likes of Chris Matthew, Keith Olbermann, Evan Thomas and others attacking Liz Cheney, one of the driving forces behind this new conservative group.

Keep America Safe website

Wild Thing's comment........

Excellent ad, and I love the YOU at the end.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 18, 2009 06:50 AM


Funny how you never saw Olbermann and Matthews come out against Both of these men have their heads so far up Obama's butt, they have to have 2x4's tied on to theirs to keep from falling in. They are two disgusting wastes of flesh.

Posted by: BobF at October 18, 2009 08:37 AM

Nice ad.. I already have the site in my favs, plus reading her Mom's book. What I like about this ad too is the look of the road/concrete as a backdrop: the rubber hit the road and we/YOU are the boots on the ground taking charge & preparing to keep us safe. After all, we the people have to do this since the admin is not.

Posted by: jsn at October 18, 2009 09:05 AM

Matthews and Olberman's shows are in the basement as far as the ratings are concerned, as we all know. Consequently they are preaching too the choir. Ever notice that most of the time their commentary consists of put downs and sarcasm. Very little commentary,about the Liberal/Marxist agenda that is being forced upon us.

I love the pundit at the end,stating, "If they(us) get some traction, they could be a force to be reckoned with".

Hey dude, we have traction and are getting more all the time. You know it and we know it. We are fast becominhg the elephant in the room.

WE "ARE" A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. If that were not so,the lefties like "Tingles" and Oberdouche, would not even recognize it.

Right now we can do little about the legislation that is being passed. Come election time in 2010 and 2012, we will be seen and heard from and the results will be telling. Harry Reid knows what is going to happen, as do a lot of others. That is why there is such a rush to get all this stuff passed.

Posted by: SEAN. at October 18, 2009 11:36 AM

"Tingles" and Oberdouche" OMG, that's priceless!!!

Posted by: Jack at October 18, 2009 01:22 PM

Liz Cheney really has the Left in an uproar. Maybe it is the name. Or maybe they have actually listened to her and realized how sane and appealing her talks are.

The Left pushes women's lib, but is afraid of intelligent, articulate and independent women like Sarah, Liz and Ann(Coulter).

Posted by: TomR at October 18, 2009 03:17 PM

Love it, thank you everyone so much.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 18, 2009 11:59 PM