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October 30, 2009
Muslims Threaten Bar Owner

Muslims Threaten Breslin Owner After He Laughs Off Bar Demand
The bar owner's response: "This is the United States of America and we’ll do whatever the fuck we want."
The lovely-looking restaurant and bar The Breslin begins lunch service tomorrow, and co-owner Ken Friedman (The Spotted Pig) is planning on serving alcohol despite objections from the Masjid Ar-Rahman mosque across the street. Earlier this month the mosque’s leaders called a meeting with Friedman at The Ace Hotel, where The Breslin is located, and asked, "Can you move the bar?" Friedman's response makes us want to hurry over to The Breslin right now for a dram of Laphroaig to show our support (and drown out the voices):
I laughed. And the guy said, "Oh, you think that’s funny?" And I said, "Yeah, that is funny, that is really funny, because we’re not going to move the bar just because you discovered we’re serving booze." Can you name one restaurant in New York that doesn’t serve booze? I said, "This is the United States of America and we’ll do whatever the fuck we want." He said the mosque had suggested it couldn’t control the behavior of "a few bad eggs"; i.e., we could get a brick through our window.
Friedman notified police of the threat, but just to show he's not a hard-hearted man, that it's not all dollars and cents, he agreed to put a curtain over the windows so devout Muslims wouldn't be corrupted by the sight of infidel inebriation. But the curtain hasn't arrived yet, so over the weekend he actually taped paper over the windows to hide a gay wedding. A volunteer at the mosque says city law forbids serving liquor within 200 feet of a place of worship and that "not more than 200 feet is between the mosque and the bar."
But Ace Hotel developer Andrew Zobler tells The Observer, "The law is clear that in order for that to apply it has to be an exclusively dedicated house of worship, and at their space they have both residences and a restaurant, so basically, because of those uses the law allowed there to be a bar within 200 feet. Everyone was aware of that when the liquor license was granted." And Friedman adds, "They can threaten, but they can’t really stop us." Yeah, heh, what are these devout, pissed-off Muslims gonna do?
A volunteer at the mosque returning a call from the Transom said that a law forbids serving liquor within 200 feet of a place of worship and that “not more than 200 feet is between the mosque and the bar.” To which Andrew Zobler, the hotel’s developer, responded:
“The law is clear that in order for that to apply it has to be an exclusively dedicated house of worship, and at their space they have both residences and a restaurant, so basically, because of those uses the law allowed there to be a bar within 200 feet. Everyone was aware of that when the liquor license was granted.” He added: “Out of neighborliness and respect we’ve voluntarily acquiesced to covering the window with a curtain.”
Wild Thing's comment........
Good for the Breslin. I’m continually amazed at the people who flock to this nation because of the opportunities here, that immediately try to change it to be just like the hell hole they just slithered in from.
I would appreciate it if these idiots would go back to the hell they escaped from if they must continually whine here.
Posted by Wild Thing at October 30, 2009 02:47 AM
Good for the bar owner. No more coddling, making them feel secure. This guy has been in business for a lot longer than they've been here and they cannot dictate what he can and cannot do. He's the owner. I'd tell them the same to F-Off and go back to that shithole of a country they came from. (whoops! There goes my language again-sorry!)
Posted by: Lynn at October 30, 2009 08:23 AM
So the man from the Mosque, said that they might have trouble controlling, "a few bad eggs".
I've got a news flash for that guy. If anything happens while that bar is occupied, then a "few bad eggs" sitting their at the time might, "lose control" and find a way to retalite.
Like the man sys, "This is America, and we do whatever the fuck we wnat." Oh how I wish more people in positions to take action had that attitude. PC is BS!!!
Posted by: SEAN. at October 30, 2009 11:33 AM
SO glad he told them to go "POUND SAND"! (get it, LMAO!!) It's only a matter of time now before this shituation blows up.....
Posted by: pontiff alex at October 30, 2009 01:01 PM
Can I shoot that SOB with the third eye?
Posted by: Jack at October 30, 2009 01:03 PM
It should be interesting to see how this all turns out. Does the city of New York honor its laws or violate them to appease the muzzie minority and curry favor with Hussein obama. Afterall, he's all about appeasement. Or maybe after the shoot out Breslin can invite obama for a Beer Summit.
Posted by: Mark at October 30, 2009 07:45 PM
Thanks everyone.
Yes this is going to be interesting to
see what happens next. CAIR won't like this
and might make this man's life miserable.
I am so sick of that terrorists loving
Posted by: Wild Thing at October 30, 2009 09:44 PM