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September 04, 2009
The Tea Party Express in San Antonio! Remember the Alamo!
The Tea Party Express got a Texas style welcome at the Alamo yesterday morning. There was really a great crowd and a great Tea Party in San Antonio!! GO TEXAS!! Remember the Alamo!!
Now on the road to Waco!!
San Antonio Tea Party & Tea Party Express Alamo Plaze
San Antonio Tea Party & Tea Party Express Alamo Plaze 9-3-09 Video 2
LOL this is great they tell about something they did to Harry Reid. hahahahha Love it.
San Antonio Tea Party & Tea Party Express Alamo Plaze 9-3-09 Video 3
This is one of America's Heroes, he is a Vietnam Veteran. He has two signs, so I am posting both of them.
I LOVE this sign!!!

Texas Congressman Refuses to reaffirm Oath, Calls Constitution “a piece of paper” not “relevant”. Texans Respond with a Line in the Sand at the Alamo with the Tea Party Express
September 3rd, 2009 At this morning’s huge gathering of Tea Party Patriots at the Alamo we were approached by a disabled veteran and his wife. They had attended a recent town hall meeting held by Representative Charles Gonzales (D-TX) who represents the Texas 20th District, which includes much of San Antonio.
According to them a constituent of the congressman rose at one point and asked him to reaffirm his oath to the Constitution. He is said to have refused and in doing so termed the Constitution of the United States a [worthless] “…piece of paper (that) is no longer relevant.”
Wild Thing's comment......
If you ever go to The Alamo also go to Riverwalk and ride the boat. It is pretty cool. Also, the restaurants along riverwalk look expensive, but they are not. The riverwalk is about 2 blocks from the Alamo.
God bless these wonderful Americans!!!! I love the Tea Party Express!!!
Posted by Wild Thing at September 4, 2009 07:50 AM
I agree about San Antonio. Really a neat place, in my top five places to visit.
I got my Griff Jenkins fix last night during Hannity/Greta with his live reports from there. He's such a riot. The people were GREAT!
I'd give anything to be able to have Illinois be like Texas. I love my place here, but I sometimes feel like we're being robbed at gunpoint by the Chicago thugs that have so much influence in state government.
Posted by: Eden at September 4, 2009 09:10 AM
What is with this Griff Jenkins admiration club anyway.
Anyway great article. Love the signs they make it worthwhile and the White House has got to be shitting their collective drawers over all these protestors.
Princess Pelosi that is great, Princess pilosi with skin as tight as a bull's nut . I'll bet she can't even close her eyes at night, without some other orifice being stretched agape.
Posted by: Mark at September 4, 2009 10:58 AM
Congressman Gonzales is just a typical Democrat career politician. He was a big Clinton guy.
San Antonio is a major military town with numerous bases and lots of military retirees. Very conservative.
Right now the Tea Party Express is here in Dallas. I can't go, but I will be checking the news at noon to see how much coverage it gets. The Dallas-Ft Worth area is another very conservative area. They will get a good reception here.
Posted by: TomR at September 4, 2009 12:28 PM
Mark, Griff is the one they always send in to interview the legislators, like Barney Frank, and he makes them look like fools. He will ask anyone anything, he gets called names, he gets things thrown on him...he might look geeky but he's a brave guy.
Posted by: Eden at September 4, 2009 02:10 PM
Eden, Oh ... I was thinking ...naw..He's ok, I guess.
But at this point it seems like maybe we're wasting our time with these peaceful protest. I don't know. We shall see.
Posted by: Mark at September 4, 2009 06:13 PM