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September 13, 2009
Americans That Love Our Country Gather in Washington D.C. Sept.12th Part 3
I've always been proud of my country. But what I saw yesterday on September 12, 2009 in Washington DC not only reinforced that pride, it made me EVEN MORE PROUD of hundreds of thousands of my fellow countrymen and women who came to Washington DC to say the following to Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the Democrat Socialist majority, and to the Rino's...........all the things you see in this post and the two posts from yesterday. ~ Wild Thing
People were chanting “enough, enough” and “We the People.” Others yelled “You lie, you lie!” and “Pelosi has to go,” referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
Demonstrators waved U.S. flags and held signs reading “Go Green Recycle Congress” and “I’m Not Your ATM.” Men wore colonial costumes as they listened to speakers who warned of “judgment day” – Election Day 2010…
I think this gathering should be appreciated as the extremely important historical event that it is. This is the first great conservative anti-statist manifestation in American history. The conservative movement, which developed in the post-WWII, Cold War environment has now fully matured into the most significant political movement of the 21st century. I believe that this day could be referred to in the not too distant future as the day that changed America. This was the day the great silent conservative majority finally found its voice.
Many of the attendees were quite meek and timid and were unsure of exactly what to expect, this being the first time in their lives they’d been involved in a protest movement. Their fears evaporated early in the day and I saw people reveling in the camaraderie , the joy and sheer civility that was exhibited at the entire event. Chants of “Freedom, freedom, freedom”, “No more czars! No more czars!” carried through the air without the slightest hint of rancor or unpleasantness.

The two photos above show a tiny fraction of the two million ABC estimates attended. At the time this photo was taken, around 1:00 p.m., Pennsylvania Avenue was still jammed completely, and the mall was packed from the Capitol Building past the Washington Monument.
Mike Pence (R-Indiana) was one of the speakers who addressed the crowd: “After years of fighting runaway government on this hill, you people look like the cavalry to me..I believe we are on the verge of a great American awakening.”
In the very center of the photo, above the Silence is Consent – Can You Hear Us Now sign, you can see Pennsylvania Ave., which at this time is totally blocked with protesters who cannot move forward to the Capitol area.

Love the teleprompters! LOL People brought teleprompters as signs. heh heh
Some people in the crowd were calling this “a conservative Woodstock” .
Although the legend of Woodstock is that there was a friendly atmosphere of camaraderie, the truth is that most people were there for the drugs, sex and rock and roll. Today in D.C. there was a true kinship amongst these people based on shared values and intellectual understanding of what America is and how its future is imperiled by big radical government.
No one was having sex in the Reflecting Pool let alone the mud, and I saw no one projectile vomiting on the steps of the Capitol. There were no warnings to avoid the bad acid which would send you on a trip to the hospital. Not just a different era, but a different level of civilized behavior and thought. Oh, and by the way, these people didn’t leave tons of garbage behind when they left. Actually they left no trash behind at all.
There were many that could not make it for all different reasons. But that did not lesson our support we were their like I said before in spirit. Taking the amount of people that were in D.C. and adding in all the smaller groups around our country that joined in on the same day.......welll there is no way to know how many there were in numbers but America, the one you and I have loved all our lives, THAT voice was heard yesterday on September 12th, loud and clear.
Also there were events planned in various cities that others went to closer to home, here is just one of them.
912 Project Fort Worth for a March and Rally in Downtown Fort Worth on September 12, 2009
You can go to TeaPartyPatriots.Org , scroll to the bottom for a state by state listing of local events for everyone who couldnt make it to DC!
There are some really good speakers in this video. One Balck man speaking is awesome!!!
A MUST see video if you have time..... CNN Interviews a man from Oklahoma In Washington DC - 09/12/09 LOL He educates the guy with CNN it is a a SCREAM! The look on the CNN interviewer was priceless!
She has the words Boob Czar on oher shirt and the other girl has the words Czar of Transparency
Posted by Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 07:55 AM
We have to hold onto this fury. The Left never allowed discouragement to effect their street protest; they always ramped up the action to keep the issues alive. They named names, identified targets, and increased the pressure. This is war. We have to scare the shit out of the ruling class (that's what they are). That's the only thing they'll understand.
Posted by: Rhod at September 13, 2009 08:19 AM
I love the way the MSM is playing this down. "A crowd of tens of thousands..." They really are in denial that they've picked the wrong horse in this race. If the boob czar can't get through to them, nothing can.
Posted by: Jim at September 13, 2009 10:42 AM
Participated in a local Tea Party Demonstration yesterday. It too was an awsome experience.
This the third one that i have been a part of and each time, it becomes clearer that the message is being heard. The numbers of car horns honking and fists being pumped by the passing drivers is increasing. Conversely the numbers of thumbs down and upraised middle digits is on the wane.
We had people from local unions involved, we had a young woman who was riding by on her bicycle, who parked her bike, grabbed a sign and joined in, ther were others like her who parked their cars and joined in.It was truly thrilling and satisfying to be a part of such an event.
We are at war here folks. Like Rhod said earlier, we have to hold on to this fury.
Despite what the MSN, and others are saying this is havng an effect.
If you haven't participated yet, GET OUT THERE! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!
Posted by: SEAN. at September 13, 2009 11:46 AM
I was unable to attend the Tea Party in Kingston, NY yesterday but understand that 50 of the local patriots did go by bus to the D. C. protest. I have not gotten any feedback on the local protest yet.
Posted by: Bob A at September 13, 2009 12:05 PM
I couldn't be there, duty called. (weekend drill/weapons qual) It wasn't all bad though; I got an AAM (Army Achievement Medal) that my Platoon Sergeant put me in for back when we were at Fort McCoy in August.
On a side note the Army in all of its wisdom is sending us on an all expenses paid trip to our Corpus detachment to get our swine flu shots.
Posted by: JohnE PFC U.S. Army at September 13, 2009 12:48 PM
These tea parties are unprecedented in my lifetime. The numbers that they draw are surprising. Organization is minimal. Conservatives just do not protest. Yet, here they are. I notice that they walk mostly quietly to the mall area. They carry and hold up their homemade signs. The areas I see are not trashed out. They are all smiling and not mad or threatening.
These people are the heart and soul of America. These are the people who earn and pay taxes. They are the people who have small businesses or work for those small businesses. Some of them represent large companies. These are patriots who want to see less government, less socialism.
obama may have divided the country, but he and his socialist Dems and Rinos are uniting the right. obama may have hidden in Minnesota, but his policies are out in the open everywhere. I haven't seen the Right this excited since Reagan was in office. This time it is in opposition to the Left. We only need one person of the right caliber to step forward and offer to lead the Conservatives. I heard a lot of optimistic references to Sarah Palin.
Posted by: TomR at September 13, 2009 12:59 PM
Not all union members are marching to Obama's drum beat. Many realize that if this health care bill passes as written, they'll loose all their medical benefits and be thrown into the government poll of medical recipients. I think many of them are actually starting to read their contracts.
Posted by: BobF at September 13, 2009 02:55 PM
Well I just saw a Rasmussen Poll and it is evenly split, 48% for and 48% against Health Care. Where do these fence sitters come from ? Obama's speech was not a barn burner but somebody's changing their mind or the fix is in.
Posted by: Mark at September 13, 2009 04:54 PM
Whoa! Can I be the page, caddy, gun bearer, whatever, for the Minite Man Girl with the "Party Like it's 1773" sign?
Posted by: Steve, USMC at September 13, 2009 05:40 PM
Rhod, I love your comment and agree so
much. I would love for that to be just
how it keeps going, no slacking off,
keep it intense.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:25 PM
Jim, giggle.... yess I thought it was cute
how the one girl did the shirt a boob czar.
That was very clever and I love things
like that, creative things can be very
good ways to get a message across.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:26 PM
SEAN, oh WOW, that is fantastic. Thank you
so much SEAN for sharing about your
Tea Party Demonstration yesterday.
It would be so cool, but impossible,
to add up every person from yours, and
all the others from yestersay to one
huge number and put it right in the
face of the meida like....here you
want to know how many across our whole
country that are upset..take a look at
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:30 PM
Bob A., thanks for sharing about the one
in your area. Maybe it will be news on
Monday or something. The left really hates
to even mention these Tea Parties heh heh
which of course means it is bothering them
a lot.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:35 PM
JohnE PFC U.S. Army, please keep us
updated how it goes, please John.
"On a side note the Army in all of its wisdom is sending us on an all expenses paid trip to our Corpus detachment to get our swine flu shots."
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:41 PM
Tom, you said that so beautifully it
brought tears to my eyes.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:45 PM
BobF., that is such good news.
I always remember the truck drivers and
cab drivers that gave us the thumbs up
even back during the Sorelooserman
protest days.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:48 PM
Mark, that is shocking, oh my gosh.
It does not make sense at all.
I wonder if it is fixed or something.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:49 PM
Steve, USMC, giggle.... she is beautiful.
Posted by: Wild Thing at September 13, 2009 06:52 PM
Tens of thousands, how about hundreds of thousands. I remember pictures of the "Million man march?" and it was now where near as many as showed up yesterday.
Posted by: Davd 18Zulu at September 13, 2009 09:37 PM
Sarah for our bOObs czar in 2012?! Wild Thing will be her adviser Nick!!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at September 14, 2009 09:25 AM