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August 26, 2009
"Where's the Birth Certificate" Signs That Have Sprouted Around The Country

County grills pastor over 'Where's birth certificate?'
Democrats want church service as polling place terminated
Democrats in Tarrant County, Texas, have launched a campaign to have a local church eliminated as a polling place because the pastor has posted a statement of his own choosing – "Where's the Birth Certificate?" – on the facility's marquee.
County officials have asked Pastor Gary Hopkins of Maplewood Baptist Church, which for a number of years has served the community as a polling place, to authenticate a photograph supplied to the local Democrats by an informer.
County Elections Administrator Steve Raborn told WND, "I'm not aware that this is a violation of any election law or anything like that."
He said there have been a variety of requests in the past for particular locations to not be used as polling places, "generally based on some kind of problem that cropped up during an election."
But he said he was unaware of other requests based on a slogan posted at a private property during the hundreds of days during the year it is not used for polling.
The executive director of the Democrats, Keith Annis, told WND he viewed the problem as similar to facilities that don't comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, have terrible parking or where "people were rude."
"We got two complaints about it," Annis told WND. "When I saw the photograph taken of the marquee, I agreed with the concern and pursued it."
He suggested such locations must be politically neutral all year round if they want to serve the electorate during elections as polling locations.
"The question quite clearly and obviously refers to the birthers controversy, drummed up by opponents of President Obama," he said. "Quite clearly it indicates a bias or political opinion.
"A polling location should not have any opinion or bias," he said. "A church known as a polling location expressing a strong political opinion … that might make some voters uncomfortable going there," he said.
As for the question itself? He said President Obama's birth certificate is in Hawaii, and he hasn't seen it because he hasn't been to Hawaii.
Raborn said it would be the county commission that would make decisions on changes of polling locations.
Pastor Hopkins describes himself as passionate about his faith, his church and his country.
The sign appeared more than a month ago, and Hopkins reported he received only one call concerning the sign in the first month – from a ministry leader at another church who labeled him a racist for posing the question. Then this week, he told WND, he got a couple more calls and the e-mail from the county, demanding to know if the photograph was real.
"I'm presuming they're wanting me to say that is an actual picture," Hopkins said, "I'm assuming they'll no longer want to use us as a polling place."
The e-mail from Raborn asked: "Attached is a photo I received today from the Tarrant County Democratic Party along with a request that we no longer use Maplewood Baptist Fellowship as a polling place.
"Can you confirm that the photo is accurate?"
Hopkins, whose church website highlights news about Israel and an Islamic supremacist organization, said his own church members had raised no objections. He said one man wondered how long it has been posted and a second who suggested it perhaps wasn't the best message available.
Hopkins told WND he put up the sign in front of his small church because he is supposed to have freedom of speech in the United States and he feels it is a question that needs an answer.
He's found out that the callers he's had have been unable to answer the actual question either, "but they don't care."
"If you raise any questions, then they demonize you and all that. Disagreeing with [them] on policy doesn't make me a racist," he said.
Billboard went up in front of Las Vegas' Mandalay Bay Hotel.
This sign in Quilcene, Wash., on Center Road, a state highway that connects 101 and 104, leading to the Hood Canal Bridge.
"Lots of tourists pass by this sign all summer long," said the folks responsible. "We are proud of our contribution, however humble."
Another effort, by an unknown supporter, appears on Kenwood Drive in Spring Valley, Calif., in San Diego County.
The fence on which this sign hangs faces a large Presbyterian church, so all members see the banner upon exiting on Sunday morning, notes the photographer.
Wild Thing's comment........
The Church is located in the town is North Richland Hills. a suburb of Ft.Worth. God bless Texas!!
Regarding the Church and their sign, the ‘rats are running scared. It is a perfectly valid and very important question. If the ‘rats go after the person that poses the question, rather than offer an answer...well, probably means they don’t have an answer.
"The question quite clearly and obviously refers to the birthers controversy, drummed up by opponents of President Obama," he said. "Quite clearly it indicates a bias or political opinion.
Wrongo Mr.Annis! It clearly refers to a constitutional matter requiring barack obama abide by Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution to prove he is a natural born citizen!
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at August 26, 2009 03:47 AM
I have that Mandalay pic on my desktop, I can see the room I stayed in this summer (penthouse floor, got uber lucky).
I read the Vegas papers online everyday. Still a lot of dumbasses in the comments that haven't really figured out how Obama + Reid = Their world ain't getting any better real soon, but the balance is definitely shifting. I think Reid is going to have to really put on a show to disguise all the fraud it's going to take to get him re-elected.
Posted by: Eden at August 26, 2009 06:32 AM
Yes, he needs to release it. I know some would still feel it's fake, but he needs to put our minds at ease. And speaking of Reid, his great grandpa Remus Reid was hanged in Montana for being, dare I say it? A Criminal!!! bwahahahahaha!!!!! Acorns sure don't fall far from the tree, do they?
Posted by: Lynn at August 26, 2009 08:13 AM
It is neat seeing those signs popping up. You never know where you might see one. I don't think they will go away until we see a BC. And, the Dems raising hell about the signs just brings more attention to the issue.
Posted by: TomR at August 26, 2009 11:30 AM
The hypocrites, obamas begging left wing preachers to hawk his obamascare, and narry a word form the left on the "Separation clause", wait til someone wants to see a legitimate BC and the lawusits start flying.
Posted by: Mark at August 26, 2009 07:45 PM
Eden, thanks for sharing about that.
How neat it is a beautiful place.
I sure hope and pray Reid does not win
that would be sooo wonderful to be rid
of him.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 27, 2009 12:52 AM
Lynn, hahaha your right they don't.
"Acorns sure don't fall far from the tree, do they?"
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 27, 2009 12:53 AM
Tom, I agree, I had no idea people were doing
signs on their own. I like it and it
shows how passioinate they are about it too.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 27, 2009 12:55 AM
Mark, well said and what hypocrites
they are.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 27, 2009 12:56 AM