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August 13, 2009
Fox News Reporter Accuses White House Of Breaking The Law
FOX News' Major Garrett sparred with Robert Gibbs over emails people are receiving about health care when they never signed up for them.
Wild Thing's comment......
Gibbs no longer even tries to hide his hatred for all things Fox. This has to be the most thin-skinned, immature administration in the history of this country. No way I want them any where near health care.
Major Garrett was drinking the Kool-aid back during the campaign - he’s probably having a few second thoughts.
So I guess it's not astroturf when Democrats do it.
These people just emailed citizens of our country WITHOUT their permission or knowledge. They HAVE your emails.
IMAGINE if they get access to your medical records.
Posted by Wild Thing at August 13, 2009 04:28 PM
Screw Robert. I just got my second E mail from David Axelrod and answered it too.
And some may disagree, but Robert Gibbs is a liar.
Posted by: Mark at August 13, 2009 07:34 PM
I watched that exchange between Garret and Gibbs this morning. Gibbs was a lying and hemming and hawing while Garret had him on the ropes. They have E-mail lists and they just got caught red handed. Just another example of the they talk and we listen administration and their bully pulpit. Major was hitting Gibbs with all the right questions and he wouldn't back down. He'll probably get kicked out of the press corps since he outed Axelrod. Good for Fox, this is getting exposure and it can't be good for the Marxists.
Posted by: Jack at August 13, 2009 07:34 PM
I'm new to this blog, having discovered it by accident. At first I thought it was devoted to conservative art but I can see now that it is much more than that. I added you to my regular blog list.
Posted by: Stogie at August 13, 2009 08:06 PM
funny, I emailed you before I read you had this posted.
Funny#2 was watching this. Wow, Gibster is losing it.
Posted by: Eden at August 13, 2009 09:58 PM
Mark, Ditto that, Gibbs is lying.
When I saw this I thought immediately
of the email you got and now we have
Major Garrett saying others have gotten
them too. I bet there were a lot of
people when they were watching this
saying the same thing.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 13, 2009 11:52 PM
Jack, your exactly right.
"They have E-mail lists and they just got caught red handed. "
I was wondering about that, if they will kick
Major out. He has done this kind of
questioning let's see now, I think this
is about the third time. I am so glad. I had
really given up on Major since he was on the
campaign trail with Obamafreak.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 14, 2009 12:00 AM
Eden, LOL yes he really is, he is
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 14, 2009 12:02 AM
Hi Stogie, nice to meet you. Thank you
so much. I just looked at your Blog,
I really like it. I will add it to
my list too.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 14, 2009 12:26 AM