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August 08, 2009
Are YOU the Mob?

Wild Thing's comment.......
Obama thinks he can destroy the heart and soul of America, but what you see in the photos above, show the heart and soul is alive and well and strong.
God bless America!!!
h/t http://thedanashow.wordpress.com/
....Thank you Eden so much for sending this to me.
Posted by Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:55 AM
At the Tampa or Ybor Townhall the Lady and her husband who got ruffed up by the Union Thugs, called Rush.
He said did they intimidate you, the Wife said , no, we are mad as hell and will go to the next one.
This name calling and labeling is going to backfire in their faces. If obama was smart he'd get rid of the Emanuel's the whole family is polluted and the advice he gets is perverted. That's what obama would do if he had a brain, if only he had a brain.
Posted by: Mark at August 8, 2009 09:08 AM
Obama and his cronies are their own worst enemies. Thank You WT. We got a good chuckle out of these this morning. Love the "paid GOP hack".
Posted by: Jim at August 8, 2009 10:08 AM
The overwhelming vast majority of folks protesting at these town hall meetings are middle aged and senior citizens. They're a far cry from the washed out hippie types that you usually see protesting Conservatives.
Posted by: BobF at August 8, 2009 11:24 AM
Great stuff!! Remember when the libs abd demoncrats protest it's "people exercising their constitutional free speech." When conservatives speak out it's "GOP mobsters disrupting other people's right to speak." Love the double talk from the left....heh heh
Posted by: PeteSuj at August 8, 2009 11:39 AM
These look like the people you see at the store, or at church, or at the trade show. The older folks may be retired but worked hard all their lives. The younger folks are working and hoping to have their retirement some day.
At this point these people are not organized. These are people who came to the various meetings on their own inititive. They were not bussed in. They were not paid to come. They did not come turn the meeting into a physical confrontation or a fiasco. They came to voice their concerns about a growing government intruding at great cost into their private lives.
They are not a mob. Just the opposite. They are individuals. The same type that has always made America great.
Posted by: TomR at August 8, 2009 01:09 PM
Here is a comment from one of my local blogs regarding Obama's snitch act.
"I’ve turned in Congressman Hall for spreading mis-information. I think all congressman who have not read the proposals should be reported.
I also turned myself in becasue I was spreading my interpretation of the healthcare proposal becasue no one in congress has been able to explain it."
Congressman Hall is from district 20 NY. Steven has a post on his site called Operation Fishmonger http://www.roemermanonrecord.com/2009/08/operation-fishmonger.html.
i like the concept but have posted on 5 of my blogs that perhaps we should flood Obama's tattletale address by turning in every congressman that speaks for the bill every time they speak and tell us how much we need it. I don't doubt that those that snitch will also be put into a data base, but personally don't give a rat's a$#s because I'm probably going to be on the turned in one anyway. I will be in a lot of good company.
Posted by: Bob A at August 8, 2009 02:22 PM
If I'm not mistaken, the snitch line could be illegal under the Privacy Act of 1974. yeah, our President doesn't even know the law!
I am the least of their worries. But if they really want me to, I will get my "momma wolf" persona up and then we're all in trouble, but I won't be the one going to jail.
Posted by: Lynn at August 8, 2009 02:45 PM
I think there's been a ruling (which I can't verify) the 1974 Privacy Act doesn't apply to the Executive Office.
I'll talk with our mob consigliere when he's done paying off Charley "Vitalis" Rangel, Chris "Cottontop" Dodd, Harry "Eraserhead" Reid, Nancy "Vise Grip" Pelosi, and Don "In Your Face" Obama.
Posted by: Rhod at August 8, 2009 04:15 PM
Mark, oh wow I didn't know that, I missed
it when I listened to his show. Thank you
Mark for sharing that, I am so glad they
called into the show.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:39 PM
Jim, thank you, we have the best side
to be on.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:44 PM
BobF.,your right,what a huge difference.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:45 PM
Pete, that was great thank you for adding
that. Perfect example of the different
way they state it.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:48 PM
Tom, beautifully put.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:51 PM
Bob A., thanks and thanks for the link and
I have a feeling we are all on one of the
lists with Obama. Especially on the DHS
terrorist list to watch for. They did such
a broad sweep with that one.
I agree Bob, you would be in very good
company. I have heard from several peoole
they are sending stuff in and mostly things
Obama says every day since he is a liar. LOL
So they are turning Obama in on himself.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:55 PM
Lynn, I heard oh shoot how to spell his
name, the lawyer that is on Fox a lot.
He said it very likely might be against
the law and he stated the Privacy Act of 1974
But then I got confused because another
guy said that was true but not for the
white house specifically. I think I am not
understanding this. hahaha
But it should be against the law.
I have some links I am checking out about
this for a post for in the morning.
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:58 PM
Rhod, LMAO that was great, all those
Posted by: Wild Thing at August 8, 2009 07:59 PM
Sandals! LMBO
I thought this was so clever.
Posted by: Eden at August 9, 2009 07:14 AM
Like the mob at Lexington and Concord in April, 1775? Like the mob at Yorktown that flew DON'T TREAD ON ME in 1781? Like the mob that flew COME AND TAKE IT at the Alamo? Like the mob on ~UA 93~ that took down the four Islamo hijackers over Shanksville on 9-11-01? I missed you conservative bears Wild Thing! Should be back to ops normal up here in one more week!! GOD bless US!!!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at August 9, 2009 07:41 AM