Theodore's World: Hide and Go Seek

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July 25, 2009

Hide and Go Seek

Google, Yahoo Censor Obama Citizenship Searches

Excerpt from "The Savage Nation" on July 24th, 2009.

Dr. Michael Savage interviewed Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily on the July 24th broadcast of "The Savage Nation". It appears that search engines, including Google, Yahoo and Bing are collaborating with the Obama administration to censor posts about the Obama Birth Certificate/Citizenship issue.
Farah tells Michael Savage that within a period of 24 hours, all of WorldNetDaily's stories about the Birth Certificate/Citizenship issue had been buried deep in the search results of all three search engines.

According to the Constitution only someone who is a natural born citizen of the United States is eligible to be president of the United States of America. All that Obama would have to do to end all of the speculation regarding his birth would be to release his original certificate and put the so-called birthers to shame but he hasn’t and he won’t.

Truth means something, right means something, the rule of law means something and the Constitution means something. If any of the just mentioned are meaningless concepts then there is no social order, no civilization, no United States of America.

Obama birth certificate matters because this is a nation of laws and as long as he remain president without valid proof that he is complying with the laws of this nation he make this a lawless nation.

Obama birth certificate matters because holding the office of the presidency hostage while there is this legitimate question concerning his constitutional eligibility, again, makes America an illegitimate power.

The very Constitution is at stake. The very Country is at stake. What that means is the freedom that you and I have come to expect and enjoy is at stake.

To date Obama has spent over one million dollars to conceal his birth certificate and other records that would verify whether or not he is constitutionally qualified to hold the office of President of the United States of America. He has used government resources to protect the fact that he may be ineligible to be president and he is using the blindness of his supporters to shield himself from truth and reality.

Wild Thing's comment..........

I don't listen to Michael Savage but I saw this story and thought you might be interested in it too. It is one of those wow that is odd things kind of stories.

I just did a Google search for “Obama birth certificate” and the top results are sites like factcheck, snopes, lataimes stories that claim the story is debunked etc. Interesting.

Of course whatever they did to take it further away from the first pages of search will not last forever, I don't think so anyway. As people use the search engines it will slowly bring it back to the top. LOL But it is a lot of work on the part of Google etc. to make such a fuss to hide the main source that has been investigating this topic.

Sometimes the left has too much time on their hands . This is so silly and so childish, but then followers of the communist in the White House would do what they can to keep the truth from getting out there.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 25, 2009 11:55 AM


I like the parting remarks by Savage and Farah about living in a communist nation. If the National Healthcare Act and the other stimulus bills pass into law we are going to be a truely socialist nation. These bills are full of amendments that will restrict and tax everything we do.

The MSM is working hand in hand with leftist congresspeople and a Marxist president. I also consider Google and Wickopedia to be members of the MSM.

I don't think this birth certificate thing is going away. It will be a sticking point for as long as obama is in office.

Posted by: TomR at July 25, 2009 01:17 PM

I like Michael Savage. He usually talks about "the feminization of America" the "neo-marxist in the White House" and other things.

Here are a couple of my favorite bits from "The Savage Nation".

Posted by: JohnE PFC U.S. Army at July 25, 2009 01:19 PM

Gee Whiz, I wonder why these search engines are hiding any information about Barry Soetoro, the Soutpiel in charge.

Afterall, its no big deal. Yet, this Administration is hiding behind google and others to hide his real BC. Could there be something to this ? I mean this seemns to be an awful lot of trouble to hide something that doesn't need to be hidden.

They swear on a Bible to uphold, defend the Constitution, yet of 535 members there are but a few that would like to look into this "No big Deal".

Posted by: Mark at July 25, 2009 02:51 PM

Privacy,, for starters. If I can't find it on Google I don't give up.
This eligibility charade goes all the way back to the imposter's Senate seat. Who in the senate didn't do their vetting?? He was amongst like Senators who looked the other way, those who swear the oath but do the 180.

Posted by: Jack at July 25, 2009 03:09 PM

Tom, yes I agree they hit the nail on the

Your right about the certificate too, I
never saw anything like how it keeps
growing and getting more weird all the

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 25, 2009 07:11 PM

JohnE PFC U.S. Army, I think he is
good, I just can't listen to all of
them so I have to pick the ones
during the hours I can hear the
radio at work.
Rush makes it easy because when
I miss his show during the day, I
belong to his 24/7 members thing
I can listen to his show late at
night when I do the blog.

JohnE, thank you for those two
videos I really appreciate it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 25, 2009 07:17 PM

Mark,LOL good one love how you put that.

If someone wrote a book how to look
guilty, it is being followed to the
letter by Obama.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 25, 2009 07:22 PM

Jack, thank you, I never knew about that,
I appreciate it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 25, 2009 07:24 PM

Mark commented:

"They swear on a Bible to uphold, defend the Constitution"."

Of course Obama did not swear on the Bible to uphold anything. He put his hand on the Lincoln Bible for a photo op, but when Chief Justice, John Roberts, supposedly flubbed the oath of office the effective oath was administered by Mr. Roberts "in PRIVATE" at the Oval Office where "no Bible could be located."

Looks like Obama not swearing in on the Holy Bible that was the foundation for the Constitution would have made the Abdulla of Saudi so happy, Mr. Obama wouldn't have had to bow to him like a kneeling sheep, but I suppose there is no lengths to which one must not go in that group.

Posted by: jai at July 27, 2009 03:26 AM