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July 15, 2009
Cronkite Award for Couric Represents Journalism’s Rotting Corpse

Cronkite Award for Couric Represents Journalism’s Rotting Corpse
by John Ziegler
On April 15th, the “prestigious’ (and apparently now openly liberal) USC Annenberg School for Communication will be presenting CBS Evening News Anchor Katie Couric with the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Journalism.
Now, for there to even be such a thing as an prize for “Excellence in Television Journalism” in an age where a desperate thirst for ratings has caused most TV “news” to become little more than glorified infotainment, is a bit like passing out awards for fiscal responsibility to members of Congress. But for Katie Couric, the poster child of this “infotainmentification” of news, to be the recipient of such an oxymoronic honor is much like if that aforementioned trophy for frugal spending in Congress went to John Murtha or Barney Frank.
But what makes this situation so particularly galling is the specific reason why Couric is being honored for her “excellence in journalism.” Couric is being presented with the award for “Special Achievement for National Impact on the 2008 Campaign.”
What was it that Couric did that was so “special”? The judges singled her out solely for “her "extraordinary, persistent and detailed multi-part interviews with Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.”
Of course there is no disputing that the perception created by that interview and the ensuing media and entertainment coverage of it clearly had enormous impact on how Barack Obama got elected, but is this the kind of “achievement” that journalism is supposed to be honoring? (If it is, shouldn’t the award really go to Tina Fey?) And is there any doubt whatsoever that had Couric asked the exact same questions and Palin had been perceived as having preformed well (or if one of her softball interviews with Barack Obama had brought down his candidacy) that there would be no awards for her from USC or anyone else of note?
So it is obvious that Couric is being rewarded for the political result of her interview (the shooting down of a conservative superstar just in time to save the Obama campaign) and not the “journalism” of it, but that truth is not even the most outrageous aspect of this absurdity. That lies in the reality that not only shouldn’t Couric be getting rewarded for that Palin interview, in a world where journalism still mattered at all she would have been roundly condemned for it.
How do I know this? Because I have devoted most of the last eight months of my life to telling the real story behind the media coverage of the 2008 election with my documentary “Media Malpractice…How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted.” The focal point of my film is the exclusive interview I did with Governor Palin from her home in Wasilla where she reveals more than enough evidence to completely discredit Couric’s USC award.
Continued article ......CLICK HERE
Katie Couric Buys Daughter Mosque-Shaped Alarm Clock That ‘Does the Call to Prayers’
"I recently traveled on a five-day trip to the Middle East and Afghanistan with Sec. of Defense Robert Gates and a small corps of traveling press. In this video, I interview some of the other journalists about their experiences covering the new administration."
Wild Thing's comment........
Liberals giving other liberals awards. Sounds like Oscar night.
I guess next Katie will be buying a burqa for herself. She is nuts!!! She has been disgusting for a very long time. I can't remember if she ever did real reporting, or journalism.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at July 15, 2009 06:40 AM
Batting your eyes and twitching your ass is not journalism!!!
Posted by: Jack at July 15, 2009 05:28 PM
Jack, hahaha that is funny.
Posted by: Wild Thing at July 15, 2009 07:39 PM