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June 25, 2009
Worst Job Ever!
Wild Thing's comment...........
LOL this is so funny. hahahaha
......Thank you so much Dap22 for sending this to me.
Major ( RET) Dustoff 22 (Dave)
Dustoff 22
45th Medical Company Fort Bragg to Long Binh
VN (67-68)
Flight Instructor
USArmy Helicopter Training Center
Posted by Wild Thing at June 25, 2009 04:49 AM
Poor guy, that must be horrible, the hours, snotty patients...Boy o boy , that's a job I could get into...errr...handle.
Posted by: Mark at June 25, 2009 06:55 AM
Whoa, I'm on my way to ITT to sign up lessons/degree plan.
Posted by: Steve Gaston, Nimble Fingers at June 25, 2009 08:22 AM
Ha, that was funny. It just shows that any job can get old after a while. I would love to be bored doing that.
Posted by: TomR at June 25, 2009 10:56 AM
LOL Chrissie, now that's a tough job. His arms didn't look like Popeye's so the must be pacing himself.
I had a similar job once, started at 2AM ended at 5AM, then again at 2PM ending at 5PM, in between I had to wait on them patiently, feed, and clean up after them, the ladies were nice for the most part, even with hands on treatments they responded. I asked the girls every day what they thought of me, Mooo was the reply.
Posted by: Jack at June 25, 2009 11:51 AM
LOL thanks everyone.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 26, 2009 01:43 AM