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June 13, 2009
The “robust debate” Obama Was Talking About


Iranian-Americans shout slogans against Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a demonstration in front of the White House in Washington on June 12, 2009. US President Barack Obama said that he thought there was a "possibility of change" in US-Iran relations and welcomed the "robust debate" taking place as Iranians voted in tight elections.
Report: Defeated Ahmadinejad rival arrested in Iran
Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi was reportedly arrested Saturday following the reformist's defeat at the polls by hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Supporters of Mousavi, the main challenger to Ahmadinejad, responded to the election with the most serious unrest in Tehran in a decade and charged that the result was the work of a dictatorship.
Mousavi's arrest was reported by an unofficial source, according to whom the presidential hopeful was arrested en route to the home of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Nevertheless, there were a number of contradictory reports from Iran on Saturday, in large part due to the heavy restrictions imposed on the media in the Islamic Republic, in particular on foreign reporters.
It was also reported Saturday that former Iranian president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani resigned from all of his official positions in protest against the results of the election, which Mousavi denounced as rigged.
By nightfall, cell phone service appeared to have been cut in the capital
Tehran. And Ahmadinejad, in a nationally televised victory speech, accused the foreign media of coverage that harms the Iranian people. There was more rioting at night and fires continued to burn on the streets of Tehran.
Ahmadinejad called on the public to respect the vote and attacked the foreign media's coverage.
"All political and propaganda machines abroad and sections inside the country have been mobilized against the nation," he said in a televised addresss. "They have launched the heaviest propaganda and psychological war against the Iranian nation. Many global networks continuously worked, employing very complicated methods, that work against our nation and arranged a full-fledged battle against us."
Without mentioning the unrest on the streets, Ahmadinejad proclaimed that a new era has begun in the history of the Iranian nation.
"A bright and glorious future is ahead for the Iranian nation. ... I invite everyone to join me in constructing Iran," he said.
Wild Thing's comment........
" I invite everyone to join me in constructing Iran"
He sounds exactly like the Muslim the USA has in the White House..... CHANGE, construct a new America.
Ahmadinejad obviously understands Chicago politics.
Posted by Wild Thing at June 13, 2009 05:55 PM
Preachin' to the Choir here boss, love ya.
Hope from Georgia November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981 James Earl "Jimmy" Carter
Change from Kenya November 4, 1979 to June 13, 2009 Barack Hussein Obama
Put a CZAR on it.
Posted by: Jack at June 13, 2009 09:10 PM
I didn't know ACORN had a satellite office in Iran.
A bunch dead from riots now. Will he nuke his own?
Posted by: Eden at June 14, 2009 06:37 AM
Sounds like 'robust debate' is a hugh failure. They arrested the opposition. so much for D'ohbama's speech and his idea of all thses moderate muzzies. Even the people of Iran know it is a big sham and the election was fixed. The only one who don't know is obama.
Posted by: Mark at June 14, 2009 09:39 PM