Theodore's World: Obama Takes Credit for "Robust Debate" in Iranian Sham Election

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June 13, 2009

Obama Takes Credit for "Robust Debate" in Iranian Sham Election

In the Rose Garden today Obama took credit for the elections in Lebanon and the possibility of Hope and Change in Iran.

Obama is asked about Iran's elections, and in his own egotistical way, he harkens back to his Cairo speech to take credit for Middle East 'dialogue' and 'hope' for the future of relations with Iran. What an ass.

"....after the speech that I, uh, made in Cairo we tried to send a clear message that we think there is the possibility of change, uhhh, aaaand -- ehhh, yuh-- oh -- Ultimately the election is for the Iranians to decide, uh, but, uh, just a-as has been true in Lebanon, what's, uh -- can be true in Iran as well is that you're seeing people looking at new possibilities. And, uh, whoever, uh, ends up winning, uh, the election in Iran, uh, the fact that there's been a robust debate hopefully will help, uh, advance our ability to engage them in new ways."


RUSH: The ego of this man is simply incomprehensible to behold. Didn't President Obama say that we shouldn't impose our values on others? And wasn't Iran included in that? And now he's out taking credit for a "robust debate" because of his speech? I'm glad he put the qualifier in there: "Well, even if we don't end up with a new leader at least we've had a robust debate that will advance our ability to engage them in new ways." This is the Practiced Art of Deceit. President Obama knows that whoever the president of Iran is, is not relevant, that the mullahs run that country. It is the Islamic Republic of Iran. This presidential election and having a "president" is a buffer. It is to create an image to the world that there is some sort of freedom of choice in terms of the leadership in Iran, when we know there is not -- and Obama knows there is not. And yet here he is already taking credit for the election results in Lebanon and the "robust debate" in Iran. This guy has an ego and a narcissistic complex about himself, ladies and gentlemen, that can only be described as unhealthy and dangerous.


Wild Thing's comment.......

Hmmmm Do they have an ACORN over there, too?

LMAO can you believe the arrogance of Obama. He made that statement before the Iran election was even done. hahaha He doesn't only want to rule the USA but also the elections of other countries.

Besides being the evil, dangerous man that Obama is he is also a total embarassment to our country.

“And obviously, after the speech that I made in Cairo, we tried to send a clear message that we think there is the possibility of change. “

The “ obviously after the speech I made in Cairo” -me, me me, it’s all about me , everything is about me-is what’s sticking in everyone’s craw.

Posted by Wild Thing at June 13, 2009 07:55 AM


He is so full of himself and shit that his eyes are brown. Can you believe this? And it's a good bet that the Supreme Ayotollah had the thing rigged.
May I suggest a fuel-air warhead through the front door when the iranian "parliament" si next in session?

Posted by: Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET at June 13, 2009 08:09 AM

Another 'I am the greatest' muzzy spear chugger speech. Rhetoric not unlike that of the Obama protégé Ahmajinedad.

Obama reminds me of the tale of a piss ant drifting down the river on a wood chip yelling raise the drawbridge!!!

Arrogance and Ignorance.


It can't be that mo ham mad was the father of the country, so all you Democrats, who's your daddy???

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. The bamboozle has captured us. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.~ Carl Sagan

Smoke break Glenn, light 'em up if you've got 'em. :)

Posted by: Jack at June 13, 2009 01:11 PM

Maybe Barry, your Cairo speech of apologizing, groveling and America bashing gave energy to the followers of Dinnerjacket. Maybe the mullahs saw it as a new weakness in America. Maybe your speech pulled the legs out from under a new Iranian revolution.

All the ers, uhs and ahs in obama's off teleprompter speech are signs he is trying to formulate lies. Speaking the truth does not require hesitations.

Posted by: TomR at June 13, 2009 02:18 PM

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET, heh heh
great suggestion.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 13, 2009 07:04 PM

Jack,LOL videos

Great quote too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 13, 2009 07:06 PM

Tom, hahahahaha "Dinnerjacket."...
Good one.

I agree he has no clue what to say
since it is lies.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 13, 2009 07:08 PM