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June 06, 2009
Obama: I Will Speak the Truth, as the Koran Says

Masked Palestinian militants from the Popular Resistance Committee watch the televised speech of US President Barack Obama in Gaza City, Thursday, June 4, 2009. Quoting from the Quran for emphasis, President Barack Obama called for a 'new beginning between the United States and Muslims' Thursday and said together, they could confront violent extremism across the globe and advance the timeless search for peace in the Middle East
Obama: I Will Speak the Truth, as the Koran Says
Obama opened the speech with the Islamic greeting, “Peace unto you” in Arabic and reminded his listeners of his Muslim background. He quoted the Koran several times in his Cairo speech, stating that the Muslim holy book states, “Be conscious of G-d and speak always the truth."
He told 3,000 guests at Cairo University that he will put pressure on the Palestinian Authority to stop terror and on Israel to cease a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. He did not specifically state whether Jerusalem neighborhoods are part of the “occupation” that he said must end.
The focus of his speech was a list of six sources of conflict that he said must be confronted in order to reach peace -- extremism, the Palestinian Authority-Israel dispute, nuclear weapons, democracy, religious tolerance, women’s rights and economic growth and development.
Concerning Israel, he made it perfectly clear that will personally pressure for an end to the "occupation” that he said has caused displacement to the Arab population in Israel for 60 years.
Wild Thing's comment.......
"Obama: I Will Speak the Truth, as the Koran Says"
Pssssst Obama, just a little reminder for you the Koran says it’s OK for Muslims to lie and deceive in pursuit of
destroying the Infidels.
"the Palestinian Authority to stop terror and on Israel to cease a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria."
ROFLMAO! Is this guy serious?
"You guys stop being mean and YOU guys give up your land"
I hope the Israelis tell him to pound sand!
Posted by Wild Thing at June 6, 2009 07:40 AM
Coincidence, 3000 Students at Cairo University ? What will he tell the 3000 families of those who were slaughter in the Trade Center, Pentagon and Pennsylvania, who did nothing more that show up for work that day ?
Obama has accused the Bush administration of encouraging Terrorists by locking them up in Gitmo. What would he call this ? His grand speech in Cairo told the Terrorists, You are not terrorists, He gave them a breather, we won't be coming after you, and worst of all he told them we won't fight back.
To me, his whole speech was a vain try at appeasement and invited them to attack as often as they like.
However, one attack and all bets are off, the Americans will not tolerate another strike like 9-11 and fuck obama, prez or not he will not be allowed to go on in this direction he will be stopped.
Obama is evil.
Posted by: Mark at June 6, 2009 09:11 AM
And so do I! I say Obamanation is a fink and a liar and is leading us down the garden path of ruination and death. Would he maybe be the black horse from the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse in the Bible? That would be famine, who carries a balance.
Posted by: Lynn at June 6, 2009 09:39 AM
Right on WT. The Koran is nothing but a fiction horror book. He already has told them Mark and is letting the Saudi's off the hook. They fund these creeps, terrorist nutbags.
Hey Lynn, could be he is certainly leading my family into famine.
Bob A.
Posted by: Bob A at June 6, 2009 12:06 PM
Mark, your right it was al about
appeasement. He is a total disgrace
to our country and to the office of
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2009 07:59 PM
Lynn, interesting, really interesting.
He could be he sure is evil.
I told Nicholas that under that
thing on his face by his nose is
666. haha
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2009 08:01 PM
Bob A., Yes I agree, with the economy
hurting lots of extras have to go
and I pray we can all keep our jobs.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 6, 2009 08:04 PM