Theodore's World: Mullahs Supporter Obama a Week Late Has Press Release~ Damage Control Failed

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June 21, 2009

Mullahs Supporter Obama a Week Late Has Press Release~ Damage Control Failed

Maybe Obama's next statement will quote Mohammad or the Koran. With his obvioius hate for Israel and Jews and his being pro Hamas and PLO it's possible . ~ Wild Thing

White House website



Barack Obama walks out from a store called the Dairy Godmother, with his daughters Malia (L) and Sasha (R) after having frozen custard in Alexandria, Virginia June 20, 2009. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


Wild Thing's comment........

"As I said in Cairo,".....

It is ALWAYS about him! Narcissistic piece o'crap. What an arrogant ass. He thinks every speech he gives is the Sermon on the Mount.

His teleprompter must be broken he did not make the statement on camera on a press release, probably written by one of his flunkies. If he really believed in this statement, he would be before cameras saying it. One thing we know about him that he loves to hear himself talk and loves the camera.

This statement is political BS, typed up by an aide in his office. IMO

LMAO, Does the haloed one think the mullahs give a flying fig newton what Martin Luther King said. Oh pleazzzzzeee.

The universal rights to assembly and free speech must be respected, and the United States stands with all who seek to exercise those rights. must respect the dignity of its own people and govern through consent, not coercion.

Remember these words the next time Obama and his administration disses Limbaugh, Tea Parties, and "extremist right-wing veterans."

Obama is a week late. He has no moral standing now to make any statement on liberty and freedom. It is clear that political pressure is why he is making this statement.

Posted by Wild Thing at June 21, 2009 07:50 AM


OMG, I remember every president from Harry Truman to Obama, even the day my WWII veteran uncle deployed to Korea, this wuss is the first Metro-Sexual Eunuch ever who hides in the bunker full time.
Remember the din and howl of incompetency from the left on 9-11-01 when Bush was in that kindergarten classroom where he received the bad news, his calm response in front of those children was touted as uncaring and cowardly, just look at what they hired to replace him.
Just how many of my brethren faced higher dangers and stayed calm, did their jobs at great costs to themselves, Obama doesn't have it, he's like that Dutchman, Oscar van den Boogaard ~ “I am not a warrior, but who is? I have never learned to fight for my freedom. I was only good at enjoying it.

Posted by: Jack at June 21, 2009 10:07 AM

Jack, thanks so much and good quote for
this too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 21, 2009 11:48 PM