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June 19, 2009
Honor Their Service ~ Please Join Me in the Troopathon
We’ve heard from countless members of the Armed Forces serving in the Middle East about items that the military does not provide, are hard to come by and they really appreciate getting . That’s why Move America Forward has responded and compiled care packages that contain these goods as a way of saying “thank you” for their sacrifices and courage. Care packages are packed full of gourmet coffee, Oreo cookies, Jelly Belly jelly beans, high-quality beef jerky, trial mix, Gatorade, deodorant, Chap Stick, sun block, CDs and much more.
Most importantly, each care package will include a personal message written by you where you can express your gratitude to our military. This is done through the order form by putting your message in the Comments box. Along with your message will be included a “self-addressed” envelope for the troops to send you a Thank You note if, and when, they have time. This is done through the order form by putting your address in the Ship To field. Rest assured that all care packages are sent to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Move America Forward is a 501(C)3 so all care package donations are tax deductable.
Care Packages include mostly Coffee, Oreo Cookies, lip balm, beef jerky, deodorant, trail mix, Gatorade, CDs and Jelly Beans, CDs, Bug Repellant,Foot Powder, Sunblock, and more.

You can also go here to SUPPORT THE TROOPS
Wild Thing's comment.......
I am joining with my dear friend at Bare Naked Islam blog on the ROBERT SPENCER’S ANTI-JIHADISTS TEAM.
The competition for a blog team to send the largest amount of care packages to our troops is beginning to heat up, and we’ve still got over a week to go!
The live webcast event brings together talk radio hosts, megastars of film and television, musical guests, journalists, military and Gold-star families, pro-troop groups and many more.
The goal of this charity fundraiser is to send the largest ever shipment of care packages to our brave men and women of the armed forces serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.
Participation is simple: bloggers will organize into teams which will compete against one another to raise funds for the Troopathon. Each team will pick banner ads from our 'Media Kit' or use a hyperlink and post it to their blogs.
When you sponsor care packages from the Theodore's World blog, orders are recorded and tallied on our scoreboard! Each day we will tally every team's total care package sales and then we will update the current results.
Posted by Wild Thing at June 19, 2009 02:27 AM
This should be good, well worth supporting.
Posted by: Mark at June 19, 2009 07:17 PM
Mark, I agree, this is a really good group.
Posted by: Wild Thing at June 19, 2009 07:39 PM