Theodore's World: FBI Told to "back off" Black Muslim Converts

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June 04, 2009

FBI Told to "back off" Black Muslim Converts

Did White House Order FBI To “Back Off” Anti Terror Investigations Into Black Muslim Converts’??

Today's update from Stratfor Research describes the background of a recent attack on U.S. soldiers in Little Rock, Arkansas. One soldier was killed and another critically wounded by a lone gunman who began shooting from a pickup truck.

Police quickly apprehended a suspect, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, a 21-year-old African-American man and convert to Islam. In his vehicle, police recovered an SKS rifle and two handguns. Muhammad reportedly admitted to the shootings and claimed he had specifically targeted U.S. military personnel; he stated had more soldiers been in the parking lot, he would have shot them too.

A disturbing aspect of the attack is that Muhammad had been brought to the FBI’s attention months ago, according to ABC News.

But U.S. counterterror teams may have been intentionally prevented from investigating radicalized converts to Islam:

Several weeks ago, STRATFOR heard from sources that the FBI and other law enforcement organizations had been ordered to “back off” of counterterrorism investigations into the activities of Black Muslim converts. At this point, it is unclear to us if that guidance was given by the White House or the Department of Justice, or if it was promulgated by the agencies themselves, anticipating the wishes of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Stratfor implies, however, that the investigations were canceled for purely political reasons.

....."politics have proved obstructive to all facets of counterterrorism policy. And politics may have been at play in the Muhammad case as well as in other cases involving Black Muslim converts"...

Is it possible that the White House or Eric Holder's Justice Department "turned off" counterterror investigations that could have saved the targeted soldiers?

This paragraph would appear to make clear that such an order was given:

Many FBI supervisors are reluctant to authorize investigations that they believe may have negative blow-back on their career advancement. In light of this institutional culture, and the order to be careful in investigations relating to Black Muslim converts, it would not be at all surprising to us if a supervisor refused to authorize a full-field investigation of Muhammad that would have included surveillance of his activities... Had the FBI opened a full-field investigation on Muhammad, and had it conducted surveillance on him, it would have been able to watch him participate in preoperational activities such as conducting surveillance of potential targets and obtaining weapons.

H/T Nice Deb


Wild Thing's comment........

Amazing, DHS etc. lists Veterans and right wingers etc. on thei Homeland Security list but remember how we did not see followers of Islam on the list.

Goes right along with dropping the charges on the New Black Panthers.

And also how Obama Supports Saudi Arabia Immunity in 9/11 Lawsuit

WND article from May 21, 2007:

Al-Qaida is aggressively recruiting black Americans for suicide operations against the homeland, say FBI analysts who have reviewed recent videotaped messages from the terror group’s leaders.

* 2006 FBI Director included black muslim converts in the war on terror.

* 2007 FBI says black muslims being recruited for suicide missions.

* 2009 Now Hussein is telling them to back off? This IS freakin unbelieveable!

Terrorist Pleads Not Guilty in Soldier's Death ~ Hello Barack Obama Where Are YOU!

Terrorist Attack on OBAMA'S Watch and SILENCE from Obama About it!

Shooting at U.S. Army Navy Career Center Little Rock

Posted by Wild Thing at June 4, 2009 06:47 AM


In light of statements of (White)racist cowards by Eric Holder, this is a very real possibility. We are seeing reverse racism at the highest levels in America. Another reason this administration is going to try to disarm us.

Posted by: TomR at June 4, 2009 10:26 AM

We need to know who planted this shrub in the Whitehouse. If Soros is behind Obama he is going to havv to hide in the same cave as Bin-laden.

Posted by: Avitar at June 4, 2009 01:36 PM

DISGUSTING, the whole thing. I'm FLOORED, but in light of recent events, not surprised....

Posted by: pontiff alex at June 4, 2009 02:53 PM

They dropped the charges against the New black Panters, the FBI ordered not to pursue known or suspected terrorists, who are muzzie or muzzie converts. It is going to be about as safe here as in the Middle East. I am waiting for the first muzzie bomber to blow himself up.

Posted by: Mark at June 4, 2009 04:38 PM