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May 03, 2009
Marine Christian Baez Needs Our Prayers

Marine Christian Baez 25 years of age. On Feb 28th Chrisitian was taken to the hospital due to 2nd and 3rd degree burns and is still in critical condition.. His mom had to quit her job to be able to see Christian every day at the hospital..
Our Hero did two tours of duty in Iraq, and received several awards.
Was honorably discharged Jan.17 2009 . He had a tragic accident on Feb. 28 th. 2009 and was burned over 75% of his body.
Has 2nd. and 3rd. degree burns , was not expected to live, and remains in critical and unstable condition.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Please say keep this Marine in your prayers and his family too. Thank you.
......Thank you SSGT Steve
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: "Retreat, Hell"
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at May 3, 2009 05:46 AM
Two tours and now this, this is terrible. God bless him.
Posted by: Mark at May 3, 2009 12:15 PM
Prayers being said.
Posted by: TomR at May 3, 2009 01:30 PM
I can think of nothing worse than being burned. Prayers said.
Posted by: Jack at May 3, 2009 02:58 PM
Thank you so much everyone.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 3, 2009 11:28 PM