Theodore's World: Hiding in plain sight

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May 15, 2009

Hiding in plain sight

Hi everyone. It's me, LindaSoG, and I'm butting in for a minute or two, to help Chrissie deal with a situation that needs some airing out.

I know those of you who come to Theodore's World day after day to read about what's happening out there, and to see what Chrissie has to say about it do so because you've come to respect her opinions and her ideas. Theodore's World is Chrissie's place, but is not really about Chrissie, it's about the world, and what's going on, how we feel about it and what we're going to do about it. Still, over time, you've come know about Chrissie, because she has shared little bits about herself with you.

If you were curious enough, you could alway peek at her personal website, which talks about her life and career as a model and an actress, and her husband's military service in the Navy, and his career as an actor and as a stunt man. She didn't hide these things, she just didn't make a big deal out it. After all, you don't come here because Chrissie used to be an actress, because she knew Hugh Hefner and hung out at the Playboy Mansion. You don't come here because she knew Bob Hope or Jack Klugman, or Adam West or anyone else in Hollywood. You don't come here because her husband did movies with Elvis Presley, or Charles Bronson, or James Colburn. You come here because of Chrissie's politics, her opinions, her thoughts and her ideas.

So, why talk about Hollywood now? Well, because Chrissie has attracted the attention a left wing blogger and she must have pissed him off enough so that he did a little research into Chrissie's career. And now, he believes he has "discovered" what he thinks is a secret and he's harassing Chrissie about it. It's become annoying. So, we thought addressing it here might shut the situation down before it goes any further.

This is the film clip he is making a fuss about... our Chrissie appears first in the pink dress and then changes into shorts. She does a brief dance and then does her thing with the phone and drives off...

This was in the 1970s, the movie was Russ Meyer's Super Vixens, and back then, it was considered quite risque. Nowadays, it has become a cult classic with a large following. Chrissie was the only woman in the movie who kept her clothing on, and despite the fact that she was basically a walk on with like 7 minutes of camera time, she was so adorable that Russ used her on the movie poster.

It's no big secret but this guy thinks he's done a brilliant bit of detective work. Sorry but no, it's no big deal, no big discovery. Cooper is not the first to figure it out, he's just the first to be such an ass about it.

I think my favorite leftie to figure it out was this guy:

There's an actress named Christy Hartburg. Or "Christina Cummings", as she was listed for her appearances in NATIONAL LAMPOON GOES TO THE MOVIES, BJ AND THE BEAR and SHERIFF LOBO.

But under the name "Christy Hartburg", she appeared in Russ Meyers' SUPERVIXENS. She's got about 8 minutes of screen time, and she's the pinnacle of the curvy, healthy, early 70's pinup girl, before everyone started starving themselves into rib-tastic bonerkillitude:

Good Lord! Oh, where are you, Christy?

Well, turns out she's alive and well and a RAGING NEOCONSERVATIVE, living somewhere in Las Vegas. Her views on America, and George W. Bush, and the direction this country's been taking make Ann Coulter look like Janeane Garofalo.

Which intrigues me all the more. How do you reconcile ideas -- ideas which are so repellent to you -- being inside such an angelic package? "Christy Hartburg" would hate me. HATE ME. And I'd probably hate her. But somewhere in my mind, she'd still be SuperLorna, the motorist who go-go's at the gas station at the beginning of SUPERVIXENS. Sigh.

What bothers me the most about this Cooper guy is that he's writing these sweet little notes to Chrissie, "I've been reading your blog a long time, I would love to talk to you about your career, please call me." and then she finds that post in her site stats where at the same time he's writing about her site being a hate site and saying that she's unhinged. That's scary stuff right there, and he's wondering why she refuses to have any contact with him?

So, anyways, there you have it. There are no secrets to expose, and Cooper, sorry, but no interviews will be granted.

Now. Back to business as usual.

Posted by LindaSoG at May 15, 2009 06:35 AM

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