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May 08, 2009
Government to Condemn Land for Flight 93 Memorial

Very brave Americans on flight 93 fought back and averted another massive Islamic terror attack on the capital on 911. United Flight 93 was traveling from Newark, N.J., to San Francisco when it was diverted by hijackers with the goal of crashing it into the White House or Capitol. The official 9/11 Commission report said the hijackers crashed the plane as passengers tried to wrest control of the cockpit.
Government to condemn land for Flight 93 memorial
The government will begin taking land from seven property owners so that the Flight 93 memorial can be built in time for the 10th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks, the National Park Service said.
In a statement obtained by The Associated Press, the park service said it had teamed up with a group representing the victims' families to work with landowners since before 2005 to acquire the land.
"But with few exceptions, these negotiations have been unsuccessful," said the statement.
Landowners dispute that negotiations have taken place and say they are disappointed at the turn of events.
The seven property owners own about 500 acres still needed for what will ultimately be a $58 million, 2,200-acre permanent memorial and national park at the crash site near Shanksville, about 60 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
"We always prefer to get that land from a willing seller. And sometimes you can just not come to an agreement on certain things," park service spokesman Phil Sheridan said.
"Basically, at this point, we have not been able to acquire all the land we need," he said.
Even with willing sellers, Sheridan said title questions, liens and other claims can arise that would have to be worked out and could delay the project.
"We had a group of people who took some very heroic actions. It's just fitting and right that we get this done in time for the 10th anniversary," he said.
"We've been working with (the park service) all along. We've given them rights to come on the property" to do planning, he said.
"All it's going to do is cost a huge amount of money for attorneys," he said.
Wild Thing's comment.......
This memorial which looks like a giant crescent facing towards Mecca! Why don't those doing this just build the entire thing as a tribute to the terrorists, this is an outrage what they are making and that it faces toward Mecca.
Does the left have to get their hands on everything that has meaning in our country? Anyone that cared even a little about what happened would never even have this kind of design enter their mind.
And now add into this the land grab.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at May 8, 2009 05:48 AM
I read about this on Fox. It said they needed 500 more acres. The land owners refuse to sell it. So the State is just going to take it. Another violation of the US Constitution. This can not be considered emminent domain.
But that aside, the project 2200 acres, that's almost 3 1/2 Square miles of park. This is suppose to be a monument to Flight 93 not a testamony to the Terrorists who caused the death of 3000 plus Innocent Americans. The monument is in the shape of the Cresent the I slam symbol, why is that ? This site is suppose to be to those brave Americans who fought back against the odds but with Obozo the game is rigged.
Where exactly, in History, has I slam contributed anything to the development and betterment of the world, is he talking: Honor Killings, ones daughter, beheading your wife, Your neighbor, stoning a girl, to death who was raped(The culprit is buried up to their neck then everybody throws rocks at the her protruding head of the victim until literally her head is pulverzied). Are these the contributions to the betterment of the world obama is talking about.
Pennsylvania can't seem to execute a twice convicted Cop killer, in Philadelphis, yet they can steal land from Real taxpayers. Yeah berry they have really contributed alot to society.
This disgusting.
Posted by: Mark at May 8, 2009 07:41 AM
Because of Islamic terrorists, Americans are going to have their land stolen from them by the government. I wonder if Obama will come on TV and declare those landowners who are holding out as "Un-American" and that he doesn't stand with them?
Posted by: BobF at May 8, 2009 09:56 AM
This is why America is eventually going to lose the war. Our leaders are willing to screw over Americans and at the same time kowtow to islam.
muslims will feel right at home visiting this site. I wonder if there will be foot baths, maybe a prayer rug concession.
There is nothing about this memorial or the one at Ground Zero that make me feel the reality of what occured on 9-11.
Posted by: TomR at May 8, 2009 12:17 PM
Posted by: Jack at May 8, 2009 03:24 PM
Mark, thank you again for sending this
to me.
Thank you for the added information about
this and what is happening. I think it was
a couple of years ago I signed a petition
about not wanting the crescent. It sure
didn't do much good.
I cried the first time I saw what they
had planned for the site.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 8, 2009 07:24 PM
BobF., I wouldn't put it past him to do
something like that. He is so horrible.
By what they are doing they are keeping
the attack going, since they are not
really respecting those that died, and
favoring Islam.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 8, 2009 07:30 PM
Tom, I agree, they really are trying very
hard to lose.
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 8, 2009 07:33 PM
Jack, Ditto that!!!!!!!
Posted by: Wild Thing at May 8, 2009 07:34 PM