Theodore's World: Eric Holder Supports Terrorists

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May 23, 2009

Eric Holder Supports Terrorists

Eric Holder on Terrorist Organizations


At an oversight hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, the sharpest questioning came from Republicans who challenged Holder about the possibility that the administration will seek to bring some terror detainees from Guantanamo Bay to the United States.

“They could be released into American communities and become a threat to our families and neighbors,” warned the committee’s ranking member, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas). “They will certainly give new purpose to neighborhood watch committees. Their detention facilities could become a target for attack by sleeper cells here and around the world.”

Holder said the Justice Department had not yet studied the risks the inmates could pose to Americans, because there is no plan yet about precisely where they would be sent. “We’re not going to do anything — anything — that is going to put the American people at risk. Nothing,” the attorney general underscored.

“It seems to me that there would be zero risk if we brought zero people to the United States of America,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).
Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) accused Holder of being “so hellbent on not using waterboarding” that he would allow a terrorist attack to take place rather than use the technique, which the attorney general has described as torture.

Smith also joined the growing ranks of members demanding greater disclosure from the transparency-touting Obama administration.

“Before a single detainee is transferred anywhere, all unclassified records regarding their backgrounds should be made public,” Smith insisted. “I am concerned in its first months in office the administration has engaged in a pattern of behavior that is endangering the American people.”
Rep. Howard Coble (R-N.C.) used colorful language as he pressed Holder on whether detainees brought to the U.S. might be eligible for welfare.

“I don’t want to be portrayed as an inflexible, redneck coot, but I believe that would be a reckless fiscal exercise to provide assistance to that end,” Coble said.

The attorney general was cagey on whether he supports the idea of creating a blue-ribbon panel to investigate claims that aggressive interrogation techniques authorized by the Bush administration amounted to torture.

“You could just say yes,” suggested Conyers.

“The decision to do such a thing I will leave in your good hands,” Holder said.

When Conyers asked what factors Holder would use in considering whether to appoint an independent counsel to investigate the Bush-era interrogation program, the attorney general also gave an exceedingly general response.

“We will allow the law and the facts to take us wherever is appropriate,” Holder said.

Holder shed little light on the outcome of an internal investigation of the former Justice Department lawyers who wrote memos giving a legal green light to interrogation techniques many view as torture. He said he hadn’t seen the report, which is said to recommend that some of the lawyers be referred for possible discipline by state bar authorities. “I would think that we’re looking at a matter of weeks before it will be complete,” Holder said.

Holder also faced questions about President Barack Obama’s decision to reverse course and fight court rulings requiring the disclosure of photos of alleged detainee abuse by the U.S. military. The attorney general appeared to reach his limit on transparency when he rebuffed a request from Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.) to share the Justice Department’s initial conclusion that it would be “hopeless” to pursue the case to the Supreme Court.

“I have great reluctance in saying that I would share internal Justice Department memoranda that deal with decision making in particular cases,” Holder said.

Despite the serious subject matter, the hearing had moments of levity. At one point, Rep. Steven Cohen (D-Tenn.) said he hoped Holder didn’t regard the pitcher of water on the witness table as “some sort of intimidation.”
“As long as it’s not poured down my nose, I think I’m OK,” Holder said.

Wild Thing's comment.........

Listen to Lamar Smith in the video as he asks Eric Holder the same question over and over. He has to reword it to try and get Holder to answer a simple question.

Let's you and I put the question another way. A man enlists and goes to Boot Camp in the USArmy, he goes through all the training. Now let's ask this....Is the man that went into the Army, went through and completed Basic training, is this man a soldier? The same for the NAVY is the man a sailor, the Marines,is the man a Marine.

OR like Eric Holder says we cannot answer that until we check

"you have to individualize the determinations about a particular person"

WTF sorry but can't send Eric Holder to GITMO and put HIM in one of the jail cells with one of the terrorists? He seems to really like them and he obviously would enjoy their company. Because he sure as heck could care less about American lives.

America's tombstone will read: 'At least we were politically correct'

Posted by Wild Thing at May 23, 2009 07:45 AM


We look to standards of reference for exacting measurements, references that have been agreed upon by mankind. From the earliest texts written to guide human behavior through our standards of measurement for understanding. Be it Metric, SAE, Barley Corns or the Rai, Inches, Pounds and seconds, centimeter, gram, second, Kilometer, gram second. Worthless unless agreed upon and recognized as interchangeable standards.
Our laws are founded on English laws, our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, our own Constitution was well thought out, our Bill of Rights corrected some of the original flaws in the Constitution. Then along came the freaking lawyers and their horseshit 'rule of law', bastardizing the meaning of the written Constitution for their own edification.
Like equating a meter with a yard someone is going to get screwed in the exchange, it's all relative to the freaking standard of reference and these bastards are making it up as they go.

Inches are not millimeters, neither is our sovereignty subject to the Communist auspices of the UN or the Islamic absolute monarchy and their sliding scale of references for human freedom.
Look no farther than Yemen, Somalia or the Sudan for wonderful referenced to the UN standards.

What about the ragheads who claim to be Palestinians, but are Jordanian, Syrian and Egyptian riff raff banned by their own countries yet supported directly by the UN and the United States under the banner of humanitarian aid, nothing could be farther from the truth. It's supporting terrorism and terrorists.

Obama and Numbnuts Holder are bypassing two standards of reference, our very own Constitution and God's law as adopted via English law. These lowlife CS's are granting our very enemies citizens rights, treating muzzie butchers as our very own kind.

The entire world is granting these Islamist bastards super immunity for their butchering transgressions against mankind.

Just look at the standards set by the Democrats and say how proud you are of them for following the Constitution and separating the people from God, you too RINO's.

Want justice for the Guantanamo detainees? Send them to The Hague, Netherlands and let the international court house, feed and decide their fate under Dutch Sharia Law. Or my tree is always available, they can all hang out with Holder there.

Posted by: Jack at May 23, 2009 03:27 PM

So Congress has cut off funding for closing Gitmo. Obama is making an end run around this by bringing the Terrorists here. He says, if we put them in a Super Max they can't escape. Hell with all the converts to I slam that won't be a problem we will get home grown terrorists by proxy.

Then what happens if some leftist Federal Judge gets a wild hair and he says this Jihadi's rights have been violated and releases the former Terrorists in his own recognizance on grounds of Civil Rights violation and viola' we have a real Islamic Terrorist set loose on the streets of New York.

And Obama says, he will do everything to protect America, so far he has done a piss poor job.

Posted by: Mark at May 23, 2009 05:17 PM

Jack, that was great, thank you so much!

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 23, 2009 08:33 PM

Mark, your right, there is something
with this guy Obama, He will get his
way no matter what. He has yet to
take advice from anyone, well maybe from
Soros but they are on the same wave link
to destroy our country.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 23, 2009 08:36 PM