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March 27, 2009
Obama ~ Americans To Have Smart Meters

From the "Virtual town hall" at the White House on Thursday March 26th
Obama: "We could set up systems so that everybody in each house have their own smart meters that, uhh, will tell you when to turn off the lights, when the peak hours are, can help you sell back energy, uh, that you've generated in your home through a solar panel or through, uh, eh, other mechanisms. All this can be done, but it also creates jobs right now. Our biggest problem, we don't have enough electricians to lay all these lines out there."
AT&T Taps Into Smart Grid With SmartSynch
Smart grid analyst Jesse Berst wasn’t kidding when he said companies are in a frenzy repositioning themselves to grab a piece of the smart grid market. The latest is the largest cell phone company in the U.S.: AT&T (T). This morning, AT&T says it is working with smart meter technology maker SmartSynch to provide its wireless network for residential installations using SmartSynch’s smart meter technology.
While AT&T has been using its network for smart meter deployments for awhile, this new extension is a bet on the growth of the smart meter residential market. U.S. utilities are just starting to do trials of smart meters in homes in select regions, but with the stimulus package injecting billions into the smart meter and smart grid markets, utilities and companies are getting ready to take advantage of dramatic growth this year.
President Barack Obama has called for the installation of 40 million smart meters and 3,000 miles of transmission lines.
Wild Thing's comment.......
Well we could all save by turning off our TV's while he is speaking heh heh
If your last name starts with "A- E", you can wash clothes between midnight and 4 am..Jan to June. In june, you can wash them on the rocks and air dry them.
This is Big Brother/Big Sister (Pelosi) in our homes; in our lives; taking over as in a dictatorship. Millions of American patriots sacrificed their lives to protect and defend this nation from the likes of these Socialist Liberals. I have no doubt they are rolling in their graves over this national disgrace. Makes me ill.
Can't Oreo-Obama just shut up for one day? I mean, how about if he just turns off the television lights on him for one day? How much energy would that save? I have seen enough of Obama to last a lifetime, more than enough. He is making a daily appearance. I suggest that he make an appearance or a statement about once every decade or less.
The amount of hot air that comes out of his mouth would generate a massive amount of power, of course it is toxic, but keeping his mouth shut and turning off the television lights would definitely be a positive.
Posted by Wild Thing at March 27, 2009 05:40 AM
Smart meters ? This guy is a walking cliche'. Years ago, in a lot of States around the country, used a similar set up. But basically it was for a hot water heater. The Power company would install a second meter for the hot water heater and could switch it on and off on peak hours. Supposedly to save the customer money. I've never seen the switching mechanism so I doubt the voracity of this.
Another idea that died was to run the hot water tank on 120 volts or 1/4 power until peak hours then it would switch to full power. This was a code violation and was soon discarded,. They were switching the neutral witch is a huge violation. One of the problems was if you lost power you had to reset the timer.
Then there were the all electric homes that could be programmed to, say average 10kw per day, as appliances were turned on and you started reaching the target of 10kw, other appliances were switched off, this became a real pain in the ass, especially during the holidays. Depending of the priority of the switching the Oven could be turned off because the target had been met and the Turkey wasn't done by 3:30 and it disrupted a lot of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
All of the above were Customer approved not Government mandated. The customer chose to install these items for saving money on the utility bill.
The idea of a 'Smart meter' is by itself intrusive, that the customer is not smart enough to turn off an appliance, so the Government shall do it for you.
Posted by: Mark at March 27, 2009 07:10 AM
I am a laid off aircraft worker in Wichita. Believe me, I keep things turned off unless absolutely necessary. And now, big dipshit obambozo wants to regulate how I run my house. Me and the Enfield stand ready.
Posted by: Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET at March 27, 2009 07:30 AM
I forgot one experience with something on this order. In the mid to late 1980's, I was at NAS Lemoore, CA. The station housing had a switch that allowed you to run the dryer or the air conditioner. It was one or the other. this was due to summer in the San Joaquin Valley. We also had timers on the AC that shut them off for short periods. And these houses were not the best. The contractors that built them got into serious trouble with the law. One ended up in Central America and the other ended up in Federal Prison.
Posted by: Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET at March 27, 2009 07:34 AM
They would just love us. When no one is home during the day in the fall and winter and spring, the house goes down to 51 degrees, with the thermostat running up to 68 at 5 pm. We also have it run down at night while we're sleeping, too, with it running up at 3 Mon to Fri and 5 on the weekends. In the summer it doesn't matter-we don't have AC. We use open windows and fans.
They just need to realize that people are different--the elderly need more warmth for the cold, arthritic bones and the very young need more warmth, so we aren't going to be using the same amount. They just need to learn to use their thermostats correctly and not have the government stepping in on their private lives!
Posted by: Lynn at March 27, 2009 08:29 AM
Yeah, sure! Of course Al Gore, John Edwards, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry are going to accept limitations on their use of electricity or natural gas in their mansions. They will be exempt from Smart Metering by buying their way out. Obama is bringing governmental oversight right into our homes.
Posted by: TomR at March 27, 2009 12:00 PM
Jimmy Carter Sweaters =
Obamazo Smart Thermostats
My dad had these installed in his house when he last remodeled. Problem is after he died my mother can not figure them out to set them. The "smart thermostats" have an AA batery in them to remember the settings. Last winter mother had a house at 50 at one point because the "smart thermostat" forgot the settings.
Posted by: Avitar at March 27, 2009 04:16 PM
The environmental people should have smart meters shoved up their A@#es. I hit the history channel today and they were talking about the end of the Neanderthal man. It was pointed out that at that time there were sharp climate changes back and forth. Perhaps the Neanderthals were riding around` in SUV's. I don't know, just a question.
Bob A.
Posted by: Bob A at March 27, 2009 06:24 PM
Mark, thank you for that iknformation. This mandated stuff has got to stop, I really have had it. And they slilde it in and don't even tell us, this was just something Obama said when yakking on that interview with online people. I had never even heard of it before. I am so sick of things coming from him and his big government bs.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 27, 2009 11:32 PM
Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET, thank you so much for sharing about that.
I sure am tired of Obama treating us like we cannot think or do for ourselves.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 27, 2009 11:35 PM
Lynn, yes they give very little credit to people having a brain and knowing what to do. And like you said everyone is different. The elderly like is warmer and some cannot handle heat when they live in very hot areas.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 27, 2009 11:39 PM
Tom, good point, I had nto even thought of that. There is no way those you mentioned will be having one of these smart meters. sheesh
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 27, 2009 11:43 PM
Avitar, haha yes good one about the Carter sweater.
See that is the thing to about them, thank you for sharing that about the one your mom has. That could easily happen.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 27, 2009 11:45 PM
Bob A., Amen to that, they sure should!!!
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 27, 2009 11:47 PM