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March 20, 2009
Obama the Teleprompter in Chief the TOTUS!
You didn’t hear the horns blowing, but TOTUS--Teleprompter of the United States of America--is here.
Rush Limbaugh said it first.
While you were busy trying to save your job, your house, your family and your faith in America, TOTUS had already morphed from POTUS.
It was a clever enough shtick because you can’t shout down a teleprompter. Call it a liar all you want, it will just continue on to the next paragraph in the text.
TOTUS is not just missing promised transparency, Hope and Change, it has absolutely no human feelings. Like a robot, it just scrolls right on.
The Age of TOTUS is not to be confused with with the long ago era of Emperor Titus, known for destroying the city and temple of Jerusalem. But for the TOTUS ticked, Titus only lasted for two years (79-81 AD). While he had no teleprompter to fool the Roman masses, his reign was marred by two epic events, the Mount Vesuvius eruption and the Fire of Rome. Even so, Titus was deified by the Roman Senate.
Funny article she did a good job...Please click HERE to read the entire article

Wild Thing's comment..........
It's 3 AM. Do You Know Where Your Teleprompter Is? heh heh
This will be about the only thing we can laugh at when it comes to the Marxist in the Oval Office, we might as well have some fun with it. Because one good thing about all of this I am sooooo glad not to be hearing what a good speaker he is anymore. Thank you GOD! I was really sick of hearing that day in and day out. LOL
....Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
Army Combat Engineers
Jack's blog is Conservative Insurgent
Posted by Wild Thing at March 20, 2009 06:55 AM
Thanks Chrissie. Pick your Kenyan nose, past the first knuckle too!!! That's class, no danger of brain damage with that maneuver. Talk about a pained expression with that queer salute to a good Marine. I used to treat a butter bar almost that bad, an ass that the old man didn't even want to be near, one day the old man dumped him on me as 'shotgun' on a run out of Phu Bai, I took a gum wrapper and with gum made him a Captain, he never caught on why he was being pointed at. The CO never mentioned the incident. DILLIGAF
Posted by: Jack at March 20, 2009 09:18 AM
I'll laugh when I see that O'Vomit has been impeached for treason, convicted and eliminated.
Posted by: cuchieddie (VN66/68) at March 20, 2009 10:43 AM
I agree with you Jack.....the pained look on his face as he has to salute a man of honor is totally disgusting. He wouldn't know honor if it jumped up and bit him in the ass. The Marine is more of a man - a true American - than "Zero" ever will be.
I'm a little disappointed that there wasn't a telepromter telling him how to wipe his ass. Hmmmm.....wonder if he uses a teleprompter when he and Michelle go to bed?!?!?!?!
I'll bring the champagne cuchieddie and we can all celebrate!!!! And we can go "green" by recycling the champagne all over him when we have to relieve ourselves!!!!
Posted by: John at March 20, 2009 12:02 PM
Jack, I didn't make any of these LOL.Yes he is all low class. Great story Jack, thank you.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 20, 2009 05:47 PM
cuchieddie (VN66/68), yes I agree, that is when I will really be happy.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 20, 2009 05:50 PM
John, LOL
"I'm a little disappointed that there wasn't a telepromter telling him how to wipe his ass"
Good one!!!
As bad as he is at speaking he might need one when like you say he and Michelle go to bed. heh heh
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 20, 2009 05:53 PM