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March 04, 2009
More Military Responding To B.Hussein Obama Eligibility
More military officers demand eligibility proof
By Bob Unruh
Plaintiff: 'In the worst case … it's going to be revolution in the streets'
2nd source Defend Our Freedoms.US
Military officers from the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are working with California attorney Orly Taitz and her Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, citing a legal right established in British common law nearly 800 years ago and recognized by the U.S. Founding Fathers to demand documentation that may prove – or disprove – Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.
Taitz told WND today she has mailed to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder a request that he "relate Quo Warranto on Barack Hussein Obama II to test his title to president before the Supreme Court."
The lengthy legal phrase essentially means an explanation is being demanded for what authority Obama is using to act as president. An online constitutional resource says Quo Warranto "affords the only judicial remedy for violations of the Constitution by public officials and agents."
Requesting the action are:
Maj. Gen. Carroll Childers;
Lt. Col. Dr. David Earl-Graef;
police officer Clinton Grimes, formerly of the U.S. Navy;
Lt. Scott Easterling, now serving on active duty in Iraq;
New Hampshire state Rep. Timothy Comerford;
Tennessee state Rep. Frank Nicely
and others.
John Eidsmoe, an expert on the U.S. Constitution now working with the Foundation on Moral Law, an organization founded by former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore after he was removed from office for formally recognizing the Ten Commandments' influence in the U.S., said the demand is a legitimate course of action.
"She basically is asking, 'By what authority' is Obama president," he told WND. "In other words, 'I want you to tell me by what authority. I don't really think you should hold the office.'
"She probably has some very good arguments to make," Eidsmoe said.
The letter, dispatched to Holder today, is the latest development in the quest by a multitude of lawyers and plaintiffs nationwide for documentation that Obama qualifies to be president under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.
101 total plaintiffs, 9 of them are active, 3 in Iraq, numerous in active recall
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation
by Dr. Orly Taitz at 3/3/2009
The third plaintiff, currently serving in Iraq allowed me to provide his name:
Alan Craig James, from Stedman NC, Active Duty Staff Sargeant.
He did three tours of duty as Prime Power Production Specialist. His military ID card is on file in my office.
Due to the fact that the group of plaintiffs is large, I have an opportunity to divide this group of plaintiffs into smaller groups and file in different jurisdictions, different causes of action, which gives me a higher probability to find a judge, that has some guts and some spine and some other parts to sign a judicial subpoena for all of BO's vital records. If he doesn't produce them, he will be in contempt of court and will have to be arrested for contempt of court. Nobody is above the law.
All of these 101 plaintiffs are demanding that Barack Obama show a drop of honesty and decensy and show a hint of respect to those brave men and women, that are risking their lifes, protecting this country and it's constitution .
He is arrogantly talking about transparency in the government., while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on an army of lawyers keeping all of his vital recods consealed: his original birth certificate with a name of the hospital, a name of the doctor, 3 signatures and a seal, his passports from Kenya and Indonesia, his immigration records and his school enrollment records from Occidental College, Harvard and Columbia.
I really believe, that he doesn't have an actual proper birth certifiacte in the vault in the Health Department in HI, not a birth certificate like all of us have, but rather this short version certification of life birth that can be given to a foreign born child of a Hawaiian resident or one that is given to a child that doesn't have a proper birth certificate from a Hospital, one that was given based on a statement of a grandma or a grandpa. I believe, his half sister Maya, that was born in Indonesia, has the same garbage document, which means that they don't have an actual corroborating evidence and proof of citizenship.
It is time for Obama to come clean or to resign or to be removed by the order of civil court or military tribunal. Not a minute too soon.

Dr Taitz,
Please insure that I filled out the consent form properly, and let me know in any way that I can assist. I am still in the process of leaving the Active Reserve, and dropping to Inactive Reserve Status. I started this before Mr Obama was sworn in because I could not in good faith defend the Constitution and serve under him at the same time. My goal is to return to serving our country in the military, but cannot do so while he is occupying the Oval Office. It was apparent that the only way i could trully keep my oath was to join the battle on the civilian side within our own borders. I would like to offer any assistance I can, and will remain at our Country's service until our Constitution is restored.
SSgt Brian A Keith
United States Marine Corps
Major James R. Cannon Joins Plaintiff action
Attn. Orly Taitz, Esq.
26302 La Paz, Ste. 211
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
I agree to be a plaintiff in the legal action to be filed by Orly Taitz, Esq. in a PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT THAT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS NOT QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT of the U.S., nor TO BE COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the U.S. ARMED FORCES, in that I am or was a sworn member of the U.S. military (subject to recall), and therefore when serving as an active member of the military, I would be unable to follow any orders given by a Constitutionally unqualified Commander In Chief, since by doing so I would be subject to charges of aiding and abetting fraud and committing acts of treason.
TYPED NAME /or Signature: James R. Cannon
POSITION IN THE MILITARY: Retired as Assistant Director for the reserves, 6th MCD
RANK: Major
SERVICE BRANCH: United States Marine Corps
DATES SERVED/STATUS: 6 August 1953-1 December 1977 Major Retired
OCCUPATION: Retired (Disabled)....Combat Veteran
ACHIEVEMENTS: Awarded Silver Star for Conspicuous Gallentry, Awarded the Bronze Star with Combat "V",Two (2) Purple Hearts, Gold Medal for best Squad Leader in the World, 14 other awards and decorations
Lt Col. Chuck Miller, USAF (Ret) is honored to be a Plainftiff in Military Action
Charles L. Miller, Lt. Col. USAF (Ret) —
(Pilot Training Reunion Photo, 2001)
Chuck Miller graduated as an Aeronautical Engineer (BS) from the University of Illinois in January 1961 and received an AFROTC commission upon graduation. He entered Undergraduate Pilot Training in April of ’61, training in the T-37 and T-33 jet trainers as a part of Class 62G in Valdosta, GA (Moody AF
His first assignment was flying a Navigation Trainer version (TC-47) of the WW II C-47 transport at O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, in support of Air Force Reserves where he spent 5 years and logged nearly 2000 hours of flight time. He was then assigned to Vietnam an a Top Secret Electronic Reconnaissance version, the EC-47, after ferrying an EC-47 from the US to Vietnam, island hopping across the Pacific. He served in Vietnam from March ’67 to February ’68, where he logged another 1500 hours flying 115 combat reconnaissance missions. During his EC-47 assignment he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, seven Air Medals, and the AF Commendation Medal.
After completion of his EC-47 assignment, he was selected by SAC as a KC-135Q tanker pilot supporting the highly classified SR-71 “Blackbird” special operations. He continued his career progression in this capacity, for 5-years where he excelled as a senior instructor pilot and ultimately becoming Chief Instructor Pilot for the Base, and then Bomb Wing Chief of Safety.
He was then selected for a special category (SPECAT) assignment to HQ USAF on a NATO Exchange posting with the Canadian Armed Forces where his mission was to develop the Canadian inflight refueling role using modified commercial Boeing 707-320C aircraft and two 15-aircraft squadrons of CF-5 fighters. He spent 3-years in this position, successfully bringing the inflight refueling capability for the Canadians into full maturity and reliability.
He then was reassigned to the Oklahoma City Air Logistic Center (OCALC) in the C/KC-135 Logistics Management unit where he ultimately rose to the position of Weapon System [Logistic] Manager for the fleet of 750 aircraft, plus the Presidential VC-135 and 707 fleet. In that capacity he was responsible for the C/KC-135 Structural Integrity Program, wing Reskin, played a principal role in the KC-135R re-engining program and was the originator of the KC-135E re-engining program using refurbished commercial 707 engines and components for over 150 C/KC-135s. He retired from the USAF in 1981 at the rank of Lt. Colonel.
Officer Grimes Joins Plainftiff's in Military Action
Officer Grimes served in the Navy and currently is a police officer.
Source : Defend Our Freedoms.US
Dr. Taitz,
My consent form is attached. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this lawsuit. I was dismayed from the beginning at the attitude of Barack Obama towards us who wear the uniform. He accused me and my brothers and sisters in arms of "air raiding villages and terrorizing civilians" in Iraq.
I have commented many times that he (Barack Obama) would not be able to pass the background check to be a Naval Officer or a Police Officer. Additionally he does not support HR 218 which allows me t be able to protect myself and my family. I could go on and on. For the last 25 yearsI have painstakingly presented numerous documents over my police and Navy careers. If he a US citizen, presenting his birth certificate should be no problem. I believe that knowing that the person at the top of the military and law enforcement chains of command is eligible to hold the office is a reasonable request.
Very Respectfully,
Clint Grimes
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it!
DATE: 2/26/09
Attn. Orly Taitz, Esq.
26302 La Paz, Ste. 211
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
I agree to be a plaintiff in the legal action to be filed by Orly Taitz, Esq. in a PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT whether Barry Soetoro, citizen of Indonesia and possibly still citizen of Kenya, aka BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT of the U.S or TO BE COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the U.S. ARMED FORCES, in that I am or was a sworn member of the U.S. military (subject to recall) and I could conceivably be given unlawful orders by a Constitutionally unqualified Commander In Chief, and by following such orders I can be subject to court martial.
TYPED NAME or Signature:
FULL NAME: Clinton Alan Grimes
1 OCTOBER 1984 - Present
OCCUPATION: N-5 Mentor, NCAGS DELTA, Silverdale, WA
Civilian Occupation: Sergeant, Long Beach Police Department
ACHIEVEMENTS: Navy Commendation Medal (2), Army Commendation Medal, National Defense Medal(2), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, , Global War on Terror Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Navy/Marine Overseas Service Ribbon, Armed Forces Reserve Medal w/”M” device and Bronze Hourglass, Rifleman Expert Medal, Pistol Expert Medal, Surface Warfare Breast Insignia.
Police Awards: Police Awards: Employee of the Year 1999, Meritorious Class A
Wild Thing's comment..........
God Bless these military officers who are doing what they are suppose to do, which is to defend our Nation from "all enemies, foreign AND domestic."
Of ALL the things that Obama is doing to destroy our country, in my opinion, it takes on an entirely different level , and much more important, situation when it comes to being legally authorized to give orders to the military.
My heart and prayers go out to these people. Life as a military person, and family, is tough enough without having to worry that the person ordering you to fire your weapon or drop your bombs is qualified to do so. And I don't want anything to happen to a single one of them.
And there is also this...........
U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibility
Military member seeking documentation silenced
A member of the U.S. military whose suspicions about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president prompted him to sign onto a legal demand being sent to Attorney General Eric Holder has been silenced.
Attorney Orly Taitz, the California activist who through her DefendOurFreedoms.us foundation is assembling the case, told WND today she's been informed one of the members of the military has been ordered by commanding officers not to speak with media.
The officer's identity was withheld to prevent further actions against him.
However, Taitz confirmed to WND there would be no lack of plaintiffs in her action, which challenges Obama to prove by what authority he operates as commander in chief.
Another active-duty soldier, who identified himself as Staff Sgt. Alan Craig James, volunteered to be identified publicly as a plaintiff in the case, Taitz said.
She said she already has a list of 101 volunteers in her case demanding Obama's proof of eligibility.
....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67
Posted by Wild Thing at March 4, 2009 06:50 AM
Bear Nation, how many times to I have to say that our REPUBLIC witnessed a CHANGE in government on Election Day over three months ago. The Barackshevik Socialist Revolution was ELECTED into power by illegal aliens, ILLEGAL VOTES, ACORN and the $ORO$ left wingers...Welcome to the new USSR: United Socialist States Republic. Like BTO used to jam... "YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!"
The first things that Lenin, Stalin and Hitler did when they seized power was TO CONTROL THE MEDIA and this has already been accomplished.
You are seeing a deceitful propaganda spin machine now that trumps the Clintonistas!
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at March 4, 2009 08:11 AM
These are some courageous military people. They are risking a lot. The military frowns on members being politically active (except at the top). I hope their careers are not harmed by joining this petition. I also hope that many other military members join this effort.
Posted by: TomR at March 4, 2009 12:06 PM
Hi WT,
Thank's for posting this. I will do a short excerpt and link back here for the full article.
Bob A.
Posted by: Bob A at March 4, 2009 01:36 PM
All of you are right. These men are risking their careers and their futures. Back when I was young I started out as a citizen-soldier, I enjoyed BCT and AIT where were were expected to drop our civil rights as citizens and obediently follow the blind dictums of our leaders, yes it caused me 'heartburn'. Taking orders and following my oath led to some interesting impasses. In boot I challenged the Mess Sgt for dumping milk, 20 gallons a day, we were not allowed the stuff, period!!! That got me some extra duty in the mess hall, including the grease traps, some extra laps on the monkey bars amongst other S't D'tl's. For questioning waste??? The Mess Sgt could have simply stopped ordering the milk but like all pork barrel budgets it was "use it or lose it". In AIT I asked about absentee ballots not being passed out to the troops during the election year, I was told we weren't eligible because we were under age, BS, there were 21 year olds and older in boot and we were denied due process to access the very documents that were to determine our destiny. I pressed the issue, once again extra duty and accusations of insubordination, I had "questioned authority" if I were insubordinate I would have been hauled before an officer not just the First Sgt. Since the national voting age was lowered to 18 in 1971 recruits can vote but they often get disenfranchised. Thanks to the Democrat machine,
I don't support a lowered voting age, raise it to 35.
These wonderful military men are boldly exercising what each of us have, their dwindling civil right to challenge our leaders authenticity.
Posted by: Jack at March 4, 2009 02:30 PM
Yeah if active duty gets involved they will be shot down real quick and probably court martialled. But still there are some on active duty braving to come forward and the officers are really putting it on the line.
This is what we need courage of this kind will win.
As S.Sgt Keith said, Veritus Vincit.
Posted by: Mark at March 4, 2009 03:06 PM
Darth,yes your right, there has been a massive change in government.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 4, 2009 06:47 PM
Tom, I worry about them, because like you said they are risking a lot. But at the same time I am so very proud of them. It is something they have to think very hard about before they take a stand like this so that is added in to it too.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 4, 2009 06:49 PM
Bob A., that is wonderful thank you so much.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 4, 2009 06:52 PM
Jack, thank you so much for sharing about that.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 4, 2009 07:01 PM
Mark, yes I am so grateful to these taking a stand, it is a deep pride in them and their courage.
Posted by: Wild Thing at March 4, 2009 07:05 PM
As a foreigner, I envy you for having such heroes.
Not only do they have the guts to volunteer for military service! They now volunteer for losing everything by standing up against their commander in chief. Wow. This is awesome. God Bless America!!!
Posted by: Eddy at March 4, 2009 09:21 PM
I have asked this question of several prominent people on line and have never gotten a satisfactory answer, and in most cases no answer at all. I am ecstatic to see that someone has the guts, spine and those other parts to follow through with this problem that is facing our country now. GOD Bless and I'll be watching and if there is anything that I can do to help just let me know. Clell Sarber
Posted by: Clell Howard Sarber at March 6, 2009 06:43 PM