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February 25, 2009
Military Concerned About Constitution Being Honored
DATE: 24 Feb 2009
Attn. Orly Taitz, Esq.
26302 La Paz, Ste. 211
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
I agree to be a plaintiff in the legal action to be filed by Orly Taitz, Esq. in a PETITION FOR A DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT THAT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS NOT QUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT of the U.S., nor TO BE COMMANDER IN CHIEF of the U.S. ARMED FORCES, in that I am or was a sworn member of the U.S. military (subject to recall), and therefore when serving as an active member of the military, I would be unable to follow any orders given by a Constitutionally unqualified Commander In Chief, since by doing so I would be subject to charges of aiding and abetting fraud and committing acts of treason.
TYPED NAME or Signature: Carroll D. Childers
FULL NAME: Carroll Dean Childers
POSITION IN THE MILITARY/RANK/DATES SERVED/STATUS: Retired as Major General Commanding General 29TH Infantry Division VA ARNG 1999, 44 years service
OCCUPATION: Consultant Registered Professional Engineer
ACHIEVEMENTS: Retired 38 Yrs DON Civil Service, RDT&E, several patents, 14 months in combat zones as science advisor (Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Operation Desert Storm), Oldest DHG of a Ranger Course (42), retired MG, married 50+ years, still ticking and kicking
I can present a long list of reasons, taken individually, which convinced me NOT to vote for Barack Hussein Obama; his crime associates in the USA, his lack of experience, the mystery of his citizenship, his promise to make coal power industry bankrupt through excessive regulations, his constant adjustment of position on issues, his tax plan, his spread the wealth admission, his obvious socialistic goals, his associations with foreign leaders unfriendly to the USA, the lies he tells about a range of subjects including perhaps who his biological father really is, his most recent revelation of having a "National Security Force" (whatever that is)...............all of these says he is a person of mystery, of no integrity, and in fact paints him with the same narcissist paint of Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, and Kim Jong Ill.
But then, there is a simple more direct, easier to understand reason that I did not vote for him and that is his lack of respect for the country that is giving him the opportunity to run for the highest office in the land........even though I personally think he is not constitutionally eligible.
But more than 50% of America voted for this charlatan and he now has the helm of the ship of state. Even so, he is not MY President. I will not refer to him as such. I will call him Resident Obama, and an illegal resident of the white house at that. I resent him for what he is not. He has not given proof that he is a natural born citizen of these United States. He has spent millions of dollars protecting the truth of his birth from public knowledge; therefore, it is obvious he has something to hide. He is an interloper, a usurper, a fake, a scam artist, a Chicago crook, a recipient of bribes and gratuitous income for which he paid no tax, a socialist (perhaps only a communist or Marxist), and a grave danger to the future of the America that I love and have protected since I was 17 years old.
I have told my two senators and my member of the House of Representatives. I have written 9 justices of the Supreme Court as well as President Bush before he left office. NONE have responded, therefore, they are all complicit and should all be severely punished for having failed in their sworn oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The instant Obamb was sworn in, he violated the oath he took because he took the office knowing he is ineligible and there stood Judge Roberts who should have immediately had Obama arrested and deported.
Other than this, my key short-term complaint is that he has not had a heart attack in office. But most important, what I really want is the truth; is Obama a natural born citizen of the United States. If not a natural born citizen, America has been defrauded and then we would be stuck with Joe Biden whose only redeeming attribute is that he is probably not a communist.
Carroll D. Childers P.E.
Major General (Retired)
Open Letter from Brigadier General Charles Jones
Charles E. Jones
Brigadier General US Air Force, Retired
Lifetime subject to recall for active duty
Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal (AF)
Open Letter from Brigadier General Charles Jones
"We the People of the United States of America" are entitled to know the legal qualifications of the President and Commander in Chief. For the better good and National Security of "We the People of the United States" and for Absolute Command of the Military Forces of the United States, I whole heartedly support the efforts of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ for taking legal action to determine whether or not Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, Citizen of Indonesia and possibly citizen of Kenya, is eligible to become President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces."

Col. Riley is one of the organizers of the national counter-protest Gathering of Eagles;
Here is a wonderful article at Frontpage about him.
"Colonel Harry G. Riley, the recipient of the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and other awards and badges – including the Combat Infantry Badge, Parachute Badge, and Army Staff Badge. He served over 34 years in the US Army. He was commissioned as a 2LT in 1966 and promoted to Colonel in 1989. He served in command positions from Detachment through Battalion level and staff assignments from Brigade to Chief of Staff Army level. He served two tours in Viet Nam and did several tours in Germany. "
Retired Colonel, Riley is "the recipient of the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star and other awards and badges – including the Combat Infantry Badge, Parachute Badge, and Army Staff Badge. He served over 34 years in the US Army. He was commissioned as a 2LT in 1966 and promoted to Colonel in 1989. He served in command positions from Detachment through Battalion level and staff assignments from Brigade to Chief of Staff Army level. He served two tours in Viet Nam and did several tours in Germany.
Re: the USS Cole and Obama releasing the terrorist
"The selfish, gutless cowards in leadership bring us closer to outright revolution every day...........the bastards are so spineless they would see our nation destroyed rather than lift a simple "objection".......
Many States are now starting "sovereignty" actions to separate from the federal government as outlined in our Constitution..........federal excesses have gone to, to far....enough is enough.......more than enough...the people are now clearly controlled by an oligarchy in direct opposition and in violation of the US constitution.........
Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
BA Political Science w/ minor in Education - Park College, Parkville, Missouri
Graduate Study – Public Administration - University of Oklahoma
Graduate of Department of Defense Junior Officer Cryptologic Career Program
Graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College
Commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1966 after eight years as an enlisted soldier,
Colonel Riley has served the following assignments
Colonel Riley also served additional tours in Germany (1956 – 1959); Vietnam (1962); and Thailand (1962-1963) as an enlisted soldier.
1966 – 1968 Executive Officer and Commander Signals Research Unit 2-Zweibruecken, Germany.
1969 – 1970 II Corps Military Intelligence Detachment Advisor and Combat Assistance Team Commander supporting Army of Vietnam.
1976 – 1979 Staff Officer and Commander 2nd Operations Battalion, U.S. Army Field Station, Augsburg, Germany.
1979 – 1984 Staff Officer for the Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence and Management Directorate, Office of the Chief of Staff Army, Pentagon.
1984 – 1986 Division Chief, National Security Agency, Fort Meade Maryland.
1986 – 1988 Commander, 712th Military Intelligence Battalion, Augsburg, Germany.
1988 – 1991 Division Chief, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, Maryland.
1991 – 1992 Deputy Office Chief, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, Maryland
From earlier this year .....Open Letter to Senator Warren from Lt.Col Dr. Earl-Graeff
Date: 1 Feb 2009
Dear Senator Warner,
I am in receipt of your letter of 26 Jan 2009. While I thank you for taking the time to respond I can’t express in words my disappointment in your response….Please do not dismiss prima fasciae, as if this has already been addressed, but read what I have to say.
The requirement to be a “Natural Born” citizen is very specific as you point out in Article II, Section 1, and Clause 5 as it applies to the office of the POTUS. The Framers in their construct recognize there IS a difference between a Citizen and a Natural Born Citizen….This is not a trivial question left for Legal Academics to debate, it is about our Constitution and a matter for Congress and our Supreme Court.
To date, no case challenging the qualifications of President Obama to hold that Office has been heard on its merits. I have pleaded with Chief Justice Roberts to answer on the merits of the case and will continue barring action by the Congress to address my concerns….
… Given this could be put to rest by easily producing the supporting documents President Obama has sealed, do you think this is an appropriate response for a person in a position of public trust ?
There is much misinformation in the media… This is being aggravated by the President spending hundreds of thousands of dollars by reasonable estimates and using teams of attorneys to block the release of documents to support his qualifications. This includes the vault copy of the Official Birth Certificate held by the State of Hawaii you mentioned in your letter…
I believe you misstate the facts in your letter. To my knowledge, at no point has the Hawaii Department of Health stated that he was actually BORN there. They stated they have his official Hawaii Birth Certificate on file and nothing more. Are you aware that Hawaii Statute allows one to obtain a Certificate of Live Birth ( i.e. the one Mr. Obama submitted as his ONLY “proof” to us on HIS web site ) on the unsubstantiated information provided by a single parent ? Are you aware that one may obtain this for a specified period of time even if born outside the US? Are you aware that if President Obama was born in Kenya, as some assert , his mother did not meet the legal requirements to even confer US citizenship on her son? Who was it that provided the information for the Hawaii certificate? Is there a Physicians signature on the original or not ? What was the Hospital where he was born? Not what his SISTER says but what is on the official document.
… Does it not stand to reason that if everything is in order and there is nothing to hide this would have been done long before the election when this became a question rather than fight in the courts? … Does the Constitution still matter ?
…How much more important is it that the person who has control of our military to produce supporting documents when asked ? This is absolutely absurd and an outrage to those of us who are informed, place our very lives at the feet of Liberty and are simply asking to have this issue settled. There are many other questions that remain unanswered which my attorney, Dr. Orly Taitz, would be happy to discuss with you.
I can’t imagine the demands currently placed upon your time and I am sympathetic to you. Nevertheless, you must also realize the potential catastrophic consequences to our Country if indeed we are already into a Constitutional crisis. This is a National disgrace if we allow our Constitution to be ignored…
…Please understand, I do not intend to convey any disrespect to you in any way, but I can’t contain my sense of betrayal that to date elected officials seem willing to let this pass without reasonable due process. It is also disappointing to me that you do not seem to appreciate the tremendous difficulty that this issue places upon each and every American soldier. …I am at this moment struggling to decide if I must resign my commission as I can’t reconcile my Oath to defend the Constitution while being in doubt that those above me have respected it in word and deed. I know that I am only one Officer but there must be more, as they learn of this and they will, they will be faced with the same impossible decision. This is a classic Hobson’s choice for which the only hope of redemption is to know the truth.
Our History is replete with the memoirs of American soldiers and Statesman who have, due to the failure of their leaders or at the hand of destiny itself faced similar difficult decisions. …
…My loyalty to the Constitution of the United States as per my Oath is and has been un-wavering. I have to this point and will continue to act in good faith as a United States Air Force Officer. I am only asking that this Constitutional issue be resolved, so that I may be able to continue in my service to my country and my President freely, without doubt or reservation.
If there is no problem with the qualifications of the POTUS this can be discovered very quickly by a full investigation by the Congress and we can all go about the business of daily life….
I continue to trust and it is my hope, as is the case with most Americans, you have a trusting heart and nature and that you have simply been misled. …This is too important to ignore and hope it will go away because it will NOT. If for any reason our concerns have merit with each stroke of the pen we get deeper and deeper as none of the actions of POTUS will have the force of law. Have you read some of the foreign press who are aware of this and may question the validity of treaties that may be signed? I have seen it myself. The potential harmful implications are staggering.
I do not believe you want in any way to have not acted … I do not believe you would want this, if the worst is true, to be the legacy of YOUR service to our Country. As difficult as this may be for you to bring to the attention of the Congress, it also is nothing less than the opportunity for you to take a stand and be counted among the Great Leaders of our Nation who have come before and risked their fortunes and their lives for the sake of Liberty and our sacred Constitution.
I heard it said many times during the long Campaign to the Presidency that if ever in our History we needed leadership it is now ! I am convinced that this is true. We need our Leaders to possess not only the wisdom of our Founding Fathers but the strength of conviction to see the challenges through in the face of daunting opposition if we are to survive as a sovereign Nation . Please investigate this more. I am confident that when you do you will appreciate the gravity of the situation and be compelled to act in defense of our Constitution.
Very Respectfully,
Dr. David A. Earl-Graef USAFR MC
Posted by Wild Thing at February 25, 2009 06:48 AM
The letter the Colonel received from Sen. Lugar convinces me the whole damn senate is aware that obama is a usurper. They are all complicit in this charade.
If they believe by keeping silent they will retain their jobs and the security of the Senate and House, they know too, then they are all guilty of covering this up.
This is more than dirty, filthy machiavelian politics this is treason and everyone of them should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Posted by: Mark at February 25, 2009 07:26 AM
I have to agree with you Mark, they are all a part of this farce and the question remains. Why won't Obama prove his elgibility?
Bob A.
Posted by: Bob A at February 25, 2009 08:26 AM
I said what I feel in the above post. I agree with these men, our congress is self serving and treasonous through their lack of vetting and willing participation in refusing to confirm Obama's qualifications and their failure to uphold their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution and defend this country from it's foreign and domestic enemies. Lugar is one of the worst in that respect!!! Above the law indeed!!!
Posted by: Jack at February 25, 2009 10:42 AM
I am glad these people are willing to pursue the question of Obama's birth place. Obama has poured plenty of fuel on the question by his refusal to simply produce a certified birth certificate. There are too many Kenyans purporting that Obama was born there and Obama has spent too much money trying to legally squash the question.
If he is found to not be a naturalized US citizen, much turmoil will result. However, that is a price that may have to be paid and a lesser price than having an American hater at the helm.
Posted by: TomR at February 25, 2009 11:19 AM
The General is correct. Nobody has made an issue of this. Is the joke on us and there is no longer a constitution, We the People just don't know about it because it sure is being ignored. The more this comes to light the more I am convinced all 535 members of Congress know obama is a usurper. In fact they had to know before the election only the American People don't know.
All we got to do is prove it.
Posted by: Mark at February 25, 2009 12:10 PM
How about a VALKYRIE 2009? Where's General Stauffenberg when WE need him?
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at February 25, 2009 06:08 PM
Lieutenant Scott Easterling
Soldier questions eligibility, doubts president’s authority
‘As an officer, my sworn oath to support and defend our Constitution requires this’
This is the single most powerful quote I have seen since I don't know when. Let's all stand beside him.
Bob A.
Posted by: Bob A at February 25, 2009 08:23 PM
Thank you everyone, I loved reading your input and comments.
Mark that is an interesting point about our Constitution.
Posted by: Wild Thing at February 26, 2009 12:42 AM