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January 21, 2009
It's The Democrat Way For Their Inauguration
Just some notes on the Inauguration ~ Wild Thing
Obama Inauguration Sets Record for Private Jets
Limo liberals take to the sky ~ my name for this
For the wealthy, Tuesday’s inauguration is the dream party: a chance to rub elbows with the similarly rich and powerful, to become part of a historic moment, and (most importantly), to get access to the man of the moment.
According to an article in Bloomberg, as many as 600 private jets were expected to touch down in D.C. for the inauguration. The runway at Washington Dulles was closed Saturday to allow as many as 100 small planes to park. And the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority said it expected a total of 500 small jets to land from Jan. 16 through Jan 21.
Cult of Obama climbing all over Monuments ~ NOT good!

They just had to give one more abuse to President Bush
And they think I will be supportive of this POS Barack Hussein Obama. NO Way, never. ~ Wild Thing
The crowd packed on the west side of the Capitol grounds serenaded President Bush in mocking fashion when he took to the inaugural stage alongside Vice President Dick Cheney.
"Nah nah nah nah, hey hey, good-bye," a section of the crowd chanted.
Carter 'Snubs' Clinton
Today may be a day when the nation briefly sets aside partisan enmity for the peaceful transition of power, but personal enmity? That’s another matter.
One small example: as the ex-Presidents gathered in the crypt of the Capitol preparing to head out to the platform, a chilly day got a bit chillier as the Carters and the Clintons were forced to occupy the same cramped space.
Former Democratic President Jimmy Carter appeared to greet former Republican President George H.W. Bush and his wife warmly, kissing Barbara Bush on the cheek. But as Carter passed fellow Democrats Bill and Hillary Clinton, the two men did not appear to acknowledge each others presence at all.
Also during a photo opportunity at the Oval Office, following a lunch with Barack Obama and the ex-Presidents, Clinton and Carter stood next to one another, but miles apart.
Clinton and Cornyn wrangle in Rotunda
Hillary Clinton and John Cornyn, who's delaying her floor confirmation vote, have been having a fairly heated (that is to say, intense but cordial) discussion just out of earshot under the Washington statue in the rotunda. Lots of hand gestures, back and forth and her squeezing his forearm.
Two feet away Chelsea Clinton is joking with John McCain and his wife, Cindy.
UPDATE: A Cornyn spokesman took a bit of umbrage, e-mailing us to say: "Carl Cameron reported on Fox a little while ago that while he couldn't hear their conversation, it appeared to be warm and cordial."
We don't disagree with the "cordial," but "warm" is debatable.
U.S. Stocks Slide in Dow Average’s Worst Inauguration Day Drop ( after Obama speech)

Although traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange paused to watch the inauguration ceremony and Obama's remarks, the transition of power didn't erase investors' intensifying concerns about struggling banks and their impact on the overall economy.
The reason we're having a panic drop is the fact that Europe is catching our cold, and we could have deeper and deeper problems that could require more and more money. And eventually the government is going to have to stop spending," said Keith Springer, president of Capital Financial Advisory Services. "It's a pretty dangerous situation to be in."
Oath was train wreck ~ my title
Obama's speech nothing to make me want to sign up

Racist Benediction for Obama given by Rev. Joseph Lowery
Barack is smiling ( agreeing) and he and Michelle and their followers have incurable racism!!! ~ Wild Thing
“ we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen” - Rev. Lowry During the 44th Inaugural of A US President
Tom Brokaw comparing the Bush Administration to a communist regime.~ Wild Thing
Tom Brokaw Cheers Obama Inauguration Like 'Velvet Revolution'
Reflecting on the mood of the crowd at Barack Obama's Inauguration, NBC's Tom Brokaw likened it to when he was present for the fall of the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. During NBC's live coverage of Obama's swearing-in on Tuesday, Brokaw declared, "It reminds me of the Velvet Revolution," and while Brokaw noted "a communist regime," was not being overthrown he pointed out, "an unpopular president is leaving and people have been waiting for this moment."
"TOM BROKAW: You know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of the Velvet Revolution. I was in Prague when that happened. And Vaclev Havel was a generational leader and was in the square in Prague and the streets were filled with joy. And we're not overthrowing a communist regime here, obviously, but an unpopular president is leaving and people have been waiting for this moment. And there's that same sense of joyfulness and possibility even though, as in Czechoslovakia, they had enormous problems and we do as well."
Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel (R) makes a gesture ahead of the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States on the West Front of the Capitol in Washington, January 20, 2009. Obama becomes the first African-American to be elected to the office of President in the history of the United States. REUTERS/Win McNamee/Pool (UNITED STATES)
No We Can't: Thousands Shut Out From Inauguration
Frustration Mounts After Many With Tickets Wait Hours, Only To Learn They're Not Allowed In
No We Can't: Thousands Shut Out From Inauguration Frustration Mounts After Many With Tickets Wait Hours, Only To Learn They're Not Allowed In
People came from all over the country to see the inauguration in person. For thousands with tickets in hands, they never thought they wouldn't get to experience the chance of a lifetime.
But things didn't go as planned.
Elbow to elbow, anticipating one of the most exciting days of their lives, they came face-to-face with a fence. It was pure shock for those who had tickets to enter through the purple gates, only to find out they'd be held back blocks from Capitol and the National Mall.
"The whole time we thought, 'We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it!' and the gate's closed," one disappointed visitor told CBS 2.
"We're here for this and we can't see anything so it's frustrating," said Tina Painter, a Brooklyn resident who traveled to Washington for the event.
"We got our tickets, we paid our money, we brought our money to the economy and we couldn't get in," said an angry spectator, holding up his ticket to show where he should be.
No big screens, no piped in audio to hear, no inauguration to witness and enjoy, even though they worked so hard to get a prized ticket to be there.
"All this for nothing. They give us ticket, we're all here to support the new president and then they turn you away," said another upset visitor.
Posted by Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 05:48 AM
Great compilation and comment!
I had to save that Rev. chicken on the head pic to put next to the one with Obama wearing an acorn top hat smoking a cig. This guy is a photoshopper's dream.
All MEchelle needed was a giant pearl choker last night to complete her Wilma Flinstone in a Chenille Bedspread look (borrowed that one from other comments I've read this morning, it's a riot!) Evidently the Empresses New Clothes are stunning to the kool aid krowd.
Another funny thing, who knew Jill Biden was just as big of a gaffe machine as the Mr.? She and Joe can look forward to many, many hours of playing checkers in Dick Cheney's bunker.
Thanks, WC, outstanding!
Posted by: Eden at January 21, 2009 07:13 AM
From slavery to history? Funny thing, Obama never had any ancestors who were slaves. He may have had ancestors who sold their people into slavery as it was African tribal chiefs who sold their people into slavery.
Posted by: BobF at January 21, 2009 07:23 AM
Limo liberals take to the sky ~ my name for this
For the wealthy, Tuesday’s inauguration is the dream party: a chance to rub elbows with the similarly rich and powerful, to become part of a historic moment, and (most importantly), to get access to the man of the moment.
According to an article in Bloomberg, as many as 600 private jets were expected to touch down in D.C. for the inauguration. The runway at Washington Dulles was closed Saturday to allow as many as 100 small planes to park. And the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority said it expected a total of 500 small jets to land from Jan. 16 through Jan 21.
Elbow to elbow, anticipating one of the most exciting days of their lives, they came face-to-face with a fence. It was pure shock for those who had tickets to enter through the purple gates, only to find out they'd be held back blocks from Capitol and the National Mall.
"The whole time we thought, 'We're gonna make it, we're gonna make it!' and the gate's closed," one disappointed visitor told CBS 2.
"We're here for this and we can't see anything so it's frustrating," said Tina Painter, a Brooklyn resident who traveled to Washington for the event.
"We got our tickets, we paid our money, we brought our money to the economy and we couldn't get in," said an angry spectator, holding up his ticket to show where he should be.
No big screens, no piped in audio to hear, no inauguration to witness and enjoy, even though they worked so hard to get a prized ticket to be there.
"All this for nothing. They give us ticket, we're all here to support the new president and then they turn you away," said another upset visitor.
Just a taste of things to come. Those that were turned away that voted for B. Hussein Obama got what they voted for.
Posted by: Bob A at January 21, 2009 07:34 AM
You are right, Bob.
"We got our tickets, we paid our money, we brought our money to the economy and we couldn't get in," said an angry spectator, holding up his ticket to show where he should be.
This cracked me up. Jus doin their part for the economy.
Evidently FOX was the only channel who covered Bush's speech in Texas. I doubt these people who were po'd at not getting in will get any air time, either. Drudge has a picture of the ugly trash they all left. Gee whiz people, if you bring it in, take it out! No respect.
Posted by: Eden at January 21, 2009 07:57 AM
Yeah Bush got heckled when he went to the Daiz, This is the change everyone is talking about.
As WT said, I will respect this President just the way Bush was respected.
As far as I am concerned we are still waiting for a president to be elected, this Usurper, is only temporary. Ergo, I have no president.
Posted by: Mark at January 21, 2009 08:52 AM
FOX Channel's SPECIAL REPORT at 6:30 last night showed W and Laura's 'Welcome Home' reception in Crawford. "I can proudly look myself in the mirror and I like what I see..." said W. I will always cherish having helped to get the vote out in 1999 up here at the base and for working a little with Karen Hughes and Mindy Tucker... "God bless W and Laura and God bless Texas! Thank-you and the troops for keeping US safe over the last 7 and 1/2 years!!"
Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at January 21, 2009 10:27 AM
Well done post WT. These are good examples of what is ahead of us. That Rev. Lowery certainly shows that Obama likes a certain type of clergy. Racist clergy.And the sheep chuckled.
For those of us who love the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, who pay taxes and are not criminally inspired, this will be a bleak and frustrating four years.
The crowd's booing of President Bush infuriates me. Too many Obama supporters are from the destructive dregs of society.
Posted by: TomR at January 21, 2009 11:17 AM
If anyone for a nanosecond thought that Bill and Hillary’s administration was the complete absence of “class” in the White House and that no one could possibly do “class” worse, they would be very, very wrong. Someone’s making the White House into ‘the Hood, and it’s not going to be pretty.
Class. Something that all the money in the world cannot buy, and something that will be completely unattainable to anyone in this new and improved administration. Rahl Emanual’s grandchildren will be able to look at that picture and be oh so f’ng proud!
I am reminded by something we used to use as children, whilst taunting others on the playground: “Smooth move, Ex-lax.”
Most excellent photos chosen for this post, WT!
Posted by: BT in SA at January 21, 2009 02:12 PM
And some of us White folks out here had ancestors who were slaves! My great grandma (my granddad's mom) was the granddaughter of slaves who were given their freedom and moved north.
It was funny that the rich, powerful and Code Pinko got all the good seats.
And yes, Michelle did look like a couch cover.
And her gown showed she's not as skinny as she wants us to believe. One too many ice cream cones?
Posted by: Lynn at January 21, 2009 02:15 PM
Yes I'll show the same respect they all showed GWB.
Notice that the muzzie is left handed, what do muzzies use that left hand for?
A community organizer in Chicago was walking home late at night and sees a woman in the shadows. 'Twenty dollars' she whispers.
Barry had never been with a hooker before, but decides what the hell, it's only twenty bucks so they hide in the bushes.
They're going 'at it' for a minute when all of a sudden a light flashes on them. It is a police officer 'What's going on here, people?' asks the officer
"I'm making love to me wife!" the community organizer answers sounding annoyed.
'Oh, I'm sorry,' says the cop, 'I didn't know' 'Well, neidder did I, til ya shined that light in her face!
Posted by: Jack at January 21, 2009 04:43 PM
That one of the Capitol reminds me of something out of John Carpenter's "They Live"
Posted by: JohnE PFC U.S. Army at January 21, 2009 05:46 PM
I got the following in an email today. I think that the actual cost of the inauguration is being reported as over $160 million. And the Dems and MSM were upset with Sarah Palin's $150k wardrobe.
Headlines On This Date 4 Years Ago:
"Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops Die in unarmored Humvees"
"Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"
"Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, Ordinary Americans get the shaft"
Annnnnnnnnd NOW .......
Headlines Today:
"Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only .....$120 million"
"Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"
" To Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"
"Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration" (after their bail out)
Posted by: Les at January 21, 2009 06:30 PM
Why is it that blacks only make up approximately 12% of our population but everywhere I look its always blacks being shown.
Why are the real Americans not being shown? Racism maybe?
Posted by: cuchieddie at January 21, 2009 07:33 PM
Eden, thank you so much. OH good and you can always have any graphics, I love them too.
LMAO yes that was so funny about Jill Biden. I heard about it but after I did the post and was too tired to add it. hahaha
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 07:38 PM
BobF, exactly....I would not mind voting to make Obama one now. heh heh You know step down from his new job and get a pay cut too. 50 cents an hour should do it. And he can go live with his brother in his hut.
heh heh oh well we have 4 years of his bs.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 07:42 PM
BobA., I agree, I could care less about those that bought tickets and could not get to see it. Go whine to someone who cares. haha
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 07:44 PM
Eden you are so right, they are such slobs. They left Flags on the ground again. sheesh. They had places to throw stuff away, but those people did not care.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 07:47 PM
Mark, me too, I have no President either.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 07:48 PM
Darth, how wonderful. I am going to try and get some photos from that to post.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 07:52 PM
Tom, yessss, gosh Obama sure does love Racist clergy. He was smiling so big, he loved it. I would be it was one of his favorite parts of the whole day.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 07:54 PM
BT in SA, thank you so much I appreciate it.
I agree with you so much about class. Money cannot buy it and too many think it can. Big mistake.
I agree too about Bill and Hillary, they were not the tip of the iceberg on how bad it could be. I thought it was at the time, but I was wrong. Obama and his wife have taught me there are much worse out there and unfortunately now they are camped out in our beautiful White House.
The other night Nicholas and I were discussing what the Lincoln Bedroom guest list would be for Barack and his followers. And the future guests in the Rose Garden.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 11:20 PM
Lynn, thanks for pointing that out. That should be added to the post. Code Pink had ring side seats which should shock all descent people.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 11:23 PM
Jack, hahaha
I had forgototen about how now there will be jokes about him.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 11:28 PM
JohnE PFC U.S. Army, oh gosh yes it does doesn't it.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 11:29 PM
Les, WOW thank you, what a huge difference.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 11:32 PM
cuchieddie, I think it is racism yes and I also think the photo journalists are right along side the rest of the media in not even trying to get photo shots of certain groups as much as others to push their agenda.
Sometimes when I was trying to find photos of Sarah Palin I had to go to several photo places just to find a few to pick from, it was like they hated to have any pictures of her.
Posted by: Wild Thing at January 21, 2009 11:35 PM