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December 17, 2008
President Bush Thinking Of Border Agent Pardons?
Patty Compean (left), Monica Ramos (right) and children (photo: Ramos, Compean families)
President Bush thinking of border agent pardons?
By Chelsea Schilling
As president, George W. Bush has pardoned or commuted sentences for 32 drug dealers, 12 thieves, seven embezzlers, an arsonist, an armed bank robber and eight Thanksgiving turkeys, among others – but U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean remain in prison this Christmas, praying for their release.
"It's pretty much salt in the wound," Ramos' wife, Monica, told WND. "But we have a lot of hope. My husband has quite a bit of faith, and we pray a lot. We are hoping the outpouring of support that we have here from people all over the nation is going to help us."
Ramos and Compean are serving 11- and 12-year prison sentences, respectively, for shooting at a fleeing illegal alien drug dealer while he smuggled nearly 750 pounds of marijuana across the border. They were convicted of assault, discharge of a weapon in the commission of a crime of violence, tampering with an official proceeding and deprivation of civil rights.
U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton's office gave the smuggler, Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, full immunity from prosecution for agreeing to serve as the government's star witness and testify against the border agents. A ruling, from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of appeals, affirmed all convictions except for tampering with an official proceeding, which it vacated and remanded for resentencing.
Wild Thing's comment.........
It would take so little for Bush to do the right thing. Especially since he has already being giving pardons and even more importantly since these men should NEVER have gone to prison.
What a glorious Christmas these two families would have if Bush would just do the right thing.
....Thank you Mark for this article.
Posted by Wild Thing at December 17, 2008 04:45 AM
For Bush to do the right thing would be him saying his "good friend" Johnny Sutton was wrong.
Posted by: BobF at December 17, 2008 07:28 AM
I just can't figure Bush out on this one. I think if he was going to pardon them, he'd already have done it.
Posted by: Eden at December 17, 2008 08:27 AM
Bush must pardon these three officers(two Border Patrol and one deputy sheriff). He cannot pardon drug dealers and an armed robber but not pardon these three for doing what they thought was their job.
Posted by: TomR at December 17, 2008 11:55 AM
BobF., waaaaaa I had not thought of that. Well darn it, I wish Bush would pick better friends. The same thing I am seeing with Obama, he sure has a bad thing about him too picking such horrible associations.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 17, 2008 02:28 PM
Eden, yes I would think so too. I was hoping these would be released on the first bunch of pardons from Bush. I have a gut feeling too he is not going to do this.
Until Bush's last day in office I will keep my fingers crossed and pray Bush does go against his earlier decidion on this.But there is always the but he might not no matter what, no matter how much pressure.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 17, 2008 02:31 PM
Tom, I sure hope and pray one day soon Bush see's it the way you said.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 17, 2008 02:36 PM
If he doesn't pardon them it will leave a big black mark on his already bland record.
Posted by: Mark at December 17, 2008 05:29 PM
A simple message for George Bush. JUST DO IT!
Posted by: Les at December 17, 2008 06:22 PM
Mark, amen to that. Bush has GOT to do this, he has got to. It will hang over his head for all eternity.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 17, 2008 07:08 PM
Les, exactly.
No excuses, just do it.
Posted by: Wild Thing at December 17, 2008 07:10 PM