Theodore's World: Obama Looking For Ideal Islamic Capitol For Major Foreign Policy Speech

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December 05, 2008

Obama Looking For Ideal Islamic Capitol For Major Foreign Policy Speech

Looking for the Ideal Spot to Make a Speech

New York Times


President-elect Barack Obama’s aides say he is considering making a major foreign policy speech from an Islamic capital during his first 100 days in office.

So where should he do it? The list of Islamic world capitals is long, and includes the obvious —Riyadh, Kuwait City, Islamabad — and the not-so-obvious — Male (the Maldives), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Some wise-guys have even suggested Dearborn, Mich., as a possibility.

Clearly it would be cheating for Mr. Obama to fly to Detroit, talk to Dearborn’s 30,000 Arab residents and call it a day. And Male and Ouagadougou, while certainly majority Muslim, can’t really be what Mr. Obama’s aides have in mind when they talk about locales for a high-profile speech that would seek to mend rifts between the United States and the broader Muslim world.

So Burkina Faso and the Maldives are out. But that leaves a whole swath of Islamic capitals, all ready to be spruced up for Mr. Obama to make his speech. I’ve thought hard about this, and asked a few people — diplomats even — which capital Mr. Obama should pick.

The consensus, after an entire day of reporting, is Cairo.

Why Cairo? It’s a matter of elimination. I called Ziad Asali, the president of the American Task Force on Palestine, to gauge his thoughts. “Damascus would be cool, except it would look as if he was rewarding the Syrians and it’s too soon for that,” Mr. Asali said.

True. Maybe in a year, if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gets around to a land-for-peace deal with Israel. But for right now, I’m not really seeing Damascus as the spot for the big speech.

What about Ramallah, I asked Mr. Asali, thinking it would show solidarity with the Palestinians.

“I would object to that on so many levels,” he shot back, irate. “Are you forgetting that Palestinians seek Jerusalem as their capital?”

Right. And giving the speech in Jerusalem would just open up a Pandora’s box full of problems. So that’s not happening.

My colleague, David Sanger, heard me talking about it and came over to my desk. “I think he’s going to pick Jakarta,” he said. “It would be a big homecoming-type trip.”

But Jakarta’s too easy. Mr. Asali thought so too: “Jakarta? People would yawn about that.” Sure, Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country — some 177 million Muslims live there — but the very fact that Mr. Obama once lived and went to school there would make choosing it seem like cheating.

Baghdad? Definitely out-of-the-box, but it could appear to validate the Iraq war, which Mr. Obama opposed. Beirut? Too many Hezbollah members — Secret Service would flip its collective lid — and anyway, the Lebanese president has always been a Christian.

Tehran? Too soon for that. Amman? Been there, done that. Islamabad? Too dangerous. Ankara? Too safe. Plus the Turks aren’t going to be too crazy about being used for outreach to the Muslim world when they’re trying to join the European Union.

I asked a senior Turkish diplomat what he thought. He immediately started acting, well, diplomatic. “We don’t have a problem with our Islamic identity,” he said. “But our system is secular.”

Riyadh? Mr. Obama’s national security aides say no.

Kuwait City? Abu Dhabi? Doha? “I don’t think it will be in the Gulf,” one foreign policy adviser to Mr. Obama said.

See? It’s got to be Cairo. Egypt is perfect. It’s certainly Muslim enough, populous enough and relevant enough. It’s an American ally, but there are enough tensions in the relationship that the choice will feel bold. The country has plenty of democracy problems, so Mr. Obama can speak directly to the need for a better democratic model there. It has got the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist organization that has been embraced by a wide spectrum of the Islamic world, including the disenfranchised and the disaffected.

The Secret Service won’t like it one bit, but Cairo is no Islamabad. I called the Egyptian Embassy in Washington to ask officials there what they thought. Someone from Mr. Obama’s team had already mentioned the possibility, although embassy officials said Egypt has not been approached about a possible presidential trip to Cairo.

Still, Sameh Shoukry, the Egyptian ambassador, e-mailed me a statement. “Needless to say, the President of the United States is always welcome in Egypt,” it said. “Delivering such a speech from Cairo would no doubt reinforce the intended message. Cairo has long been a center of Islamic learning and scholarship, in line with Egypt’s central role in the Middle East.”

And check this out................

Egyptian Cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal Calls on President-Elect Obama to Convert to Islam, Threatens: We Have People Who Are Eager For Death

Following are excerpts from an address delivered by Egyptian cleric Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal, which aired on Al-Nas TV on November 27, 2008.




Hassan Abu Al-Ashbal: "Let me take this opportunity to address the leader of Europe, and the leader of America, who is the leader of the world, the recently elected Obama, who is the leader of the Byzantines - he is like the Byzantine leaders in the days of Prophet Muhammad.
"My message to him is threefold. First, I invite him to convert to Islam. This is the call of the Prophet and of Allah. Oh Obama - convert to Islam, and you will be saved. I hope that Allah will reward you twice: once for converting to Islam, and another reward for all those who will convert in your footsteps. If you want glory - you will find it in Islam. If you want honor - you will find it in Islam. In religions other than Islam there is utter humiliation, even if you are the president of the entire world.


"You, Obama, are among those who have pledged before Allah - Allah who created you, sustained you, and brought you to this position - to be a Muslim who believes that Allah is the one God, especially since you have some kind of roots in Islam. Convert to Islam, and you will be saved. All glory and honor lie in following Allah and His messenger Muhammad. Know that the true religion is the religion of Islam, and all other religions are fabricated religions, which are null and void - religions that were abrogated by the shari'a of Muhammad.
"If you refuse to return to your [Islamic] origins, to the way Allah created you, withdraw your huge armies and military bases from the lands of the Muslims. Know that all your predecessors have ended up in the garbage bin of history, and that America’s black and bleak history in the land of the Muslims and the Arabs constitutes an evil omen for you, your predecessors, and your successors.
"Know, Obama, that America, with all its size and might, will know no peace as long as a single Muslim child lacks food, drink, medicine, or housing.
"If you refuse, Obama, and insist on remaining in Muslim lands, know that Allah still plants in [Muslims] obedience to Him, and that they are willing to wait for Paradise, which is closer than their own shoelaces.
"Know, Obama, that in the lands of Islam, there are people who seek death, and are eager for it, even more than you and your people are eager for life - any kind of life, even a life of humiliation."

Wild Thing's comment..........

This is crazy! A policy speech should be given from here in America.

I wonder if he’ll exclaim “Allah akbar!” And then will he announce that Sharia law is completely compatible with the US Constitution and will be implemented immediately?

How about making the speech in front of his brother's mud hut in Kenya, standing on a dead water buffalo carcass.

It’s gonna be a looooooooooong 4 years.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 03:55 AM


Why is he giving speeches overseas? This is absolutely freaking nuts! He's not the King of the World. Jesus is the one and only King.
I can't wait to hear what he says in his inaugural speech. What's he going to do? Close the churches and synogogues? Burn the Bibles and Torah? Make us convert? hey, we'll save money--no Christmas presents, no birthday presents, no birthday parties, no backyard bbqs! He's really starting to annoy me. Some, in my family, think I'm nuts that I think Obamammy is a fink, but I think I'm right. He frightens me to death.

Posted by: Lynn at December 5, 2008 04:32 AM

I would suggest that the mess...iah give his speech in Kogela, Kenya at a dedication of his monument.

In the US he can give speeches in Minneapolis.

He is a scary character.

Posted by: Bob A at December 5, 2008 07:01 AM

How about at a Detroit Lions home game, eh? The fans already wear their paper bags too! The foreclosure rate in Michigan is like one out of every 80 homes I hear... Remember that parked benches are allowed to be used on voting forms as one's home address? Christkinde comes to German children in the morning! Man I miss the Christmas Markets in Nurenburg and Rotenburg and Frankfurt Wild Thing. FROHLICHE WEIHNACHT !

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at December 5, 2008 09:02 AM

WT: "How about making the speech in front of his brother's mud hut in Kenya, standing on a dead water buffalo carcass".

Good one WT. How about a Water Buffalo standing on a dead Obmama carcass?

Posted by: Steve Gaston at December 5, 2008 09:02 AM

I was thinking Dearborn too but there's a lot more than 30,000 Arab's in the Detroit area.

Why not give a major speech from an American City? After all, will he not be the American President?

Posted by: BobF at December 5, 2008 09:32 AM

Monkey Moon's cesspool along the East River isn't good enough?
How about Los Angeles, at the Ambassador Hotel's Embassy Room. Not too much different in their thinking there than that of Dearborn, Minneapolis or Tehran. Nancy and Arney can use the revenue in the home state, Sirhan can get a day off to attend. The possibilities are boundless!!!

Posted by: Jack at December 5, 2008 10:38 AM

Who's he trying to impress ? What is wrong with a foreign policy speech from the White House. Isn't that where most Presidents make their speeches. Now he is trying to appease the whole Middle East ? Flim-flam at its best. The man is a sham.

Posted by: Mark at December 5, 2008 11:07 AM

This guy is going to live for the spectacular self serving events. He really wants to be the leader of the World. Obama is the definition of narcissistic. He has a real Napolean complex.

I just wonder what his popular support will be like after four years.

Posted by: TomR at December 5, 2008 11:20 AM

Barack Hussein Obama doesn't have to leave the country to make a speech in an Islamic capitol, he can give it in Dearbornistan, Michigan.

'Dearbornistan' Shi'ia capitol of America

Honoring Hezbollah: Feds' Friends' Moment of Silence "For the Martyrs" in Dearbornistan, Yesterday

Posted by: Les at December 5, 2008 11:43 AM

Obama's brother's hut is not made of mud. He lives in the dollar-a-month waste dump neighborhood.
The mud huts are over in the upscale dollar-a-day suburbs.

Posted by: Avitar at December 5, 2008 04:54 PM

Lynn, he scares me too and I agree this is freaking nuts.
It also feels like a huge slam to our country to have to do his stupid speech in another country.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 05:55 PM

Bob A., good one...."mess...iah ".... he is a mess for sure.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 05:56 PM

Darth, LOL a Lions game.

There is a place in Californina called Solvang, you and your wife would love it. It is a liittle village of Germans, Swiss, Dutch and Sweeds and they have tons of shops and places to eat all kinds of things. The whole place feels like it is straight from Europe. They have events there and gosh so many things, it is wonderful.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:01 PM

Steve, Hahahahahha

That is a good one too Steve.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:03 PM

BobF, it is insulting. I agree why not an American city.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:05 PM

Jack, LOL good one.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:07 PM

Mark, I agree, I might be wrong but I thought every President did his foreign policy speech from the White House.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:09 PM

Tom your right, he sure has the Napolean complex. The media is already starting to debate why he does not say something about the economy, so maybe once he is sworn in they will get more and more disappointed in him. Wishful thinking probably, but I can't help it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:12 PM

Les, thank you for those links and information too.

He should be ashamed of himself for this kind of thing, it is beyond disgusting.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:15 PM

Avitar, haha thanks.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 5, 2008 06:16 PM

Everybody I talk to says Detroit or somewhere in Kenya...looks like great minds all think together.

Gonna be a looooong four years, sure wish I had a drinking problem, guess it's never too late to start! /sarc

Posted by: sierrahome at December 5, 2008 08:32 PM