Theodore's World: Tito The Builder Introduces Gov. Sarah Palin

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October 28, 2008

Tito The Builder Introduces Gov. Sarah Palin

Wild Thing's comment..........

I loved when Tito yelled “I was born in Columbia, but I was made in the US” at Woodbridge, VA rally a couple weeks ago. He knows he does not want the USA to go socialist, communist/ Marxist.
How soon the democrats have forgotten why they family came to this country especially if they came from a communist country.

Nicholas told me one time when he was visiting home from the Navy, they were sitting at the dining room table and one of his Uncles started to talk about Communism. Nicholas Dad the man's brother stood up and told his brother off and said.....

" I came here to come to a free country, one that had no communism or socialism and you speak to me about how GREAT communism is? Leave now and never let your feet cross my doorway or shut up and never speak to me of such things again."

Nicholas said his Uncle sat there and did not say one more word.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 28, 2008 04:44 AM


Being in the minority, conservatives are the target of censorship and scorn at the moment, wait until Obama assumes power, all those lickers close to him right now will be distanced and he'll appoint like minded henchmen to surround and strengthen his power. Castro and Chavez turned as did all Communists once they got into power. The employer I spent the best years of my life for, changed it's mission and it's leadership, the employees kept it afloat for almost 10 years, like me, they realized that nothing we did or could do would change the corporate minds or the direction the company was going and we left before the crash. It's gone now and our nation has the same malaise. Look no further than Congress for the problem, they are the CEO's and FCO's of failure.
I believe Senator Stevens can speak a bit about honor amongst thieves. He was part of that corruption.
I'm holding on, hoping the silent majority swings not only the popular vote but the Electoral College vote.

Posted by: Jack at October 28, 2008 08:30 AM

Jack, me too oh me too big time.

"I'm holding on, hoping the silent majority swings not only the popular vote but the Electoral College vote."

I also agree with what you said about Congress too, good way to put it too. The CEO's and FCO's of failure.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 28, 2008 07:52 PM

Can't spell Chrissie, and I'm dyslexic too!!! I meant CFO's, damn, I hate fingers that think for themselves. :)

Posted by: Jack at October 28, 2008 09:11 PM

Jack, giggle. Thanks for making me feel better. I am the one that makes the most typos. haha

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 28, 2008 11:50 PM

I call myself Lynn the Insurance Clerk. John McCain ought to be playing "What this world needs is a few more rednecks..." by Charlie Daniels! We are America through and through. We don't need anything fancy or someone telling us what we have to do to get him elected. I hope to God, McCain wins this. I know we can, but I'm scared of the repercussions the Obamanationeers will bring down upon all of us. I bet Obamanation sues if he loses. Why are dummys such such losers?

Posted by: Lynn at October 29, 2008 04:26 AM

Lynn, that is GREAT! LOVE your comment Lynn.

"I bet Obamanation sues if he loses"...I bet your right about othat too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 29, 2008 05:55 AM