Theodore's World: Obama's Judgement CANNOT Be Trusted ~ Video

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October 08, 2008

Obama's Judgement CANNOT Be Trusted ~ Video

Wild Thing's comment.........

This video tells how Michelle Obama was a co-worker with Bernadine Dohrn, William Ayers wife . I sent this video on to others, it is something people need to see if they have any doubt about who they will be voting for in Nov.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 8, 2008 05:45 AM


It is easy to kill innocent people, by flying a plane into a building, setting a bomb off in a building full of people. It shows clearly who our enemy is. Gutless, cowards who haven't got the stones to face who they want to destroy, in person. It takes no courage to do this. William Ayers and his group of gutless bastards are terrorists and should be living at Gitmo.

These are the people who endorse Hussein Obama, the democrat who takes campaign contributions from Hamas and other Terrorist organizations around the world.

Obama says, these are mere acquaintances, really. And once you found about their past it doesn't bother you. This is not the man I want leading my country.

In the video, one scumbag says all the people in the world would be united. Was that before or after the Vietnam and the Cambodian genecide by Pol pot's Khmer Rouge ? At the time Hanoi John Kerry said there would Not be a genecide, for these are "gentle" people, so much for what Hanoi John ever knew. Where some 3 million innocent people were slaughtered. Why ? Freedom, they wanted their freedom and were slaughtered for wanting their God given right. Now they are tryiing to force this same purge on the people of the United States, with a trojan horse named, 'Obama' of all people. His 'Truth Squads' are just the precusor to the American style Khmer Rouge.

It is no wonder Kerry was so quick to endorse Obama. And Ted Kennedy too. They all have ties back to that same era and the destruction of the United States by any deviant means possible.

This evidence makes obama even more despicable. His clown followers like 'informed' are either stupid or so mis-informed they wouldn't know the truth if it smacked them in the face. When it does their freedom will be gone along with their life.

Posted by: Mark at October 8, 2008 07:41 AM

Mark, awesome comment thank you!!!

I wish sooo much this video would be played over and over on every news channel, local and major, all the networks.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 9, 2008 12:11 AM