Theodore's World: Obama Youth - Junior Fraternity Regiment

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October 06, 2008

Obama Youth - Junior Fraternity Regiment

Obama Youth - Junior Fraternity Regiment

This is where this school is located: ( Below the address for the school I posted what the person that has the video at YouTube has said, so the quotes belong to that person )

18th & Vine District, Kansas City, MO
Educational Organization

" I called and spoke to Bernard, who said he was the assistant Dean. He was very gentlemanly and when I voiced my concerns about the video, he told me that this was taken at the school last year when Obama was beginning his campaign. He assured me that they stopped this "regiment" because they felt the person who was organizing it was pushing his political agenda. Duh
He assured me that he didn't know it was on YouTube. I gave him the link to where to go for this video and when he found it he said, "Oh this is not good. I had no idea" I told him I'd take his word for it. He then asked me, nicely, "what's the main concern? Because I want to understand where you're coming from so that I can figure out how to handle this."
Nicely, I told him that the video looked militant. I told him about the Colburn School video and how it resembles propaganda films from Communist dictatorships. I told him that the US military is frowned upon for going to high schools trying to recruit potential grads into joining their ranks. Why shouldn't we frown upon those who come to a school like yours to encourage kids to worship a politician? One who is not even a president.
I also said that if this was done to make kids feel better about themselves, why do it in the name of Obama? Why not encourage kids to believe in the power of themselves?

He assured me that he would get to the bottom of the situation, thanked me for my call and we hung up."



"Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega, Alpha, Omega,"

"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next doctor"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next lawyer"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next automotive technician"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next sheriff"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next architect"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next fireman"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next architect"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next chemical engineer"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next entrepreneur"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next lawyer"
"Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next lawyer"

"Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can,Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can, Yes We Can!"

"Obama speaks our race...America.." (?)
"Embrace the ....without ...the...of our past" (?)
"Take More Responsibility for our own lives"
"Have our own dreams and.....of your dreams"
"........................our own destiny"

"Demand for from our fathers (?) to spend more time with their children by reading to them and taking care of them, for we have a choice in this country, we can accept things that bring division and create conflict, or we can come together and say...with "YES WE CAN"

"Obama's healthcare plan will include coverage of all necessary medical services"
"Obama's healthcare plan will provide all participants minimum copay for deductibles"
"Obama's healthcare plan will simplify paperwork for providers"
"Obama's healthcare plan will provide subsidies for families who cannot afford medicaid"
"Obamas healthcare plan will be able to provide participants the ability to move from job to job without taking their healthcare coverage"
"Obama's healthcare plan will extend coverage of young adults up to the age of 25 through their parent's plan"
"Obama's healthcare plan will not turn any American away from any insurance plan"
"Obama's healthcare plan will offer health information technology"
"Obama's healthcare plan will reform our market structure to encourage competition"
"Obama's healthcare plan will offer federal reassurance to employers"



Wild Thing's comment..............

Isn't this great! NOT! This kind of thing is scary to me.No way is this motivation, it is more of the sick worship of Obama.

Alpha, Omega," which is one of the Biblical names for Jesus - "the Alpha and Omega." The beginning and the end.

I pray we don't have this kind of thing for 8 years, this is something that would grow if Obama becomes President.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 05:55 AM


This is the most retarded crap I have seen in a long long time-- --Obama is obviously out of his mind-- !! THIS IS PURE STRAIGHT UP BULL SHIT!!! I CAN NOT BELEIVE - HE IS BRAINWASHING THESE "KIDS"- WHAT A LOAD OF BULL-- SOMEBODY NEEDS TO HAVE THIS LOOKED INTO BY THE FEDS-- I BET OPRAH IS BEHIND THIS CRAP!!!!

Posted by: Cheryl Zee at October 6, 2008 08:39 AM

Dig the gold boots.

Now we know what a community organizer organizes. What can we say? That it reminds one of the Hitler Youth or the Chinese Red Guards or the videos of Hamas children in Gaza? That it is tribal? Is this the type of national service Obama has in mind?

Obama has a Black community just waiting to follow his wishes. I have seen lesser examples of this same type of regimented activity in that community before Obama came on the scene. The Black Panthers are one example.

I would guess an Obama presidency with its socialist/Marxist leanings would be very encouraging to more of this activity. How militant would it become, how racist would it be? This is very worrisome.

Posted by: TomR at October 6, 2008 10:26 AM

This Obama worship is worse than just this video. Variations of another recent example of this brainwashing....

Children Sing Hymns To Obama


Obama Kids: Sing for Change (Pyongyang Remix)

Michelle Obama is really proud of her husband's country now.

Posted by: Les at October 6, 2008 11:13 AM

Three of these guys want to become lawyers. That's frightening enough.

Posted by: Bigfoot at October 6, 2008 12:39 PM

This is nothing but the black equivalence of the KKK. Have any of you heard any outrage from Morris Dees? Don't know of him? Try AARP, that benevolent organization or the Southern Poverty Law Center. I'll put my faith in brass, and lots of it!!!

Posted by: Jack at October 6, 2008 12:47 PM

Although I laughed when I first saw this, the more I thought about it the more disturbing that it became. Couple this with the ObamaNation "truth squads" descending on Missouri, the intimidation of various authors that dare to question "The One", the ACORN tactics, and a very troubling picture begins to emerge. These are the new facists. The thugs that will enforce the Obamanation and squash free speech are being brainwashed in these soviet style re-education camps. Call me paranoid but in an Obama presidency I would expect to see trials of current administration officials. I can easily imagine war crimes tribunals of Bush and Cheney in order to appease the extreme left of the Obama constituency. A "period of purging facism" as one commentator described the post Bush era. Expective massive redistricting in order to ensure that they maintain their hold on power at the House of Representatives. A return to the fairness doctrine. Joe Stalin would be proud!

A Brave New World, indeed.

Posted by: yatalli at October 6, 2008 02:42 PM

Obama is the re-incarnation of Jomo Kenyatta, he thinks. Read Uhuru by Robert Ruark, a favorite writer of mine when I was young. Kenya, today, is totally corrupt and Obama's friends and Kenya family are largely responsible. Look for huge aid to Kenya if he is elected. Africa is a black hole (no pun intended) and all the wealth of the world could be absorbed by it without appreciable improvement of living conditions for the poor. That's why African leaders use ethnic cleansing with machetes to reduce the population so that they can steal more foreign aid money as it comes in.

Posted by: horace at October 6, 2008 03:14 PM

Oh boy, Les, I 've never seen that one before. The children singing in the classroom. This whole scenario is really chilling. The similarities are striking and dangerous too.

We have got to do everything possible to make sure we win this election. I can't imagine this maniac as president.

Otherwise buy as much ammo as we can. Because we aint gonna like the other side.

Posted by: Mark at October 6, 2008 05:41 PM

Extreme militancy is racism on all sides - period. 'THEY' kicked GOD out of our public schools in 1964 and this is where our tax payer dollars is winding up? Sad...very sad!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at October 6, 2008 05:51 PM

Oh, look...little fat Black Panthers.

That's so 1968.

Posted by: Stepperg at October 6, 2008 05:54 PM

44 days to National Buy Ammo Day (19 November)

Posted by: yatalli at October 6, 2008 05:55 PM

This was not the first and will not be the last of these actions by Obama and his flock of sheep. It was on CNN today that Bruce Springstein held a free concert at Ohio State to urge young voters to vote for Obama. This should be out of bounds at any facility receiving local, state or federal funds. The people responsible for letting this happen should be dismissed and a waening to the facility that further funding will be stopped if this happens again. Ohio State is there to provide an education, not to promote an ideology such as Obamunism.

Posted by: Bob at October 6, 2008 06:47 PM

Oh, look at the little round poop nuggets!
Must be the creme of the crop, eh?
didn't Hitler do this too with his Hitler youth?
Obamanation is nothing but a black Hitler.

Posted by: Lynn at October 6, 2008 07:22 PM

Cheryl, I agree it disgusts me but is scary too. I am not sure if Obama knew about it when they were going to do it, but I would bet he was told about it and made no effort to stop it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 08:25 PM

Tom, "Dig the gold boots"....LOL yes

I feel the same way, it is very concerning to me.

"How militant would it become, how racist would it be? This is very worrisome."

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 08:32 PM

Les, thank you for those links, this all is very disturbing. I wish there was a way of getting everyone to see these maybe it would get through to some how awful Obama will be.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 08:41 PM

Bigfoot, ditto that!!

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 08:45 PM

Jack,thank you for the information. I had never heard of him.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 08:48 PM

yatalli, your so right....." Joe Stalin would be proud!". Well said Yatalli.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 08:55 PM

This story made ! Check it out for all the crazy headlines from our schools.

Posted by: hall monitor at October 6, 2008 09:17 PM

Horace, I just read about Robert Ruark, it was sooo interesting. Thank you for telling me about this.

I think you are right about Obama and the aid he will have us give to Kenya.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 09:44 PM

Mark I feel the same way.

"We have got to do everything possible to make sure we win this election. I can't imagine this maniac as president."

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 09:51 PM

Darth, yes it is very sad.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 09:56 PM

Stepperg, yes it is and freak Obama can shove it if he wins and thinks he will be my President. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 10:05 PM

yatalli, yes I am glad they have that every year,I doubt they will if Obama wins.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 10:17 PM

Bob, I agree, this will grow if this kind of thing is accepted.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 10:21 PM

Lynn, LMAO that is funny.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 6, 2008 10:26 PM

Who would you rather those kids envy? Some crackhead musician, fresh out of jail Basketball player, steroid junky,etc... If only 10% get the jobs they are looking for, we could get that many maybe more off welfare! Maybe they could stop getting all the freebie's from being a minority. Check the population again, and see who's the minority now.

Posted by: Rukidding? at October 14, 2008 04:55 PM